This still doesn't make sense
This still doesn't make sense
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Yes, it does.
>Makarov jamming makes no sense.
>Patriot shooting rotating bullets does.
K deleted it. Said it belongs here
It's not a relative issue. Just because other shit is retarded doesn't mean this isn't.
It does when OP calls out one thing that he is wrong about when not calling out the blatant thing that he would have been right about. How your mind finds them unrelated is a mystery to me.
The only issue about the Patriot is exactly that one. Everything else is legit like the original design (M231). By the way, the deflecting bullets thing is an easter egg about the m231 being a Firing Mount weapon for Bradleys.
Okay then, let's fix this in a sec. Why the fuck does Ocelot uses the Makarov like a revolver? It's obvious it would jam.
>he didn't mention all the other nonsense
>therefore he's wrong
>the bending of the elbow to absorb the recoil is what caused the jam
I would be fine with this and this is what most of k said. Problem is, that's not what caused the jam.
Yeah it does not make sense.
That round still has the bullet in it. If a jam happens it should be empty brass making it's way out.
>the only wrong thing about it is the thing you keep bringing up.
Because it is just outright wrong and the entire scene involving it makes no sense due to it. Cool, they got the rest of it right, but they messed up the one thing the gun does, fire bullets.
I'm playing through MGS3 for the first time, and I don't like this camouflage system, hunting system, and overall the new stealth mechanics that weren't in the previous 2, just not what I want from a MGS game, does it get better? I'm only less than an hour in so far
You tried to eject the first bullet by hand, didn't you?
The problem is the fact that you have an issue with something in game that is OBVIOUSLY not supposed to be realistic. The patriot is obviously a symbolic gun and supernatural.
The gun jamming, because he put a bullet in the chamber by hand is fucking retarded.
>I'm only less than an hour in so far
You haven't even started the game then.
>patriot works because it symbolic
>ocelot, the man that trusts action revolvers for their durability and usability, finding himself with a jammed semi-auto due to exactly why he hates semi-autos isn't symbolic.
Yeah, give it time. Mgs3 isn't my favourite but it definitely gets better as it goes.
Also: was meant for , ,
Didn't he try to load it by hand
Jesus Christ dude, that has nothing to do with the makarov jamming. Are you being retarded on purpose?
sort of. I'm hung over and its rainy outside.
Yes he did.
Why do you guys care this much. Its just a video game
It's an over the top video game, get over it you fucking sperg
shit posting =/= discussing
supposedly, it actually was a thing in early ARs due to some rather crazy twist rates the barrels had.
Please master, explain how discussing a retarded plot point is shit posting
what? he tried to pull a trick that he was still too inexperienced with and his gun jammed.
But WHY did it jam? And does that explanation make any sense?
he tried to close the chamber too fast to make it all smooth and cool looking and failed miserably
Let's watch it again