Why is this """game""" such a buggy mess?

Other urls found in this thread:


It's about as buggy as any single player open world game. It's to be expected. It's still a decent game. Not only that, it's a game made by someone that very visibly told social marxists to fuck off. You're actively aiding the industry when you buy this and getting a decent game out of it too. What the fuck are you waiting for, faggots?




>visibly told social marxists to fuck off.

Nice shilling retard end your life

all me

How is buying a shitty game aiding the industry?

Fuck off.

>Limited save system
>Glitches everywhere
>Game crashes and makes me lose 30 minutes of progress
Yeah, no, fuck off, retards. Refunded. "#based" my ass

>telling the truth is Sup Forums now
It truly is always right.

>told social marxists to fuck off.
How can you tell something that doesn't exist to fuck off?

You are most likely a russian botter.

You actually fell for the shilling what a retard.

Looks like ResetERA is raiding us yet again. Do you faggots ever give it a rest?
>How is buying a shitty game aiding the industry?
I just explained how. You're sending a message to the other developers that still have a spine in them that standing on your feet and not kneeling to SJWs makes your game sell BETTER.

They focused too much in forcing their bigoted right wing agenda so they didn't have time/resources to actually focus on the gameplay.


>he didn't play fallout 4 on survival difficulty

Based copypasta poster trolling the Sup Forumstard shills


Fuck off

It's called EuroJank, OP

Nobody fucking cares about your imaginary boogeyman, you're aiding a bunch of retards who don't know how to make a proper game and you're literally shilling for free. Off yourself.

You are unbelievably deluded if you think supporting a shit game is ever a good idea, regardless of the "message" it sends.

And the game has no political agenda, any idea of one is imaginary and being perpetuated unduly.


>I'll use reverse psychological shilling on them to make them buy this massive piece of shit!


Why are KKK members working the night shift at the Henny Penny? Same reason. The sad thing is how many rednecks used their welfare checks to buy copies of this piece of shit.

>there is no group of people that practices cultural marxism
Look up the Frankfurt School, young child.

>yes ill easily manipulate this dumb 4chin posters into buying my game by playing on their political tendencies

put the lockpick on the sweet spot, turn the lock and keep moving the lockpick towards the center of the lock.

it's not explained too well.

b-b-but there's no blacks in it

Pic related, read and cry.
Well, keep on crying.

>casual complaining about limited quicksaves

>LITRALLLLY posting Sup Forums thread as his defense.

Cultural Marxism isn't a thing, buddy. Stop sipping the Sup Forums Kool-Aid, otherwise you look like a conspiracy nut.

>indenty politics have infiltrated every form of media
>corporations can now just pander to peoples political autism to make a profit
>nobody cares how broken the game is because it "owns the libs"
>every game will now be part culture war faggotry because nobody can enjoy games when they don't appeal to their autism
>(((they))) will still make millions no matter what

>his defense
I wasn't the guy you replied to and it' just a post, not a thread.
You're clearly new here and are not used to imageboard culture, so let me give you a hint:
go back to r*ddit

Sup Forumsscum

It describes an existing leftist movement in the western world.
If you dislike the term that's your personal problem and yours alone, don't act like a literal autist by insisting on others sharing your view on semantics.
You double nigger.

>Implying Sup Forums is a space with "total free speech"

i could only imagine how many pathetic Sup Forumstards actually saved that, wouldn't even doubt it was the poster himself who saved it and posts it around.


>implying that bans aren't so fucking rare there that you have to lurk for months to even see one
Nice try though.

>still buying indie games

Remember that Sup Forums is 90% russian bots that came around election time.

>this triggers nu-Sup Forums

>I have no point or argument but feel the need to respond
The post.

Is it as awful as Sniper: Ghost Warrior though?

Pic proves you wrong. Mods are more than ready to ban you if you hold wrong-think leftist opinions. Your "Sup Forums supports free speech" meme is fake news.



Leftists on actual suicide watch

>Sup Forumstards will defend this

That wave was from reddit you retard
>somehow the russians care if you buy a videogame or not
>b-b-but the russians wanna fight against PC culture
Wow, terrible people indeed.

ok someone drop a torrent please

I wonder who this is. The pawn or the master?


You wouldn't be complaining if it was made by Bethesda.

dunno but I tell you when I see one

>easily photoshopped picture without any context proves me wrong
Chances are that he acted like a cunt throughout the entire thread or several (IPs exist, remember?) and some mod banned him and laughed.
You can literally argue for anything from the most extreme left or right point of view on Sup Forums without getting banned and both is done regularly, your little picture proves nothing except possibly one incident which still means nothing.
>buddhist monks are vegetarians
>but there was that one guy who ate a fly once!!!!!!!

>most extreme left or right point of view on Sup Forums without getting banned

With 4 fucking threads up now, how do I know which one I should shitpost in? My time is valuable.

Sup Forums had communist generals for years, died down now that leftypol exists but they still pop up from time to time.
You and the other couple of retards in this thread who post about Sup Forums and its moderating practices while clearly never having spent an evening there are fucking pathetic.

4 tabs i only have 2 up

>He was being a cunt and deserved it
Nice ban for wrong speech. Exactly what you hate Neogaf for doing. It's almost like Sup Forumstards are the same kind of idiots as SJWs.
Also, thanks to archives, we can go check out the thread and see that it isn't fake and that you are, in fact, full shit and wrong in your supposition
Sup Forums doesn't support free speech

All of them, make the leftist shills earn their money.
Feel free to copy-paste, it's not like they're smart enough to come up with anything coherent anyway.

