Can we get a obscure horror game thread going on?
Rule of Rose
Other urls found in this thread:
>Spams thread every few hours
>Muh obscure hipster horrors threads
Nobody cares about your lolibait
Why did the headmaster Diana and not the other girls?
Siren was better.
He wasn't a lolicon.
He did fuck with that other girl way more than Dianna. The one that got an abortion. That wasn;t dianna was it?
I was
I beat it on a real PS2, I'm just trying to save anons some grief and wasted time of having to slog through a "game" that people only care about for the cast and plot. No interesting puzzles, 3 easy as fuck bosses, and all the monsters save for the orphanage and one part on the airship can be avoided. Even if you're ass at the game you can just use the dog to find stuff which can be traded for healing items. Terrible fucking excuse for a survival/horror game.
Why so many threads about RoR? Stop spamming it, you're ruining it. Anons are hating the game instead of being interested.
>flavor of the month retro game
at this point haunting grounds is more obscure than RoR
You mean you found out about it this month
I own it. I bought it when it came out
Siren feels more like Metal Gear Solid: Tactical Shibito Whacking than a horror game, ha ha.
obscure, ironically, isn't a very good game
Yea me too man, I got it for 10 bucks at a yard sale a few years back
Another expensive so-so horror title? Why does this always happen?
Anyone play Cold Fear? Is it any good?
Mashy shooter. Pretty location, I guess, kinda unique. Pretty bad plot.
This is the winter horror you're looking for.
its been so long since I've seen a forced meme
cold fear? also bad
cryostasis and RE dead aim are superior for boat-based horror
REvelations 1 too I suppose
This game is so bad, i played it on ps2 and the combat was horrid
Thanks for the rec. I'll have to check Cryostasis out and see if it's on Steam or something.
I played Fatal Frame 2 for the first time last night and I haven't been so spooked out by a game in some time. Man I don't know if it's the camera angles or the voice acting but I get the willies.
fatal frame's p spooky
atmosphere, sound design, and how the ghosts operate is genuinely unnerving
plus the controls are actually pretty solid which is uncommon for survival horror games that aren't RE or silly hill
If this thread gets 200 replies ill commission a friendly acquaintance to do SFMs.
Which ones should i do them for?
are there even models of anyone in this game?
>we needed more underage lesbians since tatu broke up
Did anyone ever play From's Kuon? Is that good? Might be worth emulating since the price is just retarded for a second-hand copy.
>that voice
>2 seconds in
>already have a mental picture of a massively obese mongoloid.
always meant to play it, and I hear it's actually pretty good gameplay wise
what is this pedo shit
i want to fug right one
Best girl
Top 5 PS2 horages:
Siren 2
Clock Tower 3
Silent Hill 4
Fatal Frame 2
I want her to ride my dick as she stares at me with those emotionless eyes, making me worry as to whether or not she's going to kill me afterwards
>that spoiler
that ain't 3 you dunkass
Kuon was the fucking shit.
>hashizoroe hashizoroe
Hope from soft go back to the horror route again. That opening is still nightmare inducing
Ellie is not for lewd. Thats whore Diana's job
why have people been spamming ror nonstop for at least a week?
look at those eyes, user
you can see it, plain as day, the lust for dick
I dunno but I ain't complainin'
you can protect her by hugging her, and you can hug her when you fug her
ideal setup right there
anyone else kinda want to see all them girls pictured there getting railed by the doggo? or just me?
Why can't they release this on the PSN?
Why can't the PCSX2 devs fix the problems with this game? It's even borked in software mode.
I've wanted to play this one for a long time now, but don't want to spend 1/4 a weeks pay on it through ebay, and THEN get a PAL ps2 (that I'll never use for anything other than this one game).
when I was playing the game I was contemplating writing a story about jennifer, the haunting grounds chick, and ashley graham all getting porked by dogs
then I beat the game and felt real bad about having that idea
>Clock Tower 3
well maybe for the first few hours, lol. If these chucklefucks aren't the low point of the series I don't know what is.
Dont you mean rawdogged?
Modern horror games need better monster designs. I was so excited for SOMA and I dropped it the moment the first time I finally encountered a monster it was a guy with a fucking disco ball on his head that kills you if you look at him, same shit as Amnesia with it's doofy-looking deformed creatures that just kill you for seeing them.
>Silent Hill 4
my nigger, I definitely like 2 and 1 better but 4 is so underrated. Easily the scariest in the series, has an awesome unique urban J-horror atmosphere, and the 2nd best story behind 2.
finally, someone gets it
monster design is fucking essential and when your enemies can't be looked at, what's the fucking point?
who knows, I might've added a part where they get rawdogged by pigs
Check out hunt then
people lean a little too heavily on the "it's scarier if you DON'T see them!" school of thought. Which is technically true, but you need to do it a certain way. And in a horror game where you have means to fight, you need something gross or interesting to look at. Or something perverse, like the murderous little school-children fleshbags in Silent Hill 1.
