MMOs are failing because of this

MMOs aren't following the Bartle taxonomy of player types.
There has to be PvP, exploration, socialization and achievements. Most games don't have this and they just focus on the exploration and achievement part instead of the rest and this just kills the games. Runescape has a fine balance and that's why it's still alive.

Other urls found in this thread:

Suggest MMOs that have the golden ratio plz

What if I just like fishing. What bartle type am I.

Ultima Online back in 1997

Wait wait, what if I just like playing the stock market in the Auction House. Then what type am I

Hey wait, what if Im into fishing volatile fires, what then?

Time machine broke


Well, I'd say that counts as direct peer-to-peer competition, so Killer.

I thought since you're engaged in the act of buying and selling from other players, it would be more like Socializer

I don't like the whole meta thing nowadays. As an explorer, no one else really wants to explore since they've already read a guide or something. I also suck at socialization now. Shame perhaps?

I seriously think games needs to get rid of leaderboards entirely. Their presence makes everyone play retarded.

Honestly, these four categories seem a bit lackluster.
I for one like being able to play mini games like fishing, as others have mentioned, dress up, marriage systems, town activities players can participate in together like dancing, epic boss fights with challenging AI. I dont see a place in those four categories for things like this.

I assume someone playing the market would be in it for personal gain. That sounds like it's still a competition, even if it's not on the battlefield the title "Killer" would imply.

PvP is cancer and ruins character balance for 90% of the rest of the players because some poop socker grinding the arena ratings thinks (INSERT SOME SPELLS HERE) are just a bit too good.

MMOs always either have pvp be too confined or too broad.

I'd argue that the most important change to social would be making it easier for people to play with there friends.
Levels, item levels, servers, and ability counts varying from 2 to 32 discourage people from playing with friends.

>Just want a comfortable game i can login into everyday and be a merchant in while other people do the adventuring.
I'm pretty sure i'm not jewish, i just like indirectly supporting people.

>Class based game.
>Merchant class
>People sell their vendor trash to me, i can melt it down to raw materials or sell it on to NPC's for a slight profit.
>Only basic combat skills but much better crafting skills.
>Other classes get better combat skills in exchange for weaker crafting.

you could try EVE
very easy and pretty fun to just hyperjew and play with the market all day, either by creating things, moving things, or just buying trash people don't want and making something out of it

UO is going F2P within a couple months supposedly, calling it "Endless Journey" if you want to read about it. It'll have some restrictions. Not sure if it's enough to save the game though, last time I did a free week trial just seeing the gear that everyone had was kind of disappointing.

MMOs are dying because there's no replayability. The only reason most people still play is either addiction to achievement-based gameplay or to preserve all the time they've already sunk into their characters. MMOs just aren't fun.

Yeah. Game devs don't want to have specialized classes anymore for whatever reason. I think it would be a fabulous idea what you said there.
I wish game devs would broaden the differences between classes instead of making all of them either a dps, tank, or support.

Don't get me wrong. That holy trinity is still excellent and should be utilized for big boss fights and such, but people should have the option of going in other directions besides min maxing boss fights/battles.

That merchant idea is good, getting you better deals from NPCs than the fighters because maybe you put points into that instead of battle or healing skills, etc.

The fuck is wrong with modern day MMO devs?

I'm more of a fantasy than a sci-fi guy but i'll give it a look.
Figured i was much too late to get into that at this point.

There are literally no MMO that focus in explorations and achievement. They are always PvP and socialization. That's why it's called a theme park OP.

That's what I did in UO.

I started out by provided warring guilds with the gear they needed to fight each other, lying to both about my allegiance. Later I was a tycoon, paying people to mine/harvest/fish/etc for me and getting paid rent for vendor spots in the houses I owned in all the hotspots.

I was the go to guy for just about everything making deals in and out of the game. If someone didn't pay up I also had people who would kill for me... literal bounty hunters like I was a mob boss or some shit. They'd bring me the head of the guy and I'd reward them with the shit that was on his vendor.

I had a fishing friend who would sell me the message in a bottles he'd find and then I'd pay people to sail with me and kill the monsters at the location of the treasure.

I managed to do so much and have so much fun with literally zero combat skills. It was like gold replaced the need for that.

I've never had anything come close to that in a game ever since.

MMOs literally can't work anymore unless there's a level of complexity that doesn't exist right now. They worked back in the late 90s to early 2000s because information wasn't completely widespread, everything wasn't streamlined and easily available, so playing felt like an adventure. Socialization was also required, you needed to work with people to progress, which the autist MMO players of today won't stand for.

No, MMOs are failing because everyone got hooked on WoW which is the equivalent of flicking a switch to pump dopamine into your brain. There's no more room for improvement and everyone is burn out. It'll take a new generation of players to bring back the genre but literally who cares at this point.

