Want to replay game

>want to replay game
>remember THAT part

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It wasn't that bad

Made me put the game down for 2 years I'll admit

Yes it was

whip out your sword in aoe/group attack mode and just run past everything, it gives the fastest run speed.

It's only annoying on your first playthrough when you don't know how many quests are going to put you through the swamp.

Not nearly as annoying when you do as many quests in the swamp as once

Why are both starting areas of the KOTOR games such ass?

For me it's usually always the beginning of the games. Especially with role playing games where I just want to get into the game fast as possible.


the trick to witcher 1 is just to ignore everything and max out igni

TW1 is pure dogshit.

>max out igni
Do the signs actually do anything in this game particually igni? I've beaten every game and never used spells or alchemy once playing on Normal difficulty. is igni actually good?

Every Souls has one area that is so utterly insufferable it's enough to prevent my replays.

Why do people hate Swamps section of The Witcher so much?

there is literally nothing wrong with peragus you retarded brainlet mememaster, the problem is telos station and surface

>want to replay game
>play it again from start to finish and still enjoy it, if not more tan the first time

it's super OP, only becomes noticeable about 3/5 through the tree

read the books my nigga if you haven't, all the witcher games become more enjoyable. you'll catch on to references you didn't even know were references. new game all over again.

This. If you consider the swamp a 'THAT part' you are either playing it wrong, shouldn't be playing the game in the first place or your definitions for the caterory are far too loose.
Don't get me wrong, it's hardly a great part, but it hasn't ever made me so much as consider dropping the game or prevent me from enjoying a replay of it.

>that part where you lose all your powers
>i actually like this part because you have to think about how you approach the next 3 missions
>the part i actually hate is where you get back your powers and get armor. This is where enemies that don't even register at your radar shoot you with rockets and you spend the whole game laying on the fucking floor

WRPGs always have shitty starts which is like the opposite of JRPGs

Not the same guy, but I did this between 2 and 3, and it was absolutely great. Couldn't even imagine enjoying 3 nearly as much if I hadn't read the books.

you're either finish it in 5min or get stuck there for the rest of the day


Thanks for reminding me this franchise existed, I loved it, then it fizzed out into nothingness.

This is why I never beat the game on Impossible

i absolutely hate games that force you into turret sections. Dead Space went from a 9/10 to a 6/10 instantly

>that part in jedi academy where they take away your lightsaber
Was a great change of pace given how having one from the start as opposed to jedi outcast caused you to go full retard pretty often

i don't remember that, which mission was it?

Git gud, I did impossible + plasma cutter only + the 80% hull integrity achievements ad the same time.

>Want to reply BotW
>Remember you gotta do 120 stupid shrines
>Go back to shitposting in subnautica threads

>>want to replay game
>>remember THAT part

and then I lose any desire to replay

>Not all the shit with Emma

Why did they have to destroy the series with that stupid ass sequel. They were gunna make a full series for it, but the second one bombed so hard.

>I did impossible with the best weapon in the game
come back when you tried it with the flamer

I'm the other way around. I loved adventuring outdoors killing stuff, it's the fucking city I can't stand. Running from door to door listening to another boring bit of dialogue and getting quest item x or trigger y

I think the first one in the third row of missions, after you lose your first lightsaber and get to pick a new one, a staff saber or duals. You get locked up then put into some sort of manhunt where the captor challenges you to make it away alive


watch this and cry
they also locked content behind dlc at launch. 55 missions and some cosmetic changes.

Just about all of Novigrad in Witcher 3. God I fucking hate that Dandelion subplot.

Only good quest there was the serial killer.

>>Not all the shit with Emma

you can knock her out and drag her around.

At Arsenal Gear is when the game goes stupid

It was no different than the door to door salesman shit that was vizima

THAT part being having to watch everyone die

Depends for me. If it's short and the only meaning of it is to give you a power trip, it's fine, great even. If it's something you can fail and have to redo from the beginning it's fucking shit.


>had some stupid bug that made geralt run with a different speed everytime I load into new area
>not just fast and slow but a few different speeds
my autism and that bug ruined it for me

TW3 did a bad job with Dandelion overall. Annoying as fuck each time you load, doesn't do much in the story proper. TW2 is overall weaker than 2, but Dandelion's role as story-teller in it is far, far better.

You lads don't appreciate grinding and get your shit RPG/MMORPGS today because of your whining

I don't think I ever got past the fucking jump in the Fairy Fountain or w/e it was called in this. Horrible underwater segment.

