How the FUCK do you FUCKING deal with FUCKING rage during online FUCKING gaming?
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Stop taking it seriously?
Make them think they have a comeback and just stomp em at the last second
I dont get mad to start with. Dissapointed, but not mad.
there are pills for this kind of stuff user
get an appointment with your general practitioner/family doctor and say how you get mad over little things and have a hard time controlling it
you just, be over 12
Tell yourself it's just a game, that simple.
If you get mad, they win in terms of their attempts to troll you.
If I lose, I try to learn something from it and get better.
I used to get way mad during Tekken online, broke a controller and damaged two others. After that I realised I was being fucking retarded. All games are just games, and in a year the game you’re playing will be forgotten about and no one will care about it so just enjoy have fun. Unless you’re going pro on something.
It's not a matter of being trolled, it's self-loathing that I can't improve after hours of practice and playtime.
just b urslef brah
git gud
by being 33 and having adult stuff to do?
im not immature so i never get to rage
I just don't get mad
Seriously, it fucking baffles me how people get mad at video games, and why they keep playing them if it makes them so mad.
My housemate gets controller-throwingly/keyboard-poundingly mad at video games all the time, I ask him why the fuck he plays something if it makes him so mad and he just grunts and ignores the question.
So here is the question, what exactly makes you mad, and why do you continue allowing it to happen?
Don’t play online games
i used to be mad at every loss or upset until i realized that the only constant thing in my losses is me
once i accepted that my faults are my own and stopped using excuses i found more success and had a better time playing shitty competitive games
Take a break from the game and start doing some basic exercises to channel your rage energy.
It's just a game bro ;^)
I'm going to bother giving a serious answer
I have legitimate anger issues when it comes to online multiplayer stuff and the only thing that has stopped it is to not play them at all
I hate that I can't enjoy some of my favorite genres like fightan but there's no way to avoid it otherwise, I'd rather just add to my empty depression from not being able to enjoy stuff instead of being full of rage all the time
You're probably not practicing correctly.
Practice doesn't make perfect, perfect practice makes perfect.
Watch some YouTube tutorials on playing the game and make sure you're practicing the correct techniques.
I stopped being 16 years old
>be me
>don't ever get mad at games
That's the secret
Here is what people don't want you to know:
Not everybody can be good at everything. If you suck at something no matter how much you try you are probably always going to suck at it.
Find something you don't suck at instead.
dont play competitive games unless you're fucking pro at them or else you will not have fun
That's not true.
I'm eternally diamond ranked in Rocket League but I still find it a joy to play after a year of playing it.
I went through a period of time where I sucked worse at it and hated myself for it but you can get over that plateu.
>"lol don get mad tho" The thread
Explain how that isn't a reasonable answer.
Not him but anger's a natural response. I guarantee these "Oh I never feel anger bro" anons are the same ones posting "Why don't games feel fun anymore" threads.
>I'm a paragon of tranquility and virture and never get angry over anything!
every time in these threads.
I still have fun playing RL every day even after 2 and a half years, high level play is just really enjoyable. It’s probably shit up to diamond though cause no one actually plays the game properly.
Being angry is, sure. But being so buttblasted that you shatter your controller against the wall isn't. That is just literal mental illness. If you can't control your emotions so that losing a game you play for enjoyment causes you to damage your self or your property, you are mentally ill.
Mental illness might be a little extreme, but yeah. If you're letting your anger actually cause damage in your life, you probably need to step back and gain a little perspective. I was assuming we were talking about more normal anger or frustration.
Yeah the toxicity is worse and worse the lower you go.
I think people get angrier the less they understand the game.
I used to get butt-blasted because I couldn't work with people and the physics seem random.
Once you're Diamond you understand the game and other players and there's no reason to get mad.
Normal anger is controllable, and never hits the surface unless you want it to.
If you are making actions only motivated by anger, it is legit brain problems.
Stop being 12
I really don't see any issues with verbal anger responses. That's not to say screaming at the top of your lungs, but an "aww fuck" every now and then is fine.
I never lose
That is what I would deem an acceptable level of anger, the kind of thing you don't mind letting out because it isn't really disruptive.
When people talk about rage though, like the OP, I assume he is talking about uncontrollable outbursts that are actually affecting his life negatively in some way, which is why he wishes to stop. And in that case, the answer is probably just medication.
This. Stop caring, stop getting emotionally invested and have fun. Learn to deal with loss. Play roguelikes , Dwarf Fortress, Rimworld, Eve Online or whatever until you stop giving a fuck about losing or dying.
Well once everyone is rotating well and passing the game is actually being played properly. Before that it’s just 6 guys in a lobby chasing a ball around while bumping in to each other. It has a stupidly high level of entry to playing the game properly really.
Tegretol. Also helps with Epilepsy!
There is a difference between getting angry, and getting angry and spazzing out and destroying things you fucking retard. Why would you smash a controller or TV or monitor?
Take a break when you get salty. Sometimes you just won't be in the mood to deal with shit. Come back to it later if you'd like after you've cooled off.
