Will it be the STALKER 2?


No, Metro is casual as fuck even on ranger hardcore. DayZ will be STALKER 2: Online and you can screencap this post to mark my words

No, it will be Metro 3

sadly will be metro lite

isn't stalker an open world rpg game? never played it.
this will be a linear story driven fps game

It looks like a Stalker/Metro hybrid, which is a terrible idea since both series are liked for completely different reasons.

no, stalker is free-roam, not open world
metro exodus is going to be the same

t. Redux baby

Why is Metro good?

What’s the difference?

2033 is good. LL is decent, but has some big issues: bad AI, overemphasis on stealth in the first half of the game due to how overpowered it is, monsters are too much of bullet sponges, uninspiring boss fights, questionable story and gameplay desicions linked to it in the last parts of the game. Haven't tried redux. Played both on max difficulty.

Completely the opposite. Stalker can only properly function as an open world game with linear narrative. You can and should fool around a little with factions and sidequests, but it's the linear nature and progression that holds it all together. CS, CoP and all of the mods that try to make it into freeroam simulator first and foremost, where you're either gated from or don't even have any linear plot are in no way better experience than SoC and in my opinion failed spectacularly. Linearity of SoC doesn't mean it's bad, since it only affects the story and not the gameplay mechanics and systems that add insane amount of replayability.

open world has doesn't have instances, and if they do they're far and long between, and the geography of the maps links with each level.
free-roam allows you to move between different levels which is what S.T.A.L.K.E.R. does.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. world isn't cohesive or big enough to warrant it being "open world".

Nope, I own the original version. You can eat this fat cock user

Are you retarded?
Stalker is free roam, pretty much multiple levels that conglomerate into one big map instead of being one big map entirely.
Redux for both makes the game literally brighter, and I personally like the original 2033's aesthetics more. But that's just me.


It's not a fucking MMO, user.

no, because unlike STALKER games, Metro games are good

So like what Borderlands 1 was supposed to be?

*Breathes in*

Lol are you?

no, because unlike Metro games, STALKER games are good


>Watch trailer when it came
>Open areas
>Shit moves and feels really linear with lots of scripted sequences

I highly doubt it will come near being a S.T.A.L.K.E.R game

Metro has always been Stalker: Linear but with better gameplay. Why do people expect it to change? At least now it'll have open levels now(objectively superior to open world).

the one thing i'm really worried about is the resource gathering
can't think of a single game that has it that isn't cancer

like, what the fuck kind of person enjoys scouring a map for junk items and having item upgrades locked behind hours of empty walking around
plus crafting always departs from reality, which is a problem in a game that's supposed to be immersive
if you're going "craft" ammunition on the go using scrap metal and lighter fluid, i'm not touching this shit
