How would the Pyramid of gaming look like, Sup Forums?

How would the Pyramid of gaming look like, Sup Forums?

Graphics first? Gameplay last?

Other urls found in this thread:

cute girls is at the bottom, and story is at the top



>lack of prejudice is healthy/a virtue

Is that why people say western games are more like movies? Because the western way of pitching games sounds more like pitching a movie than a video game. Who is being interviewed here, by the way?

>top of pyramid
Thematic Load
>bottom of pyramid

Gameplay as the base, followed by story, artstyle, sound/music, and graphics as the last one.

>one needs to have sex and have high self esteem in order to start pondering morality and be creative

but some of the most creative people in history were hopeless, unhealthy, no self esteem having losers. see van gogh. this shit is retarded.

Being a bitter, hateful creep with aggression issues don't make you happy or respected.

And he killed himself because even as a successful artist he was still a pathetic loser as a person.

Nobody seriously still thinks Maslow's hierarchy is an accurate model of human behaviour. It's just taught because it's simple and intuitive, and a good starting point for thinking about the other models.

>Lack of prejudice
>Acceptance of facts
Mutually exclusive.

his art wasnt successful until after he died m8. he was a failure for his whole life. literally the artist version of a neckbeard who mooches off of his family.

Funny how the low iq board always say this shit.

Boogeyman begone

Yes, because who would know more about politics? The people who spend all their time discussing politics, or the people who spend all their time discussing how Joyce wants to fuck Nora until she's grunting like a sow?

Let's not make too much fun of the Sup Forumsyps, after all, most of them don't have their esteem and love/belonging needs met at all outside of their little circlejerks.

They're not even discussing politics. Just fap to their leather daddies while screaming about cucoldry.

>yelling in an echochamber is considered educational now
easy there

>Sup Forums is an echochamber
You don't know what an echochamber is.

By your logic the world is an echochamber because most people believe in gravity. It's not enough to have mainstream thought to make an echochamber. There has to be censorship of conflicting ideas (as opposed to rebuttal). That's not Sup Forums. And if you think that Sup Forums is wrong and full of shit, go post there and tell them so and watch how you not only are not censored, but actually receive more attention than the 99 other rehash threads because your ideas are controversial. Defend those ideas, and in doing so I guarantee you will learn at least something about politics and argumentation.

When you have done this for over a decade like I have you begin to notice that yes, it is a skill that can be practiced.

Tier 1: Functionality
Game needs to actually work. It has to be stable, not be riddled with glitches or bugs, and the features should work properly. This would include things like netcodes being up to scratch.

Tier 2: Availability
What platforms the game is on, what the price structure is (buy to play? free to play with micro transactions?), if its digital or physical only, if its always online or needs third party programs to run.Things like the amount of DLC and the prices of them, as well as how much meaningful content they add to the game may go here.

Tier 3: Accessability
How difficult the game is, if its part of a niche genre, how steep the learning curves are, and how different it is from other games. The quality of any in game tutorials if any, and how much research you're expected to do on your own to learn how to play the game. Looking up meta strategies or optimal grinding methods don't count however.

Tier 4: Longevity
How fun the gameplay is, the style and quality of the graphics, how much content there is in the game, the lore and plot and writing. Also includes any expanded materials for the game.

Tier 5: Community
Being able to talk about the game with others, and enjoy playing it with them as circumstances allow. It's a measure of how much you and others can enjoy the game even after you've stopped playing it. Ideally, the memories of you and your friends having fun together can still make you happy even years after the game stopped being relevant. The sort of game that's still remembered by its fans years later.

Actually a really good list

You can accept that there are major problems within a demographic's community without believing everyone who's a part of it is your enemy.

>sex is an absolute required need
for apes maybe

>posts to Sup Forums for over a decade
No wonder you have no friends

Good list

I'm actually in a relationship at the moment.


Me too, her name is Tifa

This sort of design process has never been the case since the days of assembly programming and 2D raster graphics. Nowadays Jap game development is:

>let's make a neptunia game
>but with SEGA characters!

>let's make a Yakuza game
>but with Hokuto characters!

>let's make a musou
>but with Zelda characters!

Meanwhile western games are summed up as this:

how can you even get sex without selfesteem
what a dumb pyramid

be me

Paying a hooker, becoming a hooker, or getting raped?

>Who is being interviewed here, by the way?
Jordan Amaro


Why yes posting hitler did nothing wrong, tfw rhodesia is gone, based trump and fucking niggers and jews 50 times a day is considered to raise your iq tremendously
t.prejudiced asshole

You wouldn't post about a game without having played it.

Why do you post about Sup Forums without browsing it?

And that's why Nip Story Telling 9/10 times is shallow and uninteresting, all flash and no substance.

>implying that story is the most important part of a game

>Implying you can't make games with story at the forefront

Lack of prejudice != bending over backwards

>OP post is about how to prioritize elements that make up video games
>lol no Sup Forums posting

Why are you all such faggots?

From least to most important


Everything on top may be interchangeable, depending on genre. Gameplay is most important

>sex at the bottom
I always questioned this

sound a little prejudiced there

Everything except community

>low iq board
my fucking sides.

I think masturbation counts.

Who's judging him? You. Do you feel smug and happy? No, you're a shallow unhappy kid with no future, like all prejudiced people.
T. Expert on anons.

This is why the West dominates RPGs, strategy, simulations and adventure games.

Japan can rehash action games like no one else but not much more.

What would you replace community with as the top tier then user?

>Someone criticises Sup Forums
>"Y-y-you don't really know what you're talking about! YOU'RE LYING ITS NOT POSSIBLE"
What a Jewish tactic.

Here's mine:
Diversity, Easier difficulties, general ways for anyone to get into the game

Good graphics or graphical style

Good story, writing, cutscene quality, out of gameplay experiences

Good OST and sounds

Good world building, environments, good shit to look at, a decent setting

Good level design that compliments gameplay

Good gameplay, bottomline must have for a video game


After posting this I realised the thread had long derailed into Sup Forums shitposting, my bad fellas.

That sounds like what I had as my 4th tier? Are you saying community and longevity should swap places? That's fine too, I won't deny that I was biased towards what I enjoy in games when making the list.

By all means, keep posting about the actual topic. I mean, some of us have to do it right?

Sort of outed yourself there, boy

Did you just assume my gender?!?

It directly contradicts my extensive experience.

Now you understand why this board is the way it is.

>food and sex are equally necessary to life
>you can get free food from the government; stealing to stop yourself from starving is widely regarded as not a real crime
>PAYING for sex (not even getting it for free) is despicable and if you rape someone you're worse than a murderer
fucking normies