So are all intelligent races on Azeroth considered the same species given that they can all interbreed?

Who cares? The only races that matter are humans and elves

And gnomes.
Gnomes are very important.

the only holes a gnome woman has that are large enough for a human shween are her ears

Dwarven Master race

Horses and donkeys can interred and they're not the same species you egg sniffer.

The offspring are sterile, crossbreeds do fine in Warcraft

>given they can all interbreed
>Tauren can fuck Gnomes and have viable offspring

Source? Not that it matters. It’s not real you dumb fuck. Bringing identity politics into video games was a mistake.


>playing anything other than human

an sfm vid yet to be seen


No, it simply doesn't work like real life biology does.


Why do none of the females have terrible posture? I guess the UD female is kinda bad, but not really.

>Pretending humans can cast magic

What did he mean by this?

Not everyone can be a boring cunt like you.


According to Chronicles, all Titan experiment offshoot races can interbreed

And like 90% of races are Titan leftovers now

Only the trolls aren't, right?

name one halfling that had children in WoW

same desu I can't really enjoy a video game unless the devs keep an evolutionary biologist on staff to consult for all of the races

Trolls and Tauren. Maybe the Pandas too.

>giants fucking gnomes

just imagine

>Another year
>Another expansion
>Another gnome snubbed from all promotional art


I want to impregnate a Pandaren and make a Pandawa

Gnomes are best used as portable knee chopping devices

What have gnomes ever done ever?
>blow up own capital
And that's it, like who gives a fuck?

Should I feel guilty for considering switching to Alliance to be on the same side as King soyboi. I'm kinda tired of Queen edgelord.

I want to impregnate a Gnome

What if a Tauren impregnated a Gnome?

>given that they can all interbreed?
>Human + Orc
>Orc + Draenei
>Elf + Human

Has there even been anything else regarding the player races?

How different would the world be if they had made High Elves for the vanilla Alliance instead of gnomes?

The game would be even more over-populated with Elves.

>implying you'd get anything like this out of "no ogar" soyfang

why are Nightborne able to be Warlocks, I thought faggy treehuggers hated fel magic

Isn't there an ogre/orc?

what is that alien race next to the draenei?

you been to nighthold yet?

Anduin Wrynn? He's human.

Yeah there's Rexxar, but that's why I specified player races.

>dungeon queue
>tank missed the queue

Don't mind me just being the best zone in the game still after 10 years.


>tfw no snugzug

But since elves are an offshoot of trolls and elves can interbreed with humans, wouldn't that mean that's wrong?

Human would probably be on top if you disregarded DH alts.

Elves are tainted by Titan blood in the form of the magic from the Well of Eternity

It's easier just to assume that everything can interbreed because they were probably fucked with by the Titans at some point

If an Orc can pump a Draenei woman full of semen and have hear bear his children, it's ridiculous to think that any pairing isn't possible.

and Demon hunters

I would love if blizz patched the game tomorrow and stopped allowing people from playing these

with the first chronicle book the now have it that trolls came from the well of eternity along with all the animal gods that made animal people
and with argus being a titan it's only a matter of time until every race except faceless, bug people, and pre burning legion demon are titan creations

Think again hunny

Gnome girlies are absolute cutie poo pies.

Only if I could have a Panda wife

you forgot the shit-eating gnomish memers and every human female with qt in their name

Female tauren are cute

t. grandma

Tauren MILFs are amazing


I main female tauren on illidaddy. I wanted to go high mountain but they can't be paladins

azeroth is rightful troll clay

I think tauren and pandaren are exempt from that

You have very shit taste.


>tfw you're tall enough to be male belf or male human

I guess that's better than nothing

>Still no announcement of playable tortollan
I want to make a turtle shaman, give him the cataclysm set and make him a worshiper of Nemesis

>In Battle for Azeroth, each Hunter pet family has a single specialization, any beast from that family will have that specialization and you won't be able to change it.
>Spirit Beasts are Tenacity

>still no announcement for playable Gnolls

Spirit beast have gone from being nearly impossible to get super weapons to complete meh.

I don't get to use Loque'nahak anymore in BfA unless im by myself, why do they insist on taking choices away whenever possible

a gnomes only redeeming feature is the titty to body ratio

my you're a tall one

>given a world with a huge amount of variety in intelligent races
>most people will choose humans

I don't get it. Sure, the human story arc could be cool, but why choose it as default?

Because they're the only real choice for Paladin

they look the most normal in gear, has the least amount of clipping of armors/weapons

>liking Warcraft's retarded human proportions and design

King's honor, friend.

Doesn't one model become dominant anyway? Orcs seem to have the dominant genes.

No it's just magic you retard

I prefer Lightforged

Yeah if you wanna look like a manlet, waddling around in his dads armor. Humans look like shit in wow.

Why is everyone not "evil" a manlet?

I want to fuck a draenie (male)

I want to impregnate a Draenei (female)

I want to be impregnated by a draenei (male)
Do you think they tails can lay eggs in your ass? Or maybe their tentacles.

Is that Azuregos in the background? Wtf is happening in WoW these days?

Why click on a thread for a game you don't play? Oh to look retarded, right. Natural instinct here.

Why just assume that i don't play the game and try to be an asshole? Oh that's right because you're a fucking asshole.

>Is that Azuregos in the background?
It's not.

i want to impregnate a pandawa's tits

Pandaren are perfect

>Alliance has a flying superweapon and the literal army of the Light on their side
>And actual military vehicles that aren't catapults and blimps
How is the Horde even supposed to realistically be a threat?

no clue, and you know what? that's a problem blizzard will probably never solve because they are fucking trash.

Night Elf

It's some old-ass blue dragon you're helping out from a bunch of mana-addicts draining him dry.

>How is the Horde even supposed to realistically be a threat?
I'm sure we'll see the return of the Plague.

they have a geneva convention agreement