However if you're raging all the time, you might need to look into anger therapy or something. Video games are really not that serious, and even professionals get mad or frustrated sometimes but they aren't constantly flying off the handle.
>the medicated generation
Play Dark Souls
Not even memeing at you. Dark Souls teaches humility, so long as you understand that when you die it is your fault. It will help you understand that failing at games is a necessary part to getting the most out of them.
One of the most rational posts on v atm.
>allowing your emotions to control your behavior
What is this middle school?
Grow up.
If you are implying the past generations were any better, you are fucking full of yourself. Yeah, they didn't medicate their anger away, usually they just beat their wives or children or whatever. I think medication is a preferable alternative to physical violence.
do you remember being mad at a game 2-3 years ago
do you still remember why you were mad and does whatever made you mad back then even matter to you now
thats right, it doesnt matter, it never mattered, and it never will matter. its just a game that you will probably stop playing in a couple of months, why have so much emotional investment in an entertainment medium?
>dude maturity lmao why care about anything
I'll answer anyways because you might find it interesting
>what exactly makes me mad
When I'm calculating things based on high level of game intelligence and make good predictions, but get blindsided by dumb shit that I wasn't expecting because only a retard would do it.
Extreme, incessant persistence of someone else on my tail.
Feeling like I'm the odd one out (getting picked on, left behind, etc.)
Losing significant progress - especially when a certain objective requires multiple successes in a row, and one miss makes you start from square one. Squandering proportionally high amount of achievement because of one mistake is very defeating and makes you hyperscrutinize what exactly went wrong (see the first point)
Unfair mechanics -- being defeated by something that I believe defies the conventions of the rest of the game, and without repercussion. Especially applies when it defies how the game itself has previously conditioned you the entire way.
>why do you continue
Because it's a challenge. Sometimes I don't even play games to have fun, I just seek the feeling of a reward for my skill in execution. If I'm beaten back and get mad about it, my mindset shifts to proving to myself and my team that I can do better. I also become bitter at whatever happiness the person who beat me might be feeling. It is perfectly natural to become angry when your mastery of something is challenged, especially by a direct competitor. When that happens, the goal then becomes clinging on to some shelf of retributive satisfaction rather than just "fun".
To quit outright as soon as I'm ruffled by a failure is to admit defeat and carry that failure with me for the rest of the day. Some people take that very seriously because games are a big deal for them, and it's a terrible, horrible feeling. They will quit when they're "done".
I believe the test of maturity is being able to determine when you're "done", not never getting angry.
Stop playing online games, your wallet will thank you also.
Too many v children, can't handle tilt kek
So you believe the definition of maturity that you made up aligns to your actions perfectly. How very convenient for you. Have you considered that you may have developed that definition as a defense mechanism to protect your fragile ego?
I play rogue-likeish games and while I enjoy them a lot, they're often a source of frustration at times. Doing Challenge Mode in Gungeon was legitimately unfun, and I to take many, many breaks from attempting to beat it. Once I got the achievement I never touched it again.
RNG-heavy games help me more and more to accept that not everything in life will go my way. Sometimes you just get fucked. But you try again to see if you can do better, and celebrate your successes.
Get paraletic on alcohol, blame you being shit on that. You'll be too lazy to smash anything.
>Source: Pretty fucked on Dark Horse's Cabernet Sauvignon whilst sucking at Gang Beasts right now
i smoke weed, and i fill rather than insist on doing what i want. im currently sitting on a 63 percent win rate.
just be calm, relax and focus on just covering your teams flaws
i stopped playing competitive
Unfortunately many people growing up were taught incorrectly that they are supposed to control their emotions rather than their actions. Any sane person knows you can't actually control your emotions, only your responses to them. Instead of simply punishing kids for crying or throwing a tantrum, you have to also teach them a more appropriate action to take, if there is one.
>Seriously, it fucking baffles me how people get mad at video games
that's like asking why i get mad when someone cuts me off
frustrating things are frustrating
>and why they keep playing them if it makes them so mad.
i don't, i stopped playing tf2 because it made me mad (and because they ruined it but it making me mad is the main reason)
Oh boy here we go its the part where virgin Sup Forums users give their parenting tips.
>So you believe the definition of maturity that you made up aligns to your actions perfectly
I never stated "my actions", nor claimed to be mature. I have a long way to go myself, since I'm actually a pretty bad judge of when I'm done. I often make the good people in my life suffer because of that. I just believe that it's a sound target to aim for, and I'm working on that.
Aren't all definitions of maturity "made up"? Yours might differ from your neighbour's, or your father's. It absolutely does between cultures and nationalities.
>yadda yadda defense mechanism
My ego is very fragile, yes, but that's kind of irrelevant since I've never really talked about this stuff until this thread. Also because of what I just said about my own maturity.
People get mad, it's human, and especially befitting of the people who visit this site. You should probably get over it.
