What went wrong?
What went wrong?
Aside from everything?
Played it for 150 hours, honest to goodness fps moba hybrid that was loads of fun to play, and had a lot of heart.
Bad marketing, art style was to intense for many. Will forever be mocked by people who never gave it a chance.
I think its an alright game, but it got completely screwed by lack of actual support, shitty launch timing, and retarded Gearbox not calling it fucking free to play.
It deserves to die.
It was multiplayer.
The most fun part of Battleborn was the single-player campaign, what little there was of it.
They could have made a really fun game if they had expanded and focused on that aspect of the game.
The multiplayer was just a steaming pile of shit with no redeeming qualities.
>Randy nearly kills Bayonetta because he embezzled money from Sega
>Karma gets him back by nearly killing Gearbox
shit marketing killed it far worse than the mediocre gameplay ever could have.
The game itself was okay, the main issues it had was the p2w items you could get, but really most of the meta items were things you got from the story, not from lootboxes. more than half the characters had their best kits available from the getgo.
Just like lawbreakers, the game always felt like a f2p game that got a price tag slapped on it last minute. That was actually the case for lawbreakers, easily verified as such, but not so much for battleborn, so maybe gearbox just fucking blows.
Jesus, I wish. Let's see if they live long enough to release Borderlands 3 and they are saved. I'm not even a fan of Duke or Aliens, but I still hate what they did
>to intense
Saturated MOBA market
Not appealing / Bad marketing
Game is not that good, but not bad unlike the autists who never played here claim it is
Bonus: Any non-free multiplayer game is a gamble, see Evolve
Orendi was too good for this world
>just force a shitload of characters that look like they're from different games
>shit clusterfuck tier gameplay
>shit ui
>all characters look like they belong in the same game
>casual af so pretty much anyone can be "good" at it and everything is easy to learn
>minimal ui that doesn't distract from gameplay
>saturated market
>bad marketing
>hideous to look at
It's impressive how closely Cliffy B. followed Randy's model.
This game is legit fun. Paragon and Gigantic survivors should check it out it is free.
>Artstyle too intense
>Am I...am I badass?
>I'll see you later dad.
You mean right? MOBAshit all deserve this fate
hey Randy
Shit its been too long since i've seen a Battleborn thread. everyone seemed to forget about it as soon as Lawbreakers came in
Nothing, Sup Forums wanted a new TORtanic.
Who would you rather be Sup Forums? Cliffy or Randy?
at this point? randy. cliffy fucked him and his whole company out of ever being able to find work again. They're dissolving at some point this year, the game is announcing shutdown in q1, to take the slump that'll happen before the fiscal year ends.
My bet is march, since the q42017 earnings presentation was only a week ago, and they would have announced it there if it was gonna be this month.
Hyper universe and lawbreakers both flopping so hard, along with most of their games bleeding players is probably going to put nexon NA on the chopping block.
Randy, he still has some dignity.
what went wrong?
release dates
>battleborn: may 3, 2016
>overwatch: may 24, 2016
who in there right mind would compete against blizzard?
took like 4 years for the game to get out of early access, everyone had burned out on it already, no marketing for f2p since I didn't even know the f2p actually launched until like a week ago, and apparently it's been f2p for almost 4 months now.
Until she starts talking.