Streamers decide if games live or die

>streamers decide if games live or die

Say what you want about Cliff, but can you say he's wrong about this?

Pathetic. Still trying to blame everyone but himself.

wait is this real? is that actually for real? is Cliff seriously trying to blame Lirik?

Its like shitting your pants and blaming your breakfast.

no he is right. devs have to ass lick the streamers for games to do well these days. look at PUBG

lots of shitty games get traction because of streamers

ie: overwatch

it really isnt a great fps at all.



How many flops has Clifford made now? The biggest ones I can remember are Brink and Lawbreakers

Ew gross, keep woman out of my bathrooms please

lawbreakers is just a shitty version of tribes.

fuck cliffy b.

Are you delusional? Overwatch has traction because it's Blizzard. Blizzard can release Shit Flinging Simulator 2019 and I'd still at the very least try the game.

>Ew gross, keep woman out of my bathrooms please
the future is female

Not guy your replying to but my college introduced unisex bathrooms in the last year. I hate it. Because they still kept the urinals. It's awkward as fuck using one when girls are in there.

>unisex bathrooms
piss all over the toilet seat and toiler paper dispenser

Just do it, and make sure to be extremely crude and disgusting. Pull your pants down, scratch your ass, draw shapes in the urinal then shake your dick off on the floor.

Why do people like this lirik guy so much? I think watching paint dry is more interesting than his streams.

I don't know about big name streamers specifically, but wasn't Titanfall 2 received well yet still failed?

How did streaming even become a thing, I remember the times where you'd be called a faggot for watching someone else play videogames (because cuck wasn't popularized yet). Sup Forums streams were different since there weren't that many people and the chat was usable, and you'd have like one guy stream once a month at most, not this 24/7 bullshit.

There is no particular reason, he was in the right place at the right time. Summit is the same way. Most streamers become initially popular due to luck or viewbotting (often both) and they stay popular because people click on the stream with the most viewers.

I'd rather not draw attention to myself and make things even more awkward. I have a small cock and don't want girls in the bathroom to see it

>its the players fault our game sucks
oh yeah, that'll make you real popular

>multiplayer games

Is lirik mexican or indian or some shit? How can people stand watching this numale manlet?

Then piss in a stall, faggot.


0 players can hardly be called "multi" player

his game is trash. if it was any good, the marketing campaign they paid for would've done the job of getting the ball rolling.

Not every game needs streamers to succeed. For early access shit it's a big deal though.

>Make a shit game
>People don't like it
>It's their fault for telling others not to bother, not yours for making said shit game


stop being retarded. streamers can only ever really affect the multiplayer franchise. stay salty

Cliff still salty about his flop trashcan game. First he blames Overwatch and now he blames streamers. What a salty cuck.

>has been in development for most likely over 4 years
>no content
>modern Rare

Beta orbiters like watching e-whores stream and kids like watching le random screaming man stream

He made brink too? Holy fuck, what a retard. I thought he jumped straight from gears to lawbreakers

This the same as when developers blamed reviewers for giving low scores. Developers just can't accept their failures.

fucking disgusting

He doesnt cam I don't think which was a point someone made to me once

wtf was this sad face they used everywhere? is it meant to be edgy? I think it's incredibly bad of a logo due to how generic it is.

And Bulletstorm

I've seen pictures of him he's clearly a dark little dude with a whiny voice how does he even do it?

Isn't it just the modern equivalent of what your cool friend at school or a TV show or a gaming magazine think of your game?


The stalls almost always have someone in them. The urinals are faster.

what did he mean by this?

I was just about to say that. If it wasn't for streamers that shitty early access game wouldn't be nearly as popular as it is.


Bulletstorm is one of those games that sounds fun, but you just never get around to buying and playing.

He was also one of the first streamers on twitch i think

Twitch put in new rules to discourage camwhoring.

Gonna be entertaining to see what happens, although they will probably do nothing.

>My virtue signaling isn't working?! What the fuck do I do now?

He didn't make brink retards.

He did make bulletstorm though.


That's just a man with a wig though...