BDO has all of these and it still isnt doing well

>focus on rank

Don't play EVE unless you like looking at more spreadsheets than a day trader. This is the pinnacle of functional autism.

Tree of savior has classes like this.


mmos arent actually failing. They've just moved

i can't disagree
but i can't stop playing either

There's plenty of no-mmos that sell players on solid coop.
Problem is no mmo is willing to sacrifice levels and other bullshit for the sake mof people being able to easily join their friends and have fun.

thats a meme who havent played it and you posted an image pre-tranquility


>t. autistic retard defending his game from somebody who doesn't give 2 shits either way.

Whats your problem?

Had an idea for an explorer / scout class too, whose skills were all about going fast and revealing secrets.
Say, a dungeon had a brute force method of completing it by killing everything, or you could bring an ex along who could open a faster / safer route or disable traps.
There's so many different ways to do classes than different flavors of the holy trinity that it depresses me when nobody attempts something crazy, i blame Blizzard for dominating the MMO market.

Damn, lived the dream there user.

Fuck, i thought that was just a meme.

Looks like you still have to have a trinity class of some kind as a fall back.

So it is or isnt a meme?

alternatives facts

atleast get your shit right before you criticize it

>posts some literally who garbage

Everyone on Sup Forums wants to be a snowflake

MMOs should rather differentiate between different hardcore/casual levels of players. A lot of them fail because they just split it as casual and hardcore without any depth to it.

I recent unsubbed eve after 9 years of playing.

Its a fantastic game, it really is. Im just burned out. The only time I used a spreadsheet was doing production calculation, or site payouts.

You can avoid any spreadsheet for years just playing normally.

I played Pre-Tranq and literally helped come up with play styles that are in use to this day and everything he said is true. The game is absolute shit and boring. The lack of permanent damage because of monetary inflation has utterly destroyed the carrot and stick of PvP. If I blew up a person or took a station in 2006-07 it UTTERLY FUCKED the Alliance or person. They often would be reduced back to the position they were in on day 1 of playing. Now they just have some faggot in a Jump Freighter bring 10 ships out to whatever station in the deepest part of nullsec in a half hour and have billions of isk liquid to defray any potential damages.

its only literally who because you refuse to play mobile games

>I played Pre-Tranq
literally doesn't matter, so did I. post a fucking 2017 screenshot minimum

The UI for EVE is very obtuse and you can't get much information visually, it's all fed to you through different menus like user's pic
However, it's not as bad as literal spreadsheets and you do get a feel for it after a short time playing.
It's hard to get into and it's definitely not for everyone, but it's worth a shot, especially with how much you can do for free now

I don't refuse to play mobile games, but that would explain why I haven't heard of that trash.

Dude thats what the game looks like WITHOUT addons. Most people have multiple screens of nothing but data sheets.

>stare at numbers all day every day


Yeah I like that scout idea too.
I think these ideas are brilliant, and if they were applied correctly, and melded well in practice in the world, then you'd have the best MMO ever.

I'm depressed thinking about such missed, but obvious opportunities now too.
What are game devs thinking?! They all just want to copy what's already been done over and over again that badly?
Really... fucking depressing.

You are cherrypicking someones ui setup
and based on the file name you just want to pick shit with it

this is just objectively false though


>3 fuckhuge chat pages that could be collapsed into one
>2 overviews

you would've loved SWG

MapleStory is an egregious example of this

When you started playing it was this:
>Warriors and Bandits: High HP, Medium Damage, High Survivability
>Magicians: Low DPS but best crowd control
>Bishops: Healer/Support
>Assassins, Gunslingers and Bowmen: High DPS, ranged, but made of tissue paper
>Buccaneers: Buffsluts. Why the fuck are you playing a Buccaneer?

but now everything is everything and shit is gay and homogenous. Every class gets FJ, there is no reason to ever party up and the goal is to be able to solo everything, so you only ever need to interact with another player is if you need to buy weapons or whatever in the FM

well now that you know, you can find mmos that arent failing :)

It depends on why you fish. If you do it because of the inherent fun of fishing, or to find the different kinds of fist, then you're an Explorer
If it's because you're working to a greater goal, and fishing is how you're going about that, then you're likely an achiever.
If it's because it's a calm thing to do as you interact with other members of the community then you're a Socialite.
If it's because you want to prove that you are the best at fishing, and finding certain fish then you're a killer (A more apt title would be competitor)

>mobile game

lmao even worse than i imagined

there needs to be an mmo for killers only

They should just make a MMO where you do nothing but fish

Pretty sure MMOs are failing because they're not fun to begin with and from day one have pretty much just been dailies and backround things to do while you're typing in the chat.

yeah remember that the next time you're QQing in the MMO thread desperate for something new to play

that's called a moba

There is and it's pretty boring



you dont have a persistent character in a moba retard

you have a persistent rank that you can jerk yourself off to

Yknow a game I miss?