Partially I think it's just a lack of imagination or proper steeping in the "classics." How many horror game-makers today have read all the major works of Stephen King, to just name one example? Or the works of Giger outside of a nominal google search? Or marathoned hellraiser 1-3 until you know every single contour of every single penis monster?
this, I adore Silent Hill 2 but it has some problems like the monsters being laughably nonthreatening and having shit variety, but nobody notices this because the monsters are so fucking well-designed and scary.
Th-this is not alright.
It is scarier if you don't see them too often. In SH2 when Pyramid shows up it scares the shit out of you because he's so rare and he's fucking invincible. If Pyramid Head was still invincible but he was the only monster in the whole game and constantly chased you he would quickly cease being scary and become annoying. This is why Silent Hill Shattered Memories failed, and why Alien Isolation failed (not due to the alien ironically, but due to the robots that were scary at first but horrendously overused.)
I always thought SH2 had some of the weakest designs, but then again it certainly didn't have walking chicken-like uncut dicks or giant uncut dicks or any of that silly shit from 3
honestly the biggest problem with the way people approach monster design is that they think that TENTACLES and TEETH is all you need, but they fail to even apply them correctly
like that movie the void, that had some really well designed monsters, even if the movie wasn't very good
pyramid head was such a dumb design, it's just a big dude with a dumb pyramid and a big knife
>pyramid was a dumb design
>sh2 had some of the weakest designs
I will end your life faggot, what do you consider good monster design?
Pretty lewd game if you ask me. Gonna make webms tonight
Why did Jenny want to kiss so bad?
>Not liking Silent Hill 3
What did he mean by this
>it's just a big dude with a dumb pyramid and a big knife
better than 4's cavalcade of burping nurses, farting gorillas, and x-treeme wheely-poppin' wheelchairs!
Pyramid head is one of those improbable designs that just werks. SH2 in general has good-looking monsters... too bad there are like 4 of them and they are copy-pasted throughout the game.
SH1 for the most part had new enemies in each area up until the final third of the game. SH3's were good, though not quite as good, somehow, than SH1's ResiEvil ripoff baddies or SH2's rape-analogies-made-flesh (literally!). For me anyhow; maybe just the annoying sounds the pendulums made made them more irritating than scary. SH4... well... its intentions were good.
maybe you. Even if he didn't look so goof, there are no hints of intelligence in any of the SH2 monsters. I don't know why you guys suck it's dick so hard
Scary is something that hides in the shadows, hunts you, ambushes you. The monsters in silent hill move towards you slowly giving you plenty of time to pick them off
for all it's faults, SH4 had the scariest enemy encounter in the series.
>walking through the same empty part of the water prison you've been through a thousand times
>it's round and the camera is just so that you can't see around the bend
>suddenly you are face to face with pic related
>it points at you and then stands perfectly still just long enough for you to think "what the fu-" and then fucking SPRINTS at you
scared the absolute piss out of me, masterful moment.
I just ripped on SH4 above, and I kinda like it and hate it at the same time, but I will agree it has one of the more interesting stories in the series. I actually like how most of the plot is hidden away in notes, meaning that you have to piece together the story, making you feel a little bit like a detective. While I missed having more cutscenes with survivors, who were all a little too one-note, and henry is the biggest block of fucking wood in the entire series (which ALMOST became endearing! ALMOST.), I think it is definitely creepy, and consistently creepy, in a way that SH2 and 3 didn't quite manage. 3 goes for all out scares and tries to freak you out (remember the haunted house? hah hah), while 4's atmosphere is a slow burn sliding into hell.
Or at least it is at its best, when it isn't fucking you over with its inventory or sword of judgment bullshit!
I adore SH3 but I consider 4 to be equal or slightly better. SH3 is probably my least favorite of the classic SH games solely because I don't think it did enough new and was too much of a retread, but I love Heather, it's scary as fuck, and I think it has the best areas in the series. Just because it's my least favorite classic SH doesn't mean it isn't still one of the best games ever made in my eyes. It's easily a more solid game than 4 objectively but I loved the crazy weird shit 4 did.
it seems to me that they were going for a blank-slate protag intentionally with Henry. His personality/story is also told more organically through gameplay.
>an autistic weirdo who watches his neighbor in her bedroom through a peephole
>literally trapped inside his apartment
I can appreciate what I think they were going for but it's very different than James or Heather, I can understand not liking him as much. Walter is the main character anyway IMO.
not him but I'd say 2 is my least favorite of the og 3, with 4 being in a weird spot since I can't really place a proper opinion on it because I haven't beaten it yet
then again it could've been because I played through 1 first, then 3, and by the time I finally got aroun to playing 2 I 100% believed it was overrated
and I was right to be honest
>If this thread gets 200 replies ill commission a friendly acquaintance to do SFMs.
yeah i kinda like Henry, but he's very easy to make fun of. I like how the whole gist of his arc is learning how to work up the courage to ask his hot neighbor out on a date. You go Henry! Just don't slip up and reveal you've been watching her dress and sleep for the last few weeks!
you may have to explain the joke for me!
give it up dude. These threads are lucky to get 80 posts even with the constant autistic spamming. You're not going to somehow bait an extra 130 (You)s just to satisfy your thirsty ass. Talk about horror or find something better to do with your time!
