Mega Man X

Which Sigma fight is the worst?

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The only correct is X1 as it's the longest and simplest one. It's extremely boring and easy.

X3 will push your shit in very quickly

literally how

X6 is still one of the worst Sigma fights in the games.

X7 the dumb camera angles make you fall
ITs still real easy though

The second form is still pretty damn cool.

Oh if we are discussing their looks then X2 has to be the worst

but X3's was easy. Just walljump and keep hitting his mostly stationary head

Any of x4-x7

Awful, awful games

What did he mean by this?

"The ride is going to end now"

X6 Sigma both forms was really shitty. I understand he's weak at that point in the story but still.
X7 final Sigma was just plain bad.
X3 final Sigma was really dumb in how simple it was. His first phase was pretty rad though.
For some reason I don't remember X2 like at all.
X5 best Sigma fights.

The part where he has the sword is mindnumbingly boring. Worst part of X1.

X6 because he's literally braindead both in character and for how you fight him.
I didn't care for his color switching asshole final boss fight in X treme 2 either, but most people don't remember that game even exists so I don't think that counts.

I still don't get what sigma is supposed to BE if that makes sense. why does he have a dog? what does that represent? does he want to be a real human bean?

He's an evil robot who has an autistic hatred for X and Zero


I actually really like this design

Maybe get some lore

>Spins under his chin, kills him in no time at all and takes no damage the entire time

X5 Sigma phase 1 was a way shitter and slower X1 Sigma.
Phase 2 could've been the best final Sigma ever if it wasn't a static sprite.

>X4 is bad meme

Not today fagmaster.

God tier music tho.

He felt fine on Extreme mode, though my judgement comes from fighting him with Unarmored X buster only.


It's literally X3 and if you disagree then you're trying too hard to be different. That fight is just terrible because the hitboxes don't even work.

>that shit
it IS good, one of the best sigma battle themes desu, dont get me wrong, but fuck me if X5-X7 have only 1-3 songs that are actually good but everything else is fucking trash/mediocre.

Always liked this scene

That one where he's a big statue face

>all these x3
git gud


It's not about getting good, the fight is actually just broken while the rest are at least functional.

32 posts for this to pop up
Im fucking disappointed in you all

Depends on what kind of worst.

>worst as in hardest

>worst as in bad design

>worst as in easiest

you have shit taste, because giant zombie robot sigma was fantastic, though too easy. Sigma in general was piss easy that game.

X1 Sigma is literally Megaman 4 Wily, neither of which are hard

The second form is fantastic but the first form is shit.
still one of the best Sigma themes.

I mean, it's technically cheating since its a mashup of several sigma themes, but its still great

best answer



Man that cutscene was the greatest thing as a kid.

I really liked the style of X4's anime scenes.

>ywn watch a full 90's X series anime with that 90's anime style

this is only a cool fight when you go unarmored X,tough you have to use speedster to get past that impossible jump,fuck that

How would you like your Megaman X9

>Traditional 2D Platformer
>2.5D Platformer
>16bit Style 2D Platformer
>Another try at 3D
>An RPG like Command Mission

16 mavericks
Axl can morph into literally anything


How did capcom get away with this?

the megaman starved portion of my brain wants anything, even a 16 bit rehash

The rational part of my brain says the best way to go would be something akin to what MM11 is doing.

It will be a different time in 21XX

2.5D, with a little prettier graphics. But the most important part being no goddamn Sigma

Sucks that he was jobbed in Marvel vs Capcom Infinite.

Dude what? X5 and 6 have godly soundtracks.


>implying it wont have sigma

As much as I like the idea of the X series no longer crutching on Sigma, he's about as iconic to it as Wily is to classic. And for a revival, you can bet your ass he'll be back.

X8 doesnt exactly do a good job of explaining why his defeat is any different this time. The game just treats it as a final defeat, And Lumine babbles a bit and then everyone is "oh sigma's not coming back" iirc you needed to see supplemental material that explains he pooled all his remaining virus into his final body, and that storywise, X8 Sigma is his most strongest form.

meanwhile, in X4 he died in fucking space yet he came back for X5. Mind you X5 doesnt do a good job of explaining his demise either.