He doesn't know himself. He got popular during DayZ days because he talked trash and wasn't terrible at it.

No, he piggie backed off others and played day z at the height of its popularity

hashtag your game's dead bro!

Towlie hosted him for the boosts

I don't know how you hit this point and not realize you're not the good guy

So what? I think people who care about streamer's opinions are subhuman, but should the guy not have an opinion? Should he pretend that he loves every game he plays?

Yea he was one of his mods.

Paladins removed this emote because of lawbreaker
Well, both are shit games anyway. Nothing to lose

Funnily enough thats one of the things Cliffy Bazinga blamed for noplayers.

>I think it's incredibly bad of a logo
I for one think it's a perfectly fitting logo for a game with a concurrent player-base of zero. Cliffy bazinga is a true prophet.

they are all just men in wigs

you can't change your gender

If he turns into a bitter, offensive fuck and starts making games that aren't afraid to be edgy, I'll unironically respect him.

But it's more likely that he'll just start licking asses left and right.

Can't change your sex* I believe is what you mean, ones body will always have a natural sex, and you can never have it naturally be something else. Gender is more of an identity of behaviorism.

okay, seriously what exactly is cliffy's problem? I only know this guy from gears of war

Nobody is born with a gender.

Get the fuck out of here nu-fag

Why dont they at least try to appear feminine, holy shit.

Did that ever get tweeted to.cliffy?

Actually not really. They can be good promotions but really people will decide if they like it or not by watching, and then from there if they want to play it or watch the twitcher play it.

>MHW Friday


But hes right tho you can change your gender but you can't change your sex

>Gender is more of an identity of behaviorism
This is objectively wrong and the "scientist" behind it was a pedophile using scientific research as an excuse to abuse children.


Remove the current dev team.
Put an anime reskin on it.
Profit instead wasting millions.

How is that so hard?

Try looking feminine with a face like that.
Long, aposematic hair and gender neutral clothing is the limit of femininity in this case.

make me

I'm not surprised. Users in steam are fickle and need special attention.

he is wrong if his game was fun it would have got picked up.

For the last 2-3 years people were complaining about vertical shooters so blizinga makes a vertical arena shooter. Arena shooters are dead also because kids cannot get in to them so lets combine the two worst aspects of shooters in to one trash game

GG blazinga you played yourself

Cause my sex junk is so oh oh oh.

>working as waiter in a shitty restaurant
>see a shady dude walking on the girls washroom
>"Uhm Sir, the men's washroom is that way"
>get fired for being a transphobe asshole

Because it's all one big charade. You might as well join in on the fun instead of being upset. Go buy a wig and see what you can get away with lmao

OK, you can say all you want about how gender is a spectrum (it ain't), but if you're saying sex is a spectrum you're officially retarded. You either have a dick or a pussy, no middle-ground (barring legitimate hermaphrodites which are freaks of nature that need to be gassed at birth).

>trim eye brows
>descent haircut
>dress like a normal girl

Anyone can look at least like a ugly girl.
These people have a mental illness.

Confirmed for radical centrist. Hope he discovers utilitarianism soon.

The concept of gender is dumb and unnecessary. All the needs to be known about a person is if they can be pregnant or impregnate. Everything else is meaningless in the big picture.

Cliff blames everybody except himself for his own failure.

>You either have a dick or a pussy, no middle-ground (barring the real middle-ground that I am acknowledging but not counting because reality contradicts my beliefs)

>genderfluids exist because people are allowed to larp as hermaphrodites
nice argument brainlet


you forgot shaving. he looks like Homer Simpson with that.
I really don't mind respecting trans and their choices, but only if they at least try. fuck that "hurr durr I put on Halloween wig respect me as a woman now!" bs.

I had some people talking to me about this "fluid" and all the panama sexual shit they invented and holy shit, these "people" are fucking nuts

>born with third hand
>you are born fucked up
>glue dildo to himself
>really guys I'm so fucked up amirite

Is that shit?
Did someone wipe their ass with that?

It would be pretty cool to have a third hand if it worked properly.

Cat poop.

Yeah people have fun because of streamers. You're a fucking retard