Bux Hunter

>PS4 Pro $400
>SSD $150
>Game $60

Over $600 if you want more than 25fps and loading screens shorter than 3min.

I guess this is acceptable now?

What are you guys hunting and crafting?

I'm trying to make a bow set and that Damascus mail has level 2 focus so I'm starting out with making that. Any other suggestions? I think there's a charm with evade extender I can make along with some gloves/waist with weakness exploit and crit.

wait 10 months and you can get it for free with the PC you're already posting from at 60+ fps

Don't forget:
>Electricity for the PS4 Pro: $200/mo
>House (required to get electricity) - $500K
>Chair & Desk - $300
>Food and water - $800/mo
>Sewer and gas lines for house - $70/mo
>Car (to purchase food and water) - $35K

Gonna be trying out cbs and ls now since ive ignored them pretty much. I dont think ill ever touch hh. Also anyone found a pierce shot up deco yet? I really want one but no luck

dont forget life insurance ! and forget about getting a family with those expenses, truly, MHW is the worst

how do i get a free computer to play monster hunter on when it comes out on PC?

Just pirate one

people always leave and disband party after a quest is finished. why the heck did the destroy the gathering hub like this? i dont like this new lobby system at all

Make friends you loser