If Xbox could be used this.
If Xbox could be used this
>wanting nutendo
kiketensoys should die
>Being this rational in Sup Forums
What on EARTH did he mean by this
>Sony ponies are this anally devastated about the Switch's success
keep tard raging
>best for AAA titles
That's PC. Always was, always will be.
Please don't start shit, most people recognize the benefits of both
If the bone becomes a pc the nogamestation4 would be ever more useless. Like now normies have to buy it because they are too dumb to build a pc but if they can buy a decent prebuilt even them would move to the superior platform.
There are a lot of situations where I'd rather play a game on a console than a PC. I have great hardware I just hate having to go through settings menus and download .ini files or some shit just to play with a controller.
I feel like the people who enjoy both consoles and PC can see the benefit of one or the other, but the people who prefer PC lose their minds over the notion of someone enjoying gaming on a console.