Is Remake the peak of Resident Evil?
Will Jill ever be topped?
Is Remake the peak of Resident Evil?
Why did they switch the face model for Jill in Revelations to some ugly shit?
What are the other fan bases that consist of raging autistic cunts that can't agree on anything?
I tried playing 2 after REmake and it just bored me to the point where I stopped playing. Am I really a graphics whore?
Also fuk u OP 4 is 10/10
Resident Evil is secretly gaming's best franchise. Everyone thinks it's Zelda or Mario or Metal Gear or something but it's really Resident Evil.
any rts or arpg
>escort the whore
try again
everyone knows super Metroid is the best
everyone knows melee is the best
After the first encounter with Ashley I never had to worry about her again, just stick her in a dumpster or something
>4 is 10/10
>2 is boring
please execute yourself
>everyone knows super Metroid is the best
No, the only thing that Metroid fanbase agrees on is that Other M is the worst game in the series.
*nostalgic retards claim Super Metroid isn’t mediocre and Melee isn’t the worst balanced and least competitive
>Jill will never swallow and digest your load after a raucous fuck session
why do we live to suffer, Sup Forumsros?
i'm genuinely curious as to why people like 2, it just feels like an action game with bad gunplay, the survival elements are completely gone too because you get so many bullets and heals throughout the game
doesn't mean it was any less annoying
my favorite with re4-5 was when your shit whore decides to go infront of you while you aim
at least i dont remember if ashley wasted herbs like sheva wasting every fucking thing she managed to pick or have in her inventory
>i'm just gonna get infront of your rocket launcher just after you push that trigger
Thanks fellas
No problem user. If you need me to put someone with bad taste back to his place, you know where to find me.
Super and Melee are the beat ones though. I meant tha now for proving my point in that we're all flailing autistics that just love to argue.
also you forgot to mention the bad monster variety and the boring bosses that are extremely easy
you sound bad. Ashley in RE4 is no problem for anybody worth their salt, and sheva you just need to alternate between offensive and defensive and only let her have a pistol
>and for Sheva you need to not be a complete loser and have a friend to play with
You can call super the best all you want, but the majority of the fanbase will never agree on that. The only thing most Metroid fans agree is that Other M was a huge mistake, nothing else.
>can't control other character
>its my fault
ok shill keep defending your shit game
lmao who the fuck thinks that?
there are only 2 games with becca, and 0 sucks. so by default, remake is the best game
Well, you can play as her in 5. She is shit anyway
Leon was thot patrolling before it was cool.
>AI character has no concept of item conservation in a game about item conservation
>"you sound bad"
Jill's original face is sourced from a model named Julia Voth. They didn't acquire the rights to continue using it at that point. Unfortunate because Voth seems pretty attached to the character, so I imagine they didn't even ask, like Alyson Court for Rev2 or TJ Rotilo for Dead Rising 4.
To answer OP's question, yes, REmake is the peak. And this is coming from someone who likes the action RE games as much as the originals. REmake is just one of the best games ever made period.
Rebecca was probably my favorite mercs character and I'm not even a waifufag. That makeshift flamethrower move just rules.
She looks like she has downs
they still have rights to voth
Weird. I wonder why they changed it so
Disagree. Sheva with SMG + Sniper is the best setup. She doesn't go for head or leg shots with a pistol so it's a waste to give her. SMG she can blow through as much ammo as she wants and with the Sniper she's a fucking machine that can hit every shot even while moving (on the boat or the spinning elevator platform).
I also never had any issue with when she used healing items. I let her carry all of the healing items and I was never short on health ever.
Sheva is the most capable partner in an RE game.
>has next to no monsters
>easy as all hell bosses
>too much health
>defense items that even further exarcabate the health item problem
>one shot kill weapons
peak in pre-rendered graphics maybe or peak to someone who started with REmake lmao
Then I have no goddamn clue why they didn't use her. Bad taste, I can only assume.
>unlimited usage (meaning they could bang me anytime)
What did she mean by this?
by these criteria you might as well go with the Outbreak games being the best in the series.
they are
>>has next to no monsters
>>easy as all hell bosses
>>too much health
>>one shot kill weapons
so... every classic RE game
Wow. Fuck Capcom even harder than before. Not using Julia and Alyson should be a crime against humanity.
Do you know who does get to enjoy that? Julia's husband.
im still playing Outbreak, played from OB to HF so far, currently waiting on a co-op partner to experience with the other 6 scenarios blind. definitely enjoyed the ride so far and it's so underrated it's criminal.
playing as a guy makes you a faggot
I want to kiss her mole.
She is literally perfect. No other woman will ever compete so they should all just kill themselves.
what's Jill saying?
They have their flaws (maybe the most egregious being File 2 practically reusing The Hive scenario with a new paint job) but I don't think there is any RE experience more intense than playing those games on very hard.
I just started REmake, my only other RE games were 4 and 7. My only gripe is the limited saves, although so far I have plenty. Atmosphere is great even if textures at times are bad, they still hv a weird element to them that better graphics woulednt bring.
