Smash 5 roster thread? Smash 5 roster thread
Smash 5 roster thread? Smash 5 roster thread
I want Bayonetta to return
>inb4 that one dude who posts his shitty list with fur tiger from Pokemon, shopped rex, and the karate dude.
Stopped looking there
My only critique would be "too many 3rd parties" aside from that its a real solid roster, although a bit crowded
>remove zss
>but keep roy
you wouldnt want Captain Syrup?
Wart i can understand,
Image closed, ur a fagt.
What would be her moveset?
you fucking niggers will be lucky if you get 1/6th of that roster lmao
Is Dante possible?
Asking for a character moveset or saying characters should be in because they'd have a moveset is dumb. They can give one to Captain Falcon, some guy who never leaves his car in-game, or Duck Hunt, a dog who does nothing but show up to mock you a moveset they can give anyone a moveset.
he has no relation/connection to Nintendo in any way
niiga examine the history of your favorite company holy shit you drink all this semen and you still don't know where it comes from
All I want is Ridley. I don't mind if Sylux is there with him, but unless Ridley is there too I just won't care. Yes I know it's not happening because Sakurai.
Meta Ridley should be his final smash. As much as I want Ridley in don't make a clone of him just because. Unless the bottom row is all alt costumes and I'm just retarded.
As an assist trophy, maybe.
Capcom is the biggest second-party of Nintendo.
>Unless the bottom row is all alt costumes and I'm just retarded.
yes to both
>Isaac and Vaati.
Yes please !
and Dante, along with Devil May Cry has never been on a Nintendo system
>no bayo
>wonder red
Hope never dies.
today I will remind them
fuck you captcha
whats a good way to make these, i have an old roster i made in like 2008. Would be cool to do this.
where is geno you fucking nigger
fuck you
Bet you guys will argue about rabbids too
how long until Disney buys Nintendo and we will get Smash 5 with guest characters like Iron Man, Darth Vader and Ellen Ripley
>get rid of Jigglypuff
>Add in Squirtle & Ivysaur
I don't get it.
This is it.
Why the hell would I? I don't even want Waluigi in smash as much as I like his character
Also add Waluigi
If it did happen, Nintendo would get worse
>Shadow Mewtwo
>Wonder Black
And? It's the roster I want. Not like the shits gonna happen
>Excite Biker
Probably the most sensible roster I've seen in these threads minus toad, excitebike and the lack of new zelda characters
lack of new zelda characters isn't really outlandish considering all the shit they could have had for smash 4
I don't care just give me an actual NEW Smash and not a port of the previous one please...
Botw wasn't out at the time of dlc happening so it's not likely the champions were even considered
>what are ghirahim, impa, and pig ganon
Good point user. I guess sakurai just hates zelda.
We need some more pig characters. Something for those of us who are hog enough to live with the pigs
It's really more like that there just aren't really any other important reoccuring Zelda characters besides the big three and their variations.
Well if they add Ganon, then they have a variation in the roster for each of the three
?!...How would Porky work as a character?
Her entrance could be getting fired out of a cannon onto the stage.
This is all I need.
How would he work?
We'd be lucky to get a 13 character roster?
Give Rob a stage
With that scientist guy making a cameo.
Are there any notable Nintendo characters who use weapons other than swords, hammers, or fists?
In between Rosalina and Yoshi, you retard
What in the everliving fuck is this?
Funny how Doom as a series never cared for its plot or a name for its protagonist, yet more potential could come from it for a Smash rep, than if we'd add The Elder Scrolls, which is an RPG series with actual lore
almost like Bethesda are actually shit writters
Mach Rider and Dixie are ok, the rest are shit
That would require Disney
Who's the green haired girl under Dixie, the girl next to her, the blue-haired girl next to Villager, the two next to Splatoon girl?
>not knowing who Lyn is
>Who's the green haired girl under Dixie
Lyn from Fire Emblem
>the girl next to her
Corrin, who's already in Smash
>the blue-haired girl next to Villager
Takamaru, and it's a boy
>the two next to Splatoon girl?
Isaac (Golden Sun) and Saki (Sin & Punishment)
I've never played a Fire Emblem game.
i had a dream this fucking thing was playable
The ideal roster
>still no Omochao Gun as an item
>no cd-i mario
Neither did Cloud
>realistic guns
>in smash bros
pick one
Moveset: Plasma Gun, BFG, Chainsaw, Pistol (2016 version), Combat Shotgun (2016 version since it's stylized), Rocket Launcher, Berserk, and hopefully Super Shotgun if we're lucky despite Smash's no realistic firearms rule.
Stage: Nuclear Plant/Mars with Cyberdemon stage boss
Icon: UAC logo
Animation: Portrait is replaced with his facial animations and expressions reacting during the game
Smash Run Enemy: Cacodemon
Doomguy wouldnt be allowed if guns were the only thing he used. Sure Bayonetta used them, but they were more unique with how she used them as part of her combos. So any normal gun he'd used would need to at least be iconic.
He'd prolly need to use explosives, Snake style: Plasma shots, Rocket Launcher, Chainsaw, Berserk, and the Super Shotgun as his only traditional firearm. (Just give it a slightly more sci fi look and have it 'expell steam' instead of shells for a reload)
>this is what smash autists believe
If it ever would've happened, it would've been in Brawl.
Honestly fuck Sakurai for relegating Saki to an Assist Trophy, then ripping off the series' gameplay for KI:U, THEN throwing in his creations into Smash 4's roster. I don't mind Palutena, but Dark Pit should've been a semi-clone at least.
My boy Dante when?
c'mon son
and thats why i have Black Mage in instead
You know who would be really cool, but would never get in?
pic related
Mah nigga
Here is your roster for the enhanced switch port of Smash 4, Take it or leave it.
>All characters from Smash 4 except Dr Mario, who is now an Alternate Costume of Mario.
>Ganondorf now utilizes his sword for once while retaining his Clone status of Captian Falcon, now making him a Semiclone
>Lucina and Dark Pit are now SemiClones similar to Roy, Lucas, and Luigi
>Ice Climbers
>Rex and Pyra
>Captain Toad
>Bandanna Dee
>Wonder Red
>Travis Touchdown
>Shovel Knight
>Smash Ballot opens shortly after announcement of Ninten
>Fire Emblem Switch Lord
>Venom Snake
>Smash Ballot Winner
Pic not related
>that list
pic related cause ur a fag
Hey OP I fixed your list
>Putting villains in the roster
>Female Corrin instead of the superior male version
>Not removing Roy and Ike
>characters unrelated to the nintendo brand
Jesus does anyone even try?
>marth, roy, ike, lyn, hector, ephraim, sigurd, leif
>no fates/awakening
>That everything
user, I think you misunderstood some things.
I'd main him
I understood OP has shit taste, so I had to point it out