She killed millions.
She killed millions
Of my sperm with the doujin where she gets raped by that guy who beats her.
She doesn’t kill anything; she just blast them and ruins their hair and clothes. Like in anime
Which one?
"Reimu surrenders and is destroyed" I think it's called.
She killed my heart.
Youkai propaganda
>beat a youkai
>she looks sad and beat up when you finish the fight
>beat a youkai
>she disappears after the fight, no post-fight dialogue
w-what??? i didn't mean to...
To die
I want him to come back as an extra boss.
he WILL be back
he has more chances than mims...
Why didn't he come back to life like the other Youkai Reimu terminate?
I love her.
Because Reimu is a psychotic man hating bitch.
I guess because spell card battles aren't lethal, and she wasn't using spell cards.
>in 2hu
excuse me but what the fuck
She save millions.
She mind controlled two people.
>not even in the mainline games
>still more popular than most touhous
clearly male 2hus are superior
He is the hero we need.
Is Yukari Reimu's accomplice, or just an innocent bystander?
She is her pawn.
I would love to see more male characters in touhou, since it make it easy to self insert
she does not mean to kill, only to maim or seriously injure
She fucked millions, you mean.
>cant self insert as a girl
lole, look at this fag
Would Sanae bang me?
Sanae take the virginity of every boy in Gensokyo
Sluts like her have no standards.
Well, it helps that he shot up in infamy for actually fucking dying. Plus Touhou games introduce a lot of characters that feel like one shots, you know? Like they were never going to be relevant to begin with and only exist as a stage 2 boss.
To save billions.
Based Fortune Teller filtering out objectively shit 2hoes, especially Mamizou
From what? Most Youkai just mind their business.
>that shit taste
deserved it
What is she reading?
Post your favorite 2hu
How cute!
Get out of here Starbs this is a 2hu thread.
Real question, I've seen this game for a decade but only now am I actually interested. Where do I start with this?
Why is she crying though?
Cute things come in small packages
thats a toja?
Lost her Clownpiece
>Youkai just mind their business.
Are you some kind of smelly, dumb, buddhist scum?
Because it was not Damaku, he outright broke the laws of Gensokyo
Go' Ol' Sanny
Play 6, 7 and 8.
They are fun and pretty decent vidya, addictive and frustrating as fuck if you manage to get into it.
Fuck the racoon?
Thanks user, I'll look into those.
Will Reimu ever marry? There's no men in Gensokyo, but she has to pass down her genes for the next barrier maiden right?
Those 2 killed Thousands if not millions too.
Yukari has already cloned the next Reimu, don't worry about it
There is men in the human village.
9 9 9
9 9 9
9 9 9
This guy also killed Millions, but then again they were chinese so its not like it matters a lot.
Shimmy if I go by my kokoro
Yuugi if I go by my ochin-chin
I also like Fuuto and The Crown Prince quite a lot
"chinese zombies"
Already dead.
Oh also a family, and another million in the movies.
Real humans, not zombies.
What are your reasons for liking touhou?
Mine are
[ ]qt girls
[x]fun gameplay
Because she quite literally killed him instead of just injuring him a bit through spell-cards
>chinese zombies
Where they cute?
For me its Okuu. I tend to like characters the more I play with them, and she was my main in Hisotensoku. God I love this stupid asshole bird.
all of those and
[x] lore
all of the above
Fanbase, or rather fan works. I like lively fan bases where there is always something to talk about and there's plenty of fan works to engage with. Its a never ending stream of content!
Of shekels.
>not liking the cute girls too
Actual insane person
The fact that this rando's death still resonates so well with the base is proof that Zun needs to start killing off more characters
t. ZUN
They all wear weird clothes, frilly dresses and granny panties. I don't blame him even if I consider the 2hus top tier 2D girls
I want to see these cute girls die in pain and disbelief, sobbing as their life is slowly torn away.
I wish I was ZUN
Marisa is the next one if we consider she is slowly turning into a Youkai
Yeah, just look at how /jp/ reacts to every doujin where Sakuya dies of old age.
I have been married to my wife since shortly after pofv came out
Well good fucking luck with that, the highest echelons of the Touhou power scale could probably handle Namek Frieza
you got that on facebook?
all 3 plus story and setting
What are some good touhou fan games?
But this begs the question of why would we consider stupid fanfiction.
the last comer
mystical power plant
riverbed soul saver
book of star mythology
frantically forbidden fruit
shoot shoot nitori
The drunk goblin
good heavans look at the nine!