
This game used to be of top of the fucking world. Rapidly growing fanbase, enormous prize pools, strong identity, and a multi billion dollar company behind it.

What the fuck happened?

Other urls found in this thread:

At least it still has the seond and fourth points

There aren't even regular Dota threads on Sup Forums anymore

Refused to change or adapt. Infinite Crisis was far more advanced, gameplay wise, and was cancelled. Only alive because of Russians

Better alternatives arose fracturing the playerbase. The game itself refused to adapt or change, and when it did, it just ripped off those better alternatives decreasing the reason to be on DOTA instead of them.

You see more people blaming the hard changes the game took, especially from 7.00 onwards and not the staticness though.

also >infinite crisis

Bad update after bad update that tried to """"fix"""" several of the things that made Dota unique, along with constant attempts to casualize the game when they are NEVER going to win against LoL in the casual market, therefore just alienated existing fans.

Then update 7.00 happened.

shitters were content with hoho haha and troll warlord ONLY patch and refuse to adapt.

What alternatives? I wanna check em out.

I have a theory that all the people who played it were people who either
A.missed out on the WC3/all-stars experience and wanted to see what all the hubbub was about (the same way people who didnt play broodwar got into SC2)

B. the oldfags of WC3/Allstars saw the second coming of their savior

and since then

Group A realized that the game isnt as great as it was cracked up to be and dropped it for other games overtime after the nuance and fun wore off

Group B can no longer bother playing the game because its no longer OG WC3. its nuDota and a on-going IceFrog experiment. Its evolved so much that they've falled apart basically. its no longer hardcore Dota its "Heroes of League of the Dota"

basically Dota was a damned if you do and damned if you dont game from the get go. Either it was going to be cated to oldfags with no room for newblood or it would be catred to newblood and shun the oldfags

HoTS is probably the best MOBA on the market right now, desu.

yeah because /vg/ exists

HoN is basically the same gameplay minus the memes and lootbox bullshit
Unfortunately the community is still made of rabid selfish idiots, but that's par for the ASSFAGGOTS

better games were made


Rubberbanding. Babies complained about being bad and getting punished for it so now you get a second, third, and fourth chance to make up for your lack of skill.
No reason to do meme lanes and stomp early game anymore because you can never win pre 30 mins unless the other team afks. Just safe pick and play safe all game.

>it's a dota 2 Sup Forums thread
came here to laff at clueless faggots

I'm still having fun with it and most of my friendlist is also still playing it

Shitty fad genre, nothing more. Most people outgrew the toxic faggotry and stale gameplay and moved on to Overwatch, CSGO, and PUBG. Even Overwatcg and CSGO are starting to die too for similar reasons.

>Group B can no longer bother playing the game because its no longer OG WC3. its nuDota and a on-going IceFrog experiment. Its evolved so much that they've falled apart basically. its no longer hardcore Dota its "Heroes of League of the Dota"

Ive played since WC3 and the game remains the same except for being more careful when going highground. SHitters overreact to everything.
People who claim "it's not dota anymore" dont even have a clue at what they are talking about, it's like the played dota to feel part of something instead of because they like the game

Its the only moba I can stand. Its unique and doesn't have all the elitist ass uoles so you can have fun

No marketing and no new players. Older playerbase is just getting smaller from 'natural causes' which were accelerated last year by 7.00.

Too many multiplayer FOTMs coming out all the time and young kids just jump from one to another and ignore older games like dota, lol, etc.

It's not only a dota problem. Pretty much all large multiplayer games will have a short lifespan with fast up and downswings.
Join the official /d2g/ discord!
before it implodes

That sounds awful.


It continues to be that.

It's become a household name for third world poorfags.

one of the best answers

I have been playing since v5. What is the matter w/ Dota 2? It seems more or less the same. The new characters like pangolier and monkey king are pretty cool. I think when they add new heroes it adds a lot to the game. What is all the fuss about?

There has never been a time when nobody was whining about random shit. Now is no different.

Unironically, 7.00. But not for the reasons Sup Forums spouts, which is talents and comeback gold.

I know two people who couldn't play dota anymore after Reborn even if they wanted, and another who still managed somehow, but to whom 7.00 made matters worse.

