Anyone else saddened by the fact we'll never get a true 8th gen Bayonetta game due to it permanently being shackled to...

Anyone else saddened by the fact we'll never get a true 8th gen Bayonetta game due to it permanently being shackled to Nintendo's piss weak hardware?

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Maybe Sony or Microsoft should've funded the fucking game then? Retard

>inb4 multiplat fag

Why do you faggots care so much about what the game is capable of on what hardware

In a few years it'll be outdated and you'll start wanting it on the newest hardware then

I'm not hating on Platinum for doing what they had to do to survive, just saddened by no other publishers taking it

be happy you're getting a bayonetta 3 at all you entitled little shit. if it not being on the console you want upsets you so much then you obviously care more about that console than the game itself.


pay for it to be developed specifically for PC then retard

How do I meme this into reality

I'm not a pathetic graphicsfaggot, so no.

I laugh at you the same way I laugh at switch portbeggers brother.

By buying a PC

Always puts a smile on my face when faglets cries about this game.

Nah will wait and emulate it with high rez textures.

>C-c-cardboard! Cardboard!!

You're not getting Bayo, faggot. Get over it. Either buy a Switch or keep being a little bitch.

I'm not that upset by it. Just kind of saddened after the 2 flopped no other publishers than Nintendo would touch the IP with a ten foot pole

The first game flopped too, only Nintendo would show a company like Platinum the time of day. I mean that in a good way of course.

>mfw Misty's outfit makes it into Bayonetta

>muh grafix.
Hardware limitations limit the scope a game can have. Have you ever played Dead Rising and then played Off the Record?

Nintendofags cry about not having games, Sony/Xbonefags cry when the games leave when they don't buy them and instead opt for FIFA

I have doubts about Bayo flopping this time after the black magic Tatsumi did to make Xenoblade and Metroid sell.

>have you ever played one game that shows the technical capabilities of a console without focusing on graphics, then play the sequel that put graphics first and suffered as a result? (as well as being multiplat which is actually highly relevant to this conversation)
Yes I have actually.

>le entitled maymay
Go to be boomer trash somewhere else.

>You're not getting Bayo, faggot. Get over it.
>keep being a little bitch.
>Either buy a Switch
Nah, not going buy fisher price tablet with barely any games just for sake of one game.

And you're still getting games built on hardware on the level from a decade ago. But hey you still got cardboard at least

While everyone else dutifully follows Moore's Law, Nintendo insists on being 2 generations behind.

Why is this acceptable?

>Xenoblade is now a million seller
>More Nintendo Monolith games now a guarantee

Couldn’t be happier about this

>M-muh grafix!
The only "argument" Nintendo haters have

>I want yet another generic black box
Fuck off

Because gameplay > graphics.

Remember that once MH became free on the shackles we got the best gameplay in the series. Just remember that.

Youre being too kind to the switch, it should be seventh gen as well

Nintendo isn't a gaming company. They're in the business of finding new ways to have fun.

I'm happy I'll be able to enjoy it anywhere I go. :)

Could Bayo 1 be considered a flop at this point? I feel like it's had enough releases to escape cult classic status, and Platinum were very pleased by the PC sales.

I'd argue that Nintendo is the only gaming company out of the three, and that Microsoft and Sony are entertainment divisions.

It was a flop when Bayonetta 2 was in early development and shopping around for a publisher after Sega turned them down.

>I want more dated underpowered hardware upsold to me because it has a gimmick

If the options are not having a true 8th gen Bayonetta and not having Bayonetta 2 and 3 at all I'll gladly take the former.

you faggots should have bought the original game at launch instead of waiting for it to go down to $10

t. day one 360fag

No. Being sad for what could have been is a pointless endeavour. If something's enjoyable, I take it and I'm happy for it. No point in being upset when I CAN STILL BE FUCKING LIVID OVER NO DEVIL MAY CRY WHAT THE FUCKKKK CAPCOM WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING

You don't know the struggle faggot.

t. first week PS3 fag

Its literally the most recent in terms of hardware. I'm not referring to release of the system itself but its internals.

It's less about the shit hardware and more about it being held hostage. Platinum is going to make it work anyways, I just don't want to buy a piece of shit console just for this game.

Cry some more you little faggot. My skin needs moisturizing.