4's enemies ruined the game for me. i stopped playing after getting swarmed by invincible ghosts
so any of y'all played those dreamcast RE clones?
how's carrier? it looks p cool
SH4 becomes god tier if you think of it as a parody of the Silent Hill series.
>Talk about horror or find something better to do with your time!
Dreams into miracles my friend dreams into miracles.
so, which horror protagonist would be the best at sucking dick?
heather's got a pretty big mouth, so my vote's on her
oh carrier. ooooh ho ho.
It's decent. It sort of undercuts itself by giving you an infinite ammo gun as your default weapon, so most generic zombies are dealt without a hitch. Its gimmick, which is using your goggles to tell which NPCs are infected or not, is not used nearly enough.
What the game doesn't tell you, which pissed me the FUCK off, is that the game's second campaign (a la scenario B in RE2) shares ammo and health drops with the first... meaning that anything you pick up in the first, mandatory scenario will not be there in the second. There is nothing in the manual to even intimate that you have a second scenario, despite starting immediately after you load a completed save. So, uh, better be smart enough to save some ammo drops to take care of the tougher enemies in the game, you little shit.
There are some things to like about it, but the game sometimes tries a little too hard to be competent and "average" instead of balls-to-the-wall crazy like Blue Stinger, or a true polished experience like Code Veronica. It has some funny moments towards the beginning and end, but it is the definition of a genre piece. I have some fond memories of it, but to me it was a play-once type of game.
why pugs are so awesome?
Kek you think Im baiting? Probably a good 30+ webms on rule34hentai right now are because i used my own dineri to commission them.
I just dont want to spend on a series that gets unpopular by the end of the week. Oh well. If i see another 5 RoR threads ill commission them all except Amanda for obvious reasons
Obscure 2 was fun because of the coop tho
>balls-to-the-wall crazy like Blue Stinger
adding to this: Blue Stinger is a game you will always remember. No one who plays Blue Stinger forgets the events that transpire in Blue Stinger.
>Talk about horror or find something better to do with your time!
>Talk about horror or find something better to do with your time!
Quit arguing with your feelings ya damn loser nerds. Like shit why not just ignore it if yall have such a problem with it? Since if yall just ignored it through simple ass self moderation. Then shit would have died at them posts and you would not have had your lil shitty emotions triggered so much over shit that ironically you yourselves are making bigger simply by giving it any sort of attention.
Fucking overly emotional hysterical dumbasses.
cool I love virus-riddled adware hell
I bought obscure 2 on the wii because it was cheap, but I should probably just buy both on PC since that seems to be the least shitty hardware they're on honestly
speaking of blue stinger, I got a copy of that and was enjoying it but the game kept crashing to the menu or not starting up, and I figured it was my dreamcast. so I find another dreamcast for $20 and try it out, and then I learn that the game apparently has a batch of copies that outright don't work properly because they were made before the dreamcast even came out in NA
>cool I love virus-riddled adware hell
Lol, you must not have been to Paheal lately either. Both sites are run by scum
aw, that sucks. I had no idea there were different revisions of Blue Stinger of all things! It's bad enough they removed the tank controls for the US release (far enough into the game you realize why they had them). There's always the CDr option. The game is frustrating at times but Eliot and Dogs are some of the best and biggest bros in all of gaming so it's worth putting up with wonky controls to see their wild ride through Dinosaur Island (note: dinosaurs may not be included).
Is this Sup Forums's sakurafish?
dogs was my boy from what little I played
I made it to the christmas time mall area before the game crashes to the dreamcast menu when I exit the save room
paheal's run by good honest folk who want nothing more than to be good honest folk
rule34hentai is straight up vile where it just doesn't let you access the site with an adblocker, the only way to protect yourself against its viruses
Paheal mobile is cancer. Just as many ads as rule34hentai
Yomawari Night Alone is pretty under rated, it is a fun creative little game.
>No Darkwood
Fucking plebs
But seriously play this game; it's horrifying, tense and is horribly unnerving. The best game I played last year hands down and they're still adding stuff.
>He doesn't know how to disable Javascript for certain websites
You deserve malware
Source on image?
Had some cool ideas like enemies that never permanently died and 3 characters that could never be in the same room (except for one really big room two characters have to be in at once to solve a puzzle which was bullshit and the only time in the game you do this)
The Ritual, a new horror movie on Netflix that's actually pretty good. I'm sorry that I spoiled the monster design, still worth a watch though if you want a spooky innawoods movie.
Cold fear is a terrible game
the shooting feels horrible; the game is really short (