now that the dust has been kicked up, what will go wrong?
Now that the dust has been kicked up, what will go wrong?
What are you talking about? Le SJW libruls BTFO amirite?
Nothing. It's a 7/10 game at worst and every single dollar spent on it contributes to the uncucking of this industry. Buy it.
/leftypol/ will nitpick it to death
looks like a good game but im gonna wait for some patches first.
Played it for a while today and it's a solid game, it's not a masterpiece, but in a way it's better than a lot of AAA crap.
It's not good. I played three hours and didn't have a single enjoyable moment. Control was taken from me like once every 5 minutes too. I watched cutscenes more than I played the game.
Always the same shit in this site. SOMETIMES GOOD GAMES COME OUT TOO
/polv/ will pretend the game is something more than mediocre as part of the endless war on the sjw boogeyman.
Game looks good aside from the bug fest I've been seeing
Whoops, looks like you accidentally played MGS4 instead. An easy mistake to make.
I'd agree if the cutscenes had been good in anyway. They weren't
are you black? do you have a black ass?
Played a few hours. Enjoying it so far. The beginning is very linear though, let's see what happens after that.
Leftists on actual suicide watch
No. What would be the relevancy if I were?
So, should I get it? It looks buggy as all hell but also kind of fun. Is it worth 60 shekels?
Maybe ill pick it up on sale in a few years
>Almost the entirety of the game's owner base is online at this moment
These trustworthy statistics really make me think.
>le boogeyman
Off yourself nigger. It is a historical title and doesn't carry a political message as far as I'm aware, but to pretend those other faggots don't pose a threat to everything they touch is beyond delusional.
The main thing that goes wrong on this kind of games is the poor optimization at launch.
For me, this game looks like those games that will not recover from a bad launch.
it's trash
wait a few months until it's patched and pick it up for under $20