Shadow of the Colossus (PS4) Photo Mode Thread

Can we get a thread going? I'd like to see photos and screenshots from other people. Spoiler warning if you haven't played Shadow of the Colossus before.

Looks pretty nice. Why do anons here get so upset over the remake?

Bluepoint should never be allowed to take creatively liberties with a project ever again, from an artstyle staindpoint it's nigh unrecognizable as the original and the physics are prone to new issues.


>Why do anons here get so upset over the remake?
because some of us have taste and care about art


Is the right one the original or something? Because that looks better.

The one on the right is the remake.

Then just play the original you autist, no one is forcing you to do anything


God they did such a fucking awful job translating the hairs into HD.

Looks nice! Cinematic mode on PS4 Pro? This game is tempting me to make the jump to a Pro. But I think it's the only PS4 game I've got that has Pro enhancements, so I'm going to wait for a while longer.

These look amazing.

I also appreciate the fact you guys are keeping a mask on for any close ups so we don't have to see his new face.


Just get Horizon with it.




>Photo Mode

It's so cute of Sony to have officialised some techies' Unreal4 fan remake.




>And stay there!
>Reflect on what you've done, you dumb Dumbolssus.

It looks like a PS3 game to be fair



"Who cares if this mechanic is bad/doesn't help the core of the game, just ignore it lol"
I'd like to know how does it feel to hold up an opinion that was disaproven 167 with the birth of the entire concept of product design.


Damn i completely forgot about that little oasis there.

Damn that's a nice shot. SOTC has incredible scale.



No thanks.


You are obviously far too young to know how the PS3 looked.
Go back to playing Roblox on your moms boyfriend's ipad.

It's a great game user.

Good shots. Conveys SOTC scope really well. I didn't know you could grab the bird.

Honestly the forest looks like TLOU with volumetric lighting slapped on


Get a close-up on her feet desu







I never thought before to actually revisit where you fought them

Because "muh artstyle" even though the artstyle looks more or less the same to anyone who isn't a raging autist.

the right one is the ps2 version, you can see that on the geometry of the colossus and the textures on the wall, still think it looks better

This looks severely better than the original game, who's the retard who keeps memeing about the original having better visuals?

We need more games with a photo mode to be honest.

Don't make people start posting the webm's

>photo mode

Literally bullshot mode, you're basically doing the marketing team's job for them.

The PS4 remake looks vastly better than the original as well as the PS3 remaster and the artistic vision is still perfectly conveyed.

t. person who has played all 3 iterations

>t. pleb


should I get this game? Ive never played the orginal but I don't have PS4 Pro

t. brainlet

t. PCfuck who no longer has the definitive edition
stay mad baby

Who fucking cares? Normies have been showing off their snowflake screenshots for ages now, might as well let them go the extra mile if they want.

It runs 30fps on the standard PS4 IIRC, but so did the originals. It's a great game so I'd say go for it.

lol nope

Finally a thread about this game. I just spent the entire weekend steamrolling through this, and it blows my mind that this remake isn't getting more talk on here. I played the original SOTC when I was 14, I've replayed it like 4 times since over the last 12 years and comparing those times to this, I think this is better IMO. The only negative is that they gave the wanderer a weird babyface when viewed directly head-on. Aside from that unfortunate flaw, it's honestly a beautifully done remake. Meme at me all you like, shits.

There's no hope of actually discussing a PS4 exclusive here, at least not until a few months after launch when people move onto the next big shitposting target

This was taken after defeating the 15th colossi.

Photo Mode is literally shilling for free. The mode adds effects to the screenshot for perfect bullshotting without even corporations needing to do it.

how do you get the mask?


kys sonyshill

Shaman's mask? I think you had to clear at least 12 of hard difficulty time attacks. This mask reduces the damage that the colossi can deal to Wander.

There are at least two other masks if I remember right. I think they both increase the damage Wander can do to the colossi. You have to clear around 6 of the normal difficulty time attacks for one of them.

>it's okay when Nintendo does it (but locked behind $20 amiibo paywall)!

Nintendies need to leave

>n-n-nut muh deflection
Or photo mode just needs to die, ansel can go with it.
I wish it could get a sequel but we already know it never will. Just another remaster for ps5.


I didn't even know a Nintendo console had a bullshot mode but all types of it need to leave.


splatoon has it, amiibo required
6/10dyssey too but no amiibo


Is there a fan base more ironic than Nintendo fans? They love ports of old games and actively shill how “graphics don’t matter!” What’s even more sad is we won’t see a Nintendo game that looks this good for another 10-15 years

>moving the goalposts this far from bullshot mode

zelda has that too, you fucking fag, but it's okay when nintendo does it.

No one said it was okay when Nintendo did it you dumb nigger, everyone said the opposite
Stop deflecting for once in your life

Photo mode isn't actual gameplay screenshots.


Yeah Wander's face looks a little off but you barely notice it.

Sup Forums blackpilled hard about this remake to the point I almost believed it. They said the animation was fucked, they said the desert was lush grassland now, they said the art style was unrecognisably different.

All wrong.

Stop crying. Photo mode is genuinely great and I wish all games had it.

Explain Zelda's bullshot mode to me.


Enjoy literally shilling for free through a system that caters to cinematic experience faggots

Is gameplay normally 720p? It's so blurry too.

Shhh, all will be well.

It's casual crap, and you now it.

>this game looks so goo-

You mean the one guy who keeps spamming them?
There are videos of both versions of the game on youtube, no need to look at cherrypicked sequences of the game with shit image quality.

It really does.

>91 / 40 / 37 / 1
Sony shills at work, ladies and gents.

Pls no more Horizon in a SotC thread

>trailer gameplay that's totally real*, cinematic panning and all

This. Posters here had me believing that the game was a glitchfest, but I'm playing through it and it's really not.

The only problem I've seen so far is Wander's facial expressions, but the rest is great, especially the improved sound effects. Feels like you're facing up against lumbering stone giants now more than ever.

bullshit. You can use filters but if you dont use them its the exact fucking same whiney faggot

Everyone uses them though because Sonyfags love movie games
