Do it for her

I would fight a nigga in real life for this squid

And that nigga will ape you to the floor and black your waifu.

I love Reisen!

My aidoru gives me more than enough strength

real shit my squigga

I masturbate consistently to Splatoon porn. It's made its way to my top 5 searches of all time.

Squids aren't for lewd



Trust me, niggas run away like a scared bitch every time if you start screeching and biting their nose

never let ANYONE talk shit about your fucking girl

thanks for the tips user

Odd, but noble.

There is nothing more noble than defending the honor and purity of a squid

Marina is better.


You just want to get in her pants.

And you have good taste, but Marie is pure.

I love Reisen's feet!

This. I would sleep outside of Marie's shack on the porch just so I wouldn't be tempted to violate her.

How's the meta these days? Last time I played the buckets were king.

>During the live concert, Marie was watching Marina play with her turntables.
>She was actually checking to make sure the Octarian refugee wasn't carrying a concealed splattershot

Trislosher is still pretty killer on ranked mode