I mean it still exists but I assume it's shit now.

rank no matter, only frag

It is.

Hope you like reforging

MMOs are failing because they stopped being about socialising in a virtual world. They're gonna get replaced by VR hubs if MMO devs aren't careful

It's fine to me
It's just kind of empty

You would have loved silkroad online with its mandatory trader/cop/thief job system. Whole game revolved around it. It was incredible.

Except VR hubs have no interesting setting to socialize in. They are just chatrooms to meme inside of.

Unless you mean something like Second Life

>having an entire role for reversing progress of a fight
This is how it should be:
Assasiny characters
Builders or something maybe?
All characters can revive ala left 4 dead, but different classes have different types of revive (some being objectively better or worse, some close and quick, some ranged and slow, some putting on a passive etc)

Alternatively, do we really need formalize roles?
I feel like the only reason we have mmo roles is because when your teammate has 32 different abilities you need a way to sum those 32 abilities up, but I don't think it needs to be that way.
Left 4 dead has no formalize roles or even classes or talent trees or armor, but accomplishes interesting teamplay anyways, so why cant mmos?

before 7.3.5, world of warcraft itself only had PvP (optionally)
They punished exploring players by making the leveling process too fast to do a lot of quests, but the leveling process was also so slow, that they punished achieving players by making them wait to do end game content. Additionally, the leveling speed punished the achieving players by nullifying half of the quests. The guild system especially punished the socialites by making people commit to social circles instead of just letting players build social channels, and letting them freely toggle between them.

>tfw you will never get to the middle of Prontera square, hit insert and chat all day

>3/4 problems are caused by the mechanic of leveling
I fucking knew it
Rewards in mmos should just be side-grades, titles, political power, cosmetics, side activity stuff, socialization, and fun.

>mmos are failing


MMOs are as popular as ever, especially the mobile ones, you might not like it but bitches love mobile mmos

Thats a better chart than the "holy trinity".

>tfw you are an explorer but no game to explore because everything is in guides

Fuck MMOs

mmo's arent failing people just moved on to games that are less time consuming with quicker rewards systems. and by the way most mmos can stay afloat these days on a handfull of diehard fanbases, its no indication of quality.


But MMOs do accomplish interesting team play. You're just not at the level yet if you can't notice it.


Is there any hope for Camelot Unchained?


Out of the way fag!

Mabinogi was the shit when:
1. You couldn't tell what the monsters were going to do unless you understand their patterns. So the dungeons were scary and needed large parties.
2. The early combat system, where only a few knew magic and everyone was a murder hobo trying to survive the Ciar dungeons.

Now its just a k-pop paradise where everyone is doing ninja backflips and casting giant room clearing spells but leveling still takes a full lifetime. Exploring high-level dungeons with randoms was a blast, meeting new friends.

That was my MMO golden era.

Is there one that has fun and rewarding teamplay at lower levels?
I like how in shooters mobas and other genres the only thing between me playing with my friends against an evenlyish matched challenge is a qeue.

I never got into it and feel its too late now

Dopamine switches with gambling-tier business models are not a "success", at least not for players that want to enjoy good games.

Oh, and best MMO combat system conceived. But will never be done again because the Koreans bastardized something simple and beautiful.

is there any alpha footage whatsoever? Literally all I've seen is concept art of gargoyles and cait sith people

>made of tissue paper
Not if you're an OG Chief Bandit
>literally blocks and deals damage with money

>feel its too late now

there are a lot of low skilled pilots and its not hard to tuck yourself into a nice wormhole pvp corp and roll in cash

Shit I misread your post.
Regardless CB damage wasn't too bad. It was one of the only classes that could golby at level 70 if you were a rich fuck.

It got that 7.5 million investment recently, so I'm leaning towards yes.
I feel like they're a bit wasteful though. Like how they plan on each of the 3 factions having 100% unique classes to choose from from the other factions, or how they want each faction to have several different races.
I still think they'll cut out and hold a good slice of the market, but I really don't think I or my friends would be interested in a subscription-only pvp mmo.

>Warriors and Bandits: High HP, Medium Damage, High Survivability


Can't argue with that. EVE gets dull very very fast unless you have autism.

I only have a movie of a suicide gank I did last year. my suicide gank squad started adding in racist confederate songs and Reichstep songs to his Youtube bot then suicide ganked him on his Twitch stream. I did all the legwork probing and gang warping. Stream Team Six and another group were just two things I ran recently before burning out again.

Neopets is also still alive because its balance of this is foundationally secure.

samefag who cant come up with a counterpoint