>le just don't play them
No, that's not an answer. Getting mad at them in the first place is retarded. Same goes for "lol it's just a game"
It's simple. If you die in a videogame, one of two things happened. Either you fucked up, or the game is poorly made. If you're not jaded to hell and back over the latter to the point where you could never feel anger, I dunno what to tell you. For the former, you need to learn to just accept it. Realize your flaws, admit them, and learn from them. Genuinely mentally stop and recognize your mistake if you need to. This will both help you improve, and stop you getting mad. The anger generally comes from a lack of control and understand more than anything, so if you know how you fucked up, what action you took that was wrong, you have no reason to get angry.
This should already by the way the rest of your life is run. If you fail some test or some shit, you don't just get angry over it unless you're a baby, you recognize what you did wrong, why your efforts are insufficient. If you genuinely do get angry at shit like that in the rest of your life, I'd say videogames are a good way to learn to think in a less ass-retarded way and stop being a brainlet, as they're so self-contained.
It's just a game, bro
I wasn't implying the past was any better. Just that currently everyone seems to just pop pills if they have any kind of problems when they probably don't need to.
>feeling sad
>feeling tired
>unable to focus
>feeling mad
>too fat
>too stupid
Obvously there are legit problems that people can have like bipolar disorder, add, adhd, schizophrenia. I'm no trained physiologist or medical professional, but whatever happen to people just having a bad day?
It's simple, really.
>letting yourself get mad at a game
Either don't let it get to you or take a break if you find yourself getting upset you fucking child.
You sound really angry right now user.
>reacting autistically to a video game is a natural response
I want to throatfuck you.
You are over simplifying things. Btw you sound mad as fuck.
do some drugs or something
Play for fun instead of to win, stop playing competitively skewd games, if you simply MUST play something multiplayer, find some pals and do coop shit instead of competitive games, or learn to play a competitive game for fun instead of to be the best, play characters that you'd usually consider to be noob tier but have a focus on movement strats or something instead of pure aiming skill and start to go with the flow.
It's all to do with how you approach a game, build yourself up and you just built up expectation, which is frustrating to deal with when you aren't doing so well, be it cause of you or your team.
>get high
>laugh harder at the raging teammates
>mention you're high
>laugh even harder as your teammates rage at you for being high
Throw the game and troll, for real. If it's a team-oriented game and your teammates are shit, you might as well fuck up the game since they don't deserve to win and you get to have fun while you're at it. Even better if you do it in future games to vent some stress.
If it's a solo game/game that requires more individual skill, git gud.
Just drink whenever you play online games. Channel your energy into trolling and comedy. Whenever you are mad just say some nonsensical bullshit in chat or fuck with the other players.
>dude lmao just ruin it for everyone else and you'll feel good about yourself
Worse than the comp fags.
>>dude lmao just ruin it for everyone else and you'll feel good about yourself
This is basically what shitters on my team are doing unintentionally anyway. Why not do the same thing and have some fun?
Just stop playing team games. Play fighting games. No more 20-60 minute long shit matches.
unironically this t bh
Sensible post. These responses of never getting mad/control your emotions are merely confrontational garbage on the basis of "I never had ur situation lol"
Nobody can perfectly control their emotions and always be mature, sans monks.
But in order to prove someone wrong on the internet, every schmuck should
I mean I went into methods of meta gaming your own mentality as to prevent anger, I know emotions are hard to control, that's why you should be some steps ahead of your animal part of your brain and attempt to prevent the scenarios that make you mad.
>That kid that would punch walls and show off how he lost the security deposit for his mom
Online gaming sucks now. Lack of dedicated servers, lack of team switching in most games, lame matchmaking only, DLC Season Passes lootboxes microtransactions out the fuck ass. OP items/characters added to games so people fork over money only to be fixed months later, can't ban people for blatant cheat. My god the cheating, there have always been cheaters but the amount that there are now is fucking staggering and only growing with the popularity of gaming and PC gaming specifically. The online culture is filllled to the brim with shitstains which you seriously can not figure out if they are a kid or a grown ass man spouting the same meme for the 7,000th time. The early access (it's just a beta!) and perpetual buggy "final" releases. What else? I dunno. I'm just frustrated cause I hit a guy in For Honor and suddenly the game decided to turn it into a parry. REPEATEDLY REEEEE. I hope the dedicated servers are good, im literally addicted to online gaming. Never gonna stop crying cause I will play forever.
Obviously, but it is rarely intentional. People go in a game with an aim to have fun, right?
Shit happens, sometimes you let it go, sometimes it gets to you just like anything in life.
Just because they're videogames doesn't automatically remove emotions. You have joy anger satisfaction etc.
>feel nothing at all
Name one part of his advice that's wrong.
Make autistic groaning/internal screeching noises then feel disappointed in myself.
I honestly don't know. And after I rage I feel very ashamed.
I tell myself that I won't ever do it again, but I just can't help it.
The times when I rage the most aren't when I'm getting stomped by someone but it's when my own teammates are either unsupportive or completely braindead.
It doesn't help that in most online games, when you solo queue, you find yourself swinging between losing streak to winning streak, probably because the matchmaking is win rate based.