Is it really grinding if you do it with friends?

His run speed is different depending on what stance you're in.

I didn't mind the swamps that much, but I hit the wall against the fetch questing in Chapter 2 several times.


why was that area any more or less annoying than any of the other parts

I never thought the fade was that bad especially since it gives you permanent stat upgrades. But this shit goes on forever

Just replaying it and recently finished act 2. Swamps were shit, but honestly if you plan out your questing route efficiently you only have to go there like 2 or 3 times in the whole act.

I know and thats not what I mean.
I can take any stance and doesn't run at the speed of light, or was that intended? Because that happened and I could traverse the swamp in seconds.

Igni is great, but all the other signs aren't really worth it unless you just want to spice up your playthrough, maybe some Ard early game.

>THAT part ends up being way easier than you remember it even though you're on a higher difficulty


>Plansect Village

i fucking love the deep road
it's like moria

fade was bullshit though

the swamp was great

For me it's usually the main menu

You go to investigate some outpost and get arrested by imperials, have to escape prison and get to the commander of the base to kill him and reclaim your lightsaber using only guns. I remember a particularly annoying part of this mission was being pinned down by an AT-ST


I actually very much enjoyed both, but find Redcliffe an absolute chore.

That's odd. I have no idea then.

>want to 100% the game? well have fun walking through this three hour long hallway that doesn't even have a guaranteed appearance let alone success rate for the rare monsters inside and you lose progress if you don't play through the whole thing every day

I actually like Peragus but they should have cut the time you spend there in half

the entire beginning of KotoR 2.

So Sup Forums, what the fuck were they, why were they goddamn everywhere and why don't they appear in any of the other games? They aren't even mentioned in the first one either.

>Resident Evil 4
>The minute you acquire Ashley.
>Superstar Saga
>Woohoo FUCK YOU university.

>Annoying as fuck each time you load
Oh, fuck you for reminding me, I had to mute my PC every time I loaded a game because I just couldn't stand listening to the same "recap" for a 100th fucking time

>mfw its actually worse than i remember


I never got this. I thought the Fade was great, I don't know why everyone is shitting on it so badly.

Deep roads to me felt like they had run out of steam with encounter/loot design. It's just a clusterfuck of fights with shit loot.

Wasn't there a mod to make him shut up?

>want to replay
>remember the first 5 hours of the game

>Chrono Cross Lynx segment

Those monkey things? Bothered me as well. I don't even recall anything similar being mentioned in the books. Such a weird idea to include these little shits, they don't fit the Pseudo-European rural setting at all. Unless they were aiming at some sort of gremlin kind of thing

That's like half the game, man. The real shit part is fucking Gaia island.

>want to play a Souls game
>remember every single thing about it
I love the series but their replay value really takes a nosedive after you've beaten them a few times. The only reason to replay them is if you wanna try a new build but that just means doing the same exact shit you did on your last playthrough but with a different weapon.

Everything after the Oblivian tutorial

>Symphony of the Night
>The Inverted Castle and the one track that plays throughout most of it

My least favorite part was the dead sea area because of the miguel fight. or wherever that was, haven't played it in 14 years
Karsha favorite character

Perhaps, I played it immediately after release and haven't even thought about checking to be honest. But i would be surprised if nobody had made one.

because they're idiots who go there at night then wonder why they're swarmed by swamp monsters that come out at night to hunt

...Wasn't this also the most annoying part of Witcher 3?

The whole "change form for each fight" is fun.

Not to mention you spend like 2 hours on that shit, you wake up, and NOTHING HAS HAPPENED.

I always forget how to do that stupid jump in fairy pond. It's 100% optional but there's no reason to skip it because you get a better sword and a life vessel from there

>You spend so much time in bat form that moving around in it got so fucking tedious.
>All bosses are so underleveled and weak that its a cake walk
>Beelzebub in general
Ive replayed it so many times but i always feel like im forcing my way through the last bosses

Upgraded Igni in TW1 is basically an "I win" button

Drowners werent a problem in Witcher, Worgs on the other hand

Kalm flashback
the entire "Badlands" bit of San Andreas between Los Santos and San Fierro
the start of Fable The Lost Chapters/sneaking into the Twinblade camp (admittedly those are both short)

Fucking really? It was optional? I swear there was absolutely no where else to go at that point in the game. Was that entire area optional?

>maybe dark souls isn't so b-

Yeah but, dat music


Touched him by mistake and got dunked.

isn't this dude entirely skippable anyway?

>Trauma Center

The entirety of DS2