3D seemed like a decent idea conceptually but would be hard to do without lock-on, which ruins most of the point.

The PS1 games were my favorite stylistically but that’s the least likely so I’ll take anything I can get and be satisfied.


>that X7 quote
that rustles my autism
that's a Zero quote, not a Sigma quote

X5 is baby more easy. The only good thing we got from it was Dynamo and shadow devil
Unfortunately zero's bugged state in X6 is directly related to a bug in X5 that was fixed by limiting frames of skills that wasn't disclosed to the X6 team. That's also not counting the fact guard shell has bugs on top of bringing out the bug on his sabre

At least in the beta X6 shield Sheldon didn't fuck around and opened with his desperation attack where he just chases you with 4 shields. That shit was fucked up.

X6 is a great game held back by X5

Remember that time Sigma was the Grim Reaper?


>he's about as iconic to it as Wily is to classic.
I hate that I can't argue against this fact, even more so because the one time we got a game where the force behind the plot WASN'T Sigma its story actually felt fresh for once. AND he doesn't have ANY of Dr. Wily's charisma either

>liking X5 that much
Good fucking taste, props.

Not him but I'm out and about. I'll show you what Trainwreck taste is like in about 20 minutes




x2 is objectively better than x1


Imo, I'm ok with the idea of mainline X games being about Sigma, and side games having other antagonists.

Gate was a great villain, but only because he was fantastically well written and well fleshed out, with a backstory, and actual motivations. he's a villain you feel sympathetic for, because he's clearly gone insane, but you can relate with his vengeful motivations.

problem with most non-sigma villains is I assume, making them engaging and threatening without them being somehow equal to Sigma in power. X and Zero are god tier war machines, and Sigma tier threats are the only thing that ever really stands a chance.

It's why Redips was also a cool villain. because he was a sigma tier threat. hell, actually above sigma tier, according to sourcebooks, thanks to his copy ability and the supra force metal augmenting him

>likes Xtreme 1
>dislikes Xtreme 2

I'd play the fuck out of a megaman xtreme 3DS

x2 is an awful game

>megaman xtreme 3DS

damn, thats... thats a clever title

I enjoyed all of Zero's cut scenes.

>Not liking super fast paced X2
I'll forgive you just because you like X6

In X6 who should you focus on getting More Heart Tanks for? X or Zero?


Zero, X can tank a few hits with armors.

I don't believe in objectivity in art but I agree with you.
Game is fun as hell to speedrun.

I honestly like Grizzly's, Adler's and Izzy's stage themes, along with the X vs Zero theme, final Sigma theme, Dynamo them and the OP. Also Zero's opening stage theme. And on X6 there's quite a few songs that I like as well, the obvious being Heatnix and Infinity stage themes. Sigma has a pretty damn good final theme in X6 as well honestly. Don't know why you're all that salty about X5 or X6, they're still pretty good compared to the rest of the series.

I do not get that cutscene, did Zero kill Sigma in the past .????

X7 is actually extremely easy to cheap out on if you use Zero. Both of his forms have serious design flaws that make it so that if you fight him a certain way with Zero, you can just hit him over and over again and never get hit yourself.

In his first form, literally just throw the D-Glaives over and over. The D-Glaives have homing properties and Sigma gets stunned whenever he gets hit with them, so if Zero's standing in the center of the stage and throws them whenever his stun's over, it's literally just a matter of standing there and mashing the same button over and over. The second form is even more absurd. There's a certain rock you can stand on. If you stand just on the edge, around half of Sigma's attacks literally can't hit you as you're always just out of reach. The other half can be blocked with Zero's blocking maneuver or deflected with a simple combo. After that, all you really need to do his cut his fist whenever he punches. Because you're just outside his punch's maximum range, you can hit him with impunity.

I found Xtreme 2 to have terrible game design, akin to X6.

