Why don't we have more based art styles Sup Forums?

Why don't we have more based art styles Sup Forums?


They're all trash.


>all animesque is the same

I love Reisen!

>tumblr face

>Disney inspired is a good thing

The two faces on the cover are literally the same, just with different hair.

Exactly. Which is why it sucks that it's so rare.

Only fat basement dwelling virgins like anime.

What do you consider to be a "based" art style?

>Vesperia still the best Tales game

Abyss is the only one that comes close.

>liking Overwatch

He was being sarcastic.

>not liking OW girls
The fuck

Game set and match.

Tracer is a shit character.

My bad. I guess I don't speak idiot.

I had problems playing Abyss because the protag is a jackass. Maybe I should give it another try.



Fuck. I meant weeb. Well I'm leaving this thread now because I'm embarrassed by my mistake and I'm not coming back so don't bother replying.




I legit do think the original OW cast were well designed and written, characters after Ana were a big drop in quality though.

>web shit

Disney is bottom of the barrel corporate garbage.

Anime wouldn't be so bad if it looked like it did in the 80s or early 90s.

Just autistic it seems

Unless your preference is something like Undertale then everything is corporate.

>someone put effort into making this just so they can shitpost

>relatable personalities
>soulless shells with as much character as nu Star Wars

We'll never get actually cool or interesting characters like proto-Mei the bounty hunter that hunted down and froze her targets for transport.

Goddamn I love cell animation.

They just don't make 'em like that anymore

It's not just that it's cel animation, they actually put effort into things like perspective, angles, and momentum. And they gave the characters "life" in their faces.

Looks horrendous. Leave it to nostalgiafags to get stockholm into liking such rubbish.

I'm glad glorious nippon move past this.


Overwatch is just western weebshit and you all fucking know it.

The big difference is that 80's ova's had absurd budgets and a different style that nostalgia fags like you like.

>Hands turned black


>Nerds arguing over which cartoon characters are the hottest

fucking lol

If real girls would give me attention I wouldn't need to resort to this shit.

You should leave this weebsite.

>relatable personalities
I guess meme animations+no character development+pandering=personality these days, huh? Not to say that any other example here is any better.

Literally the only counterargument for speaking truth is yelling about nostalgia. How about defending modern animu shit if you're so convinced it's better?

Weak bait. Saged.

every overwatch female is literally just waifu fap bait
the character designer said so themselves

[citation needed]

And the problem is what exactly? Even if that's true, so is every other character in every other game. It's obvious that some do it better than others.

>Disney inspired
>good thing
you're litterally ripping off an artstyle whole hog, how is that original?

You don't fit here, cancer boy.

>older OVA has a budget so they could do proper animation instead of current ugly CG-anime or western flash animation cartoons
>"f-f-f-f-fucking nostalgiafags...... why can't dey like muh tumblr ART....."

DOA is objectively good even with the style change in 5.

I don't think original ever has to enter the equation. Genero anime sucks because it's all copied from the same garbage original. If most anime looked like Gunbusters then I wouldn't mind at all.


You're so fuckin right and these silver widow mains need to eat shit

>relatable personalities

Because of (((((realism)))))

I want to die everytime I see this picture.

> t. butthurt weeb who buys anything with a anime grill on front cover

>Disney shit being better than anime

Every show having the exact same CGI aesthetic is the worse. Instead of changing how they animate people, they just copy and paste the same ones over and over while changing the background, like fucking LEGO.

I did notice that stuff that lives only as fanservice usually has a pretty unappealing and infantile art style. I have a hard time getting a chub over most Senran Kagura art even if they're insanely oversexualized images.

Not anything, but now i feel like buying some weebshit just to spite you.

>t. butthurt blizzardrone who buys anything with muh diverse characters lgtbasdfas+

>Even if that's true, so is every other character in every other game

OW females are LITERALLY designed just to appeal to as many people as possible, not to showcase anything about them as anything other than fapbait.

When did it all go so wrong?

disney is shit

*sips a cup of western tears*

If it's modern anime then yes. This is not debatable. Yes, money plays a massive part in it but it's obvious that there is zero effort put into shit like Senran Kagura. I can literally fap to just this gif but actual Senran Kagura tiddies don't evne move my dick.

I'd assume that's supposed to be Apu or something.

>holding up Overwatch as an example of good character design


>muh diverse characters
Why do people make a big deal about this like Overwatch is going rogue? It's just aping the gimmick of collecting a bunch of cultural stereotypes together which is exactly what Street Fighter II did 25 years ago. Fuck if SFII came out today people would be yelling about Dhalsim and Fei Long being "muh diversity." It wasn't special then and it isn't special now.

>I can literally fap to just this gif
How anything can fap to something that disformed is beyond me.

The other two images in OP are from DOA and Senran Kagura. So again I don't see the issue here. You can still have it done better or worse in effect even if the goal of all three were the same.


Games, cinema, animation, literature, even science. It's all gone to shit together. A cultural and economic decline that affected ALL of the developed world in the early 2000s and is still ongoing. Nothing to kid about. The general ignorance and non-comprehension of most despite the obvious reality seals any hope of a solution as well.

How much of a homosexual do you have to be to talk shit about Dead or Alive.

Probably whenever moe took over. The mid 2000s.


I had to post it.

I agree with this guy

>moe took over

Role reversal.

You really have no historical perspective at all

I will admit that DOA5 was a giant step up from the earlier designs. But seriously they *need* more life in their faces. They barely react to anything.

Don't call Aloy a man. You fags like same face dolls because they're made by #based Japan


I guess you're too stupid to get it. Reducing the judgement of decades of craftsmanship to 4 pictures is retarded. Got it? You're retarded, user.

Not seeing a problem. Reeeeeeaaaaaaly not seeing a problem.

It didnt have to be this way

Give me Mama Hong, I want a real depiction of an asian lady in my vidya

Oh wow generic anime girl in generic 90s anime artstyle doing generic things. How generic.


That's the point. You can cherrypick anything for this kind of image to try to make your point.

This stopped happening because of Pokemon's seizure shit. So that has a very definitive answer.

There are still similar effects, they just reduce brightness for the full screen during it.

superior 2d always wins