Fake news.

Ok, here we go bois

Just to play devil's advocate, how does this prove the place is moderation heavy and not just that there was a cunt mod in one thread one time?

No one uses leftypol, thats another bogeyman of you absolutely retarded faggots. And this is an user board, you assuming another user has never been on Sup Forums is you being a dumb faggot that knows absolutely nothing but makes sweeping unfounded accusations about things. Typical dumb Sup Forums faggot in a nutshell.

Fuck off slav and fix your game!

It's a game ffs, stop making it into some political statement like liberals try to

>Sup Forums doesn't support free speech

It's the freest political forum around.

I've only seen spam mostly taken care of.

You can go and post your favorite SJWhore shit or Hitler did nothing wrong, just fine.

Just because you might not have an audience for it, doesn't mean it's not free.


I think there is a glitch or is the shitty young lord meant to just wander around in his underwear?

>Nice ban for wrong speech.
Actually that's a ban for a mod having fun, but nice try.
You act like there are big rules and lots of reinforcement, but neither is true.
>Exactly what you hate Neogaf for doing.
>one ban means anything and is comparable to neogaf policing
nice try
> It's almost like Sup Forumstards are the same kind of idiots as SJWs.
>horse-shoe theory
wew, going all out here
>Also, thanks to archives, we can go check out the thread and see that it isn't fake and that you are, in fact, full shit and wrong in your supposition
You mean the archives show that he didn't post in other threads with the same ID or that the mod banned him for a laugh?
As I said, you can browse there for months without witnessing a single ban, try it out some time before you make any accusations
Even if you were completely correct with everything you said it still means nothing.

If that is all you have you lose this argument by default, so try harder.

Except the image in the reply chain you're participating in proves you wrong

>T-t-the mod w-was just having fun
Alright, then. By that logic, the neogaf mods are just having fun dealing with "problematic shitlords" too. Guess that place isn't a circle-jerk anymore either.

Sup Forums is as big a circle-jerk as neogaf.

>No one uses leftypol,
It's one of the most active boards of infinitychan.
>you assuming another user has never been on Sup Forums
He thinks Sup Forums is heavily moderated, so yes, he's never been there.
> you being a dumb faggot that knows absolutely nothing but makes sweeping unfounded accusations about things.
That would be you then, if you agree to his point.

>mod banning people with different political views is totally fine you guys
>Sup Forums is not a massive circlejerk you guys

Why are americans such cringy retards?
Talk about the fucking game not your identity politics.

Go there right now you dumb faggot, go to lefty pol and tell me right now how many threads are bumping. You dumb fucking faggot.

>go get money back for dad
>fight with the drunk asshole
>lose cause i'm bad at videogames
>he talks shit to me and walks back to his axe
>go after him and throw some punches on the back of his head
>he starts running
>i try chasing
>give up and just walk back to his house to steal some shit
>walk outside, there he is walking back like nothing happened
>walk past him, turn around, punch him in the back of the head
>knock down
>steal his shit
>drag his body back to his house
>keep checking if there's anything of value
>turn around, guy is walking towards me
>punch him in the face
>knock down again
>wait til he gets back up
>he walks towards me, i miss the punch cause i'm bad at videogames
>he says "enough!" and tells me to grab anything of value in his house

clunky af but i'm having fun

When the first post is someone bragging it sticks it to the cultural marxist boogey men pic related isn't relevant, user.

>Except the image in the reply chain you're participating in proves you wrong
>one ban proves anything
Still nope, try harder.

>Alright, then. By that logic, the neogaf mods are just having fun dealing with "problematic shitlords" too. Guess that place isn't a circle-jerk anymore either.
Depends, does it happen once a year or daily there?
Oh, it happens there all the time?
And you think you compare a single example from Sup Forums to that?
Wew, lad, you're quite the pathetic little faggot, aren't you?

>why is day 1 release such a buggy mess
>why is the day 1 release of an indie company pretending to have the resources of a AAA dev such a buggy mess

Due to poor QA from a new developer?

I'm not one to care though. Two of my favourite games are KOTOR2 and VtMB. I'm forgiving when it comes to bugs.

lead in the water

>Except the image in the reply chain you're participating in proves you wrong

>one example

I see leftypol and Nazi shit daily and no one is banned or deleted.

Go and post wrong think on neogaf and it'll be gong every time.


This honestly.

You can only fight the kikery with pirating.

Insecurity and paranoia

Imagine being so underage you literally want and expect bugs in your games.


you're behind the times, gramps. all those people went to resetera.


funny how no one that claims the gameplay is good ever posts any webums

Fuck! I'm hyped looks fun.

One example is all that's needed. Mods delete threads with rules that they only arbitrary enforce when they benefit them. Like you yourself said, they do it to "have fun". Your "free speech" heaven is propaganda and fake news.

Go there, post the exact same thing that guy posted, I guarantee you will not be banned, as it has much worse things on the frontpage all the time.
But once again, nice try.
Want me to show you a single example of a murder to "prove" how killing people happens every single minute in your country?
Because that's how it works according to you, right?
One example surely means it happens constantly.

You're the one who made the accusation so do it yourself you lazy piece of garbage.
Fucking leftists always trying to make others work for them.

> eat shit ,for the greatness of germany!
fool me once

You don't need evidence when you know you're right.

>Beta was full of bugs
>Stage demos were full of bugs
>Devs constantly say "Oh, that's been fixed" without showing updated version

Game turned out really buggy. Who'd have guessed?