Now multiply this to everyone with shit PC's all accross Russian and Asian territory. You have the reason for Dota's lowering numbers.

Any one giving you a different reason doesn't know shit.
Specially crap you read here on Sup Forums about the meta.
Crap which wasn't true then and specially isn't so now.

All games lose their spotlight eventually.

>It's the only Moba I can handle
>Because everything is kiddie gloves
>I can't die because damage is kiddie gloves
>CC is kiddie gloves
>Even chat is kiddie gloves, there's no all chat
>The best!

They went for the eSports meme, comeback mechanics, changed the map which was the same for almost 10 years, whole copied HotS talent system, playerbase got older and atually have a family now.

Group B is spot on

>Minus the memes
>A game where there's a homosexual announcer that if you equip everyone is forced to hear
>Where any ascii art can be copy pasted with color
>With alt skins spicier than the worst beach episode League skin

You never played HoN, stop shitting on its memory

Anyone coming from DotA will find HotS braindead

It's easy to fix.
1. Buy WC3 and TFT
2. Download Defence of the Ancients

I quit around 2015, beautiful game but fuck that time commitment. Sounds like it's finally tapering off as a genre.

>play 6.83, one of the worst patches in history

Because they’re awful. The gulag is also awful. Waifus and fan-art keep other games like Overwatch and League from the same out of control shitspiral DotA threads become. It also doesn’t help that dotards are incredibly easy to bait. Even if they know you’re trolling, they will ALWAYS reply

>changed the map which was the same for almost 10 years
That’s a flat out lie

Download a better patch :^)

As someone who doesn't really play MOBAs, my short experience with DOTA 2 Reborn:
>Nice visuals, menus, looks cool.
>A bit of a learning curves, but actually one of the better MOBAs I've played.
>Some game mechanics feel clunky, tutorial doesn't explain the Donkey too well.
>Matches don't feel awful, and they don't feel fun either.
>Lots of other games to play that seems fun, DOTA asks for way too much time just for "okay".

I dunno, been playing since maybe 2011 and 7.00 fixed so much of the casual play gripes I had.

Even casually with friends a standard game was minimum 45 minutes to sometimes and hour and 20 minutes long. Very small margin for error and if you were losing, you'd usually be losing for about 30 minutes.

Patch 7.00 made the game more pick up and go to get a few games in with none of the "mid or I feed" bullshit that plagued the game. Now, if someone wants to be retarded you report them and wait 15 minutes for the game to end.

Hots is great with the shorter matches and different maps

>9/10 games are stomps (either you stomp or get stomped)
>half of the games have some hue brs/ chinamen/ russians who you cant communicate with and will tilt and throw the second you look at them wrong and the other half just have people that have no idea what they are doing at all

When the stars align and you get a close game with no one being retarded it is a fun game, so fun that people still playing deal with the other 95% of the games that aren't fun at all.

t.played since it was a wc3 mod

killed skin market ... everybody likes money but they killed it fuck i hate Gabe i hope he dies soon

I blame China

Hots isn't new, and it's not even remotely comparable to Dota
HoN is old as fuck and dead

You guys told me new alternatives fractured the playerbase. I thought a new Dota clone came out recently or something that did things right. You guys are full of shit.


>You guys are full of shit.
Literally every Sup Forums DotA thread. Pretty much every Sup Forums thread, come to think of it, it’s just more noticeable here since I know the game well enough to recognize obvious retardation

they wanted more money so they made it flashier and simpler, while losing all the substance
Valve might be a private company but gabens greed rivals that of all EA shareholders combined

Because the people suck and when you're a primarily multiplayer game having a shitty community means you have a shitty game.

None of them replied to you though, so I guess you're wrong

>still no region lock on servers
>not even an opt-in region lock (ie check a box that makes it so you only get matched with people in your own country)

with all the slavs, flips, peruvians, chinese, and brazilians infesting the game, nobody likes playing it any more.

mobage fucking suck and flavor of the month fags are finally realizing it thats why

That just means it’s the truth. Until you replied, so I guess that shining moment is over now

But I don't play Dota

Anyone coming from Starcraft will find DotA braindead as well