Yeah, limited saves is pretty much a nonissue. The game showers you with them in normal and easy difficulties, and you already know how to play the game proficiently enough for it to not be that important in hard mode.
Right on Ashley, wrong on Sheva
Hard mode on Chris' playthrough was the hardest the games been for me but yeah it peaked at remake, hope Remake 2 does just as good in the upgrade
>down syndrome eyes
Whoever was doing this at Capcom needs to be fired.
>you get so many bullets and heals throughout the game
arrange mode fag confirmed
nope, played it through on normal up until a little bit after the crocodile monster, then dropped it because it was fucking boring
i killed all the zombies that were in my way and all the lickers, i still had about 50 HG bullets and ~20 shotgun shells and more than a couple of green + red herbs in the item box
there is no resource management, it's a bad action game
t. didn't know that mashing X on every pre-rendered thing ever is how you get ammo and health
that was a common issue in the ps2/GC era, not just a crapcom thing
>melee is the best
>brawl- exists
>he likes slow motion and floaty fightin
>he doesn't know what Brawl- is
She's asking if I would like to suck on her neck tendons. For the record, I would
is those tendons CGi?
whose the best?
Gotta go with Claire, she's my 2nd favorite protagonist from my favorite RE.
Code Veronica
nothing wrong with that
any franchise with more than 2 games
You have no reason for your love of this series outside of nostolgia and misplaced loyalty.
Goo game with some unique and novel concepts at the time. First horror game that was actually "scary," if you don't count the 7th guest. It's aged like shit however.
Call of Duty style sequel, More of the same aged like shit.
Call of Duty style sequel, More of the same aged like shit.
The PS1 Resident Evil games became laughable compared to Silent Hill/Dino Crisis. Where as Silent Hill was fully 3D and controlled well, RE relied on pre-rendered backgrounds and never truly improved on the formula. It got worse and worse by focusing on autistic anime storylines rather than individual spooky Biohazard incidents.
>Code Veronica
Honestly just sad compared to Silent Hill 2. The first game in the series I'd consider to be truly awful.
Pretty and has some interesting ideas but remains more of the same, except bogged down with awful partner system.
Universally Acclaimed. Credited with inventing a new genre entirely. Refined action. Standalone storry and the first major tone/stylistic change in the franchise. Literally the only people who dislike it are Resident Evil autists for some reason.
Gamecube era was a mixed bag.
Call of Duty style sequel for 4. Mediocre but abandoned any pretense of survival and/or horror.
A literal disaster approaching Blunder of the Century material. Chose to ape western AAA games and failed horrendously. Words can't describe how bad it truly is.
PS3 era was bad.
Great. Returned the series to its roots while simultaneously reinventing it. Fantastic atmosphere and graphics. Again, only hated by RE autists.
The series is honestly not good and it cracks me up that the fanbase hates the only two games in their franchise that are actually good.
Somebody save this, great pasta. Just edit something about RE4 and call it 'The Last of Us' clone and it's literally perfect
>Just edit something about RE4 and call it 'The Last of Us' clone and it's literally perfect
I already have 3 RE4 hate pastas. Also, the pasta works because it's right.
No bruh you're just not right because RE2 is a great game. Also you haven't said a word about REmake. Also a very good game. While most of the games are bad-mediocre you can't deny that RE2, REmake and RE4 are very good
I didn't write the pasta dumbass. It's from around half a year ago.
>Also, the pasta works because it's right
But you agree with it
I mean right as in everything it says can be taken seriously. Calling RE4 a Last of Us clone would make the whole thing an obvious joke
>like Alyson Court for Rev2
She said in an interview that the reason she wasn't in Rev2 is that the team that localizes the games was changed and that the new team only wants to use their own people.
daily reminder that CV > 0
>because RE2 is a great game
>REmake also a very good game
but they're not. the pasta works because some of it is true
>everything it says can be taken seriously.
How does 'Call of Duty style sequel' even apply to RE2? RE3 has a lot of action, yes, but not RE2
There aren't many franchises that are still good after 30 years.
>Silent Hill/Dino Crisis.
more like silent queef and boredom crisis
>RE2 doesn't have a lot of action when 99% of the game is you running around and shooting clusters of zombies
>playing the game like you're supposed to
heh pleb
How do I get into RE guys
I finished Revelations and really liked it, but then I tried REmake, played for 2 hours and then died before I could save and ragequit. Are there any other babby level REs that are still fun to play?
4 and 5?
I heard 5 was shit
it's not like 4 is any better
Think for yourself.
RE3 gives you a full auto rifle on easy mode at the beginning. its pretty babby mode. and fun.
Play it coop
re4 and later is baby mode
It means that the game is samey compared to the original.
Try again on an easier game mode, RE is meant to replayed multiple times. REmake in particular because of all the unlocks. Just save and start memorizing parts of the game
>Is Remake the peak of Resident Evil?
>Will Jill ever be topped?