Blast hornet's stage is a fucking mess, I actually got lost in the air segment for a good 10 minutes because there is no sense of direction there because every jump is basically a leap of faith due to small screen

Final stages had plenty of cheap kills on me because of them putting instakills in places where you can't possibly see them before you hit them because of the small screen.

Water gets to have a cheap guaranteed kill on you because the game teaches you that the water only pushes you back, and then the second time you encounter the water, it just makes you explode instead.

A certain platforming section in one of the final stages is impossible as X unless you have the boot upgrade, just like how Gate's lab 2 has the impossible just for a basic X.

Awful boss fights like the tank thing that is just a test of who can DPS better, you or the boss because its basically impossible to dodge his attacks., and the final Sigma fight is absolutely atrocious with how little time you get to shoot him once you open him up, you can't even do a single charge shot, all you can get in is one single lemon, making the fight tedious as all hell.

that Lucas Gilbertson redub tho

honestly, Lucas was ridiculously chill about doing fan stuff.

holy shit, i actually miss the original super shit western dub

but you liked rehash mcrehash Xtreme 1?

Xtreme 2 isnt perfect, but it's about 95% perfect. Not to mention its the one game that lets you become a walking rape machine as X.

>buster upgrade
>Buster +
>Ultimate Buster
>Speed Shot
>enable rapid fire
>commence rape

Rehash or not, at least Xtreme 1 didn't feel like I was playing portable X6.

All of X7's bosses are poorly designed. X is pretty broken. Let's take the anteater. Because of the way the stage is designed, it can be difficult to hit him. But since there's an auto-aim function and a fully charged X-Buster can clip through walls, you can just blast him to death without any thought or skill. X's X Buster is especially absurd due to how stupid powerful it is.

did you not watch it because sigma clearly walks out alive at the end after knocking out zero

rate my taste

Easily X6

>the moment his second theme kicked in then lumine theme X8

Pretty ok, you have more tolerance than other anons

is that cutscene of zero right after he wakes up??/ why did he killed everyone in the room? did doctor willey make him in that area?

Pretty much my taste in things too, aside from me not getting my hands on any of the psp games

Why was x5 so boring?

its too easy thats why
there was virtually no challenge to be had

>X: Fun, but has low difficulty compared to classic games.
>X3: Fun, but I feel like the bosses are kind of more annoying since, while they take less skill over all, they all have invulnerable periods that make them impossible to hit so the battles are longer anyway.
>X3: Not really a huge fan of the stage design. Zero's playable status feels kind of pointless since he's basically just a shittier X. Bosses feel easier over all. Also, this is a minor gripe, but the armor is ugly.
>X4: Pretty fun, though the story is retarded as fuck. Probably one of the best in the series, at least in top 2 or 3.
>X5: A massive disappointment. First off, everything just visually looks terrible, but putting that aside, the stages and bosses took a massive hit compared to the previous games. The revamped armor system is kind of cool, but the overall quality is just inferior.
>X6: No dev time, no budget. The graphics are disgustingly amateur. The stage design, while interesting on paper, are heavily misguided. The bosses are ass. Gate's kinda cool as a character and Isoc is intriguing, but they can't save the game.
>X7: Too easy, too misguided, too annoying, why the fuck is X an unlockable, Axl is worthless, Zero's broken, X bulldozes through things too easily, the bosses are bland, the stage design is awkward, the fuck were the doing?
>X8: An improvement over some of the last couple games, but overall it's not an ideal product. The stage design lacks tightness and the bosses aren't all that interesting. There are TWO Ride Chaser stages and they're both ass. Axl is shit, though better than in X7.
>Command Mission: A pretty cookie-cutter JRPG, nothing to write home about. X and Zero act grossly out of character and the story takes a lot of liberties with pre-established canon in order to make the JRPG angle work. At least there's no Sigma this time.

I can't believe X5 spent so long in development when it's so bad compared to the rest of the series.

>legends came out for psp
How have I not heard of this?

was he voiced by Wakamoto in this fight?