What are some games where you lose in the end?

What are some games where you lose in the end?

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I've watched the old series and this one, how's the manga?

>What are some games where you lose in the end?

Absolutely brilliant stuff, well worth a read

Why only garbage animes, especially that on netflix, are hyped now?

you just have shit taste

people are just happy its not moe-fucking-shit.

>that presentation
>that all style no substance
Yeah sure
That's just as "good" as moe shit

back to xbox with you

Cool. Is Amon: Apocalypse of Devilman and Devilman vs Cyborg 009 worth watching?

shit taste confirmed case closed lmao

Devilman Kinobaby had its moments.

Haven't seen Amon myself but Devilman VS Cyborg 009 was a fun little show even if I didn't know Cyborg 009 too well.
Also if you're up to reading more manga Devilman Grimore and Devilman VS Hades Co-Staring motherfucking Great Mazinger are fun reads too.


is Devilman really made with Netflix bucks
I thought they put their label on anything they localize, like Knights of Sidonia that was on public tv in japan (?)

>Great Mazinger
ma nigga

Pretty much all Taro games, honestly. Last ending of the first Drakengard as well.

i really liked knights of sidonia. whish there was more

actraiser, but you gotta read between the lines. ending's deep.

Soul Reaver

>Lose in the end
>God literally btfo's some gay demons

Is devilman, devil girl, and violence jack all a part of the same universe?

beat the original and knew it was coming but they won my heart so hard over the span of the game it still fucked me up a bit

Slay the Spire

Every MMO.
What a waste of time...

Endings where good guys fail so both evil and good people get fucked are my favorite.

I'm already losing and im not even at the end.

He had it hard.

fuck this garbage. This is the worst mmo for newcomers. Can't even recommend it my friends bc I know they won't finish the fucking story quests

So why didn't god just erase the demons and that faggy angel from existence?


style is a substance
it's fucking anime go read dostoyevsky if you want good writing

Nice projection.

God did nothing wrong, the demons were huge niggers who had to use espionage and sneak attacks on the humans because they were completely outclassed, even at what they did best.

Eh I think Amon kinda sucks. The two original OVAs of Devilman, Birth of Devilman and Siren the Demon Bird are awesome though. If you like that and other Go Nagai stuff you can watch Go Nagai World, which is a cutesy parody starring Violence Jack, Devilman, Mazinger, and other Nagai characters. Very fun to watch!

Lisa the painful

Sounds awesome, thanks for the recommendation

Be careful. You might attract that one autist that always swoops in with a thirty page thesis to explain how terrible the ending actually was whenever anyone says they liked it.

Devilman is a huge franchise mate. Just start with the original and give Demon Lord Dante a read while you're at it because it was basically a Devilman Prototype.

Good going, user. He'll be here any second.

But user, that's Actraiser 2.
1 was pretty fitting - a truly benevolent god wouldn't force worship, though your Cherub is rightly bothered a bit because he feels like they're just gonna come crawling back when their lives experience hardship again. But the Master will be there for them.
2 is brutal because God/Master, the Devil, all the Angels and Sins are fucking DEAD. This however means humanity can forge ahead in a world completely without magic and make their own destiny, and the Master's statue stands proudly somewhere unknown, the very place he killed motherfucking Satan(or TANZRA but that name's stupid.)
So I wouldn't say it's a FULL loss, but it's still sad that in both endings the people are CERTAIN to eventually forget the Master through the march of time. However, he fought for their freedom and peace, so I can't say he lost when he secured exactly that for the entire world.

Based Yuasa

There are a thousand different versions, user. Which one is the Canon and best one? Got a link?

The best one is probably the original 1972, I know batoto shut down and someone else bought the name and rights to it but I don't know any other site yet, here's a link there bato.to/series/13853
Also when you get to the Sabbath play this for maximum fun youtube.com/watch?v=ymWc_AxitpY

Thank you, fellow Devilman

What are some Devilmanesque action games besides DMC/Bayo?

>finally repositioned my tv so passersby won’t see me watching this

>tfw devilman man for 10 years and now I'm seeing devilman become the new jojo in real time because of this kikeflix sjw adaptation

I hate when things I used to like are ruined