>Carring about a weeb game

I don't care about the Bayonetta series even if it's exclusive to a console I own. And I wouldn't suddenly give a shit about it if it were moved to be exclusive to a console I don't own

I had/have the same feeling about Monster Hunter

>Tegra 1
>Not dated

>implying the "gimmick" isn't actually really fucking good this time

>reading comprehension

>Goalpost moving

Tough. Your lord and savior Kaz didn't do shit but Iwata stepped in and told the company to help profit it. That's what happened and you can't deny it.

How so? If the Switch is dated then so are all consoles, which makes it a meaningless distinction.

>If the Switch is dated then so are all consoles

This generation's console wars are the Special Olympics.

You can call the PS4 and Xbone underpowered and dated all you like but at least they aren't about to be TWO generations behind the curb from literally every other major devs in the industry like Nintendo is setting themselves up for by continually relying on hardware way below the standards of any devs for the sake of being hipsters

>PS4 still has literally only one game, two if you didn't own a PS3
>Complaining about Switch library

XBC2 was legit fantastic though tbqh fampai

>Caring this much about graphics

Who's moving the goalposts now?

And the Switch has zero until Bayonetta 3 drops, you don't have a leg to stand on faggot

How are you people STILL angry about this?

You still faggot.

Because quality hardware literally doesn't matter. Nintendo knows this full well and avoids it altogether. Sony and Microsoft only make money off their premium services and microtransactions, not on hardware and not even on games.

If you're gonna talk like that then any console is already dated from the day it's released.

>for the sake of being hipsters
And yet it makes them cash.

>Automata was a huge success
>Square Enix looking into Nintendo again
>Platinum investing into Switch
If both of these pay off, might we see a Taro game on a Nintendo console in the next years?

How will 8th gen improve anything exactly?
Bayonetta's gameplay, over the top dramatics and characters are what causes poeple to like it and you don't need fucking 4k to do that.
Bayonetta or any game like it isn't praised for its visuals - the only thing other consoles can boast.

Don't hide your childish tears that you can't afford a switch behind some bullshit reasoning.

no u

Because the last time Nintendo did that they were pushed to near-irrelevancy.


That's odd. 4U is still 3DS exclusive.

>just saddened by no other publishers taking it

Blame Sega.

>Best Mario game in decades
>Best version of one of the most successful new IPs around
>Best JRPG since P3
>Best Musou game in years (kek)
Etc etc etc

Not even counting Zelda since you'll just screech about it being on WiiU too.

You have 7th, 8th, and now 9th gen bayonetta though.

Why are you faggots so insecure about about your box not being the latest gen when ever a new box comes out. It's not a big deal, grow up and wait for you box brand to make a new box

Because Nintendo focuses more on quality games rather than having quality systems and so far it has worked for them.

soy games don't count

>Best Musou

I fucking hope you're not talking about FEW. Yeah the gameplay is better than Hyrule Warriors but everything else is a direct downgrade. Also FEW flopped even by musou standards. I'll just wait for FEW:Legends when they decide to add people from anything beside Fates and Awakening.

What defines a soy game

Soy arguments don't either

Nice try you stuck in past ass bitch.
Did 4U manage to stay on Twitch top 10 for 3 weeks in a row? No?
Not surprising. Stay irrelevant.

Games that user #19282816 does not like

It makes people do the soylent grin
not an argument


>make fun of Switch owners for """"port begging"""
>constantly make threads crying about how it's not fucking fair that the switch has games you want and that they should be on YOUR platform of choice instead of someone else's

Not really, Bayonetta is fucking shit 2bh.

I still regret that Sup Forums memed me into buying the first one.

Goalpost status: moved

>Nintendofags cry about not having games
No, South American PCfags falseflag as Nintendofags crying about not having games.

>It makes people do the soylent grin
So any console game ever

>not an argument
not an argument

You should have bought it when it was multiplat.

it is an argument when i do it, soycuck


What kind of games do you like, user.


not really, because realistically if it wasn't for nintendo then we wouldn't have any bayo games except for 1.

No because I only play Bing Bing Wahoo games

I don't need to count her fucking pubic hairs to get enjoyment, OP. I care about how it will play. The Switch is capable enough. If you cared about the game enough you would be happy it even became a trilogy.

>wake up
>jump onto Sup Forums
>sony cucks are STILL crying that they don't have bayonetta
fucking hell my sides

Prove it, hand over your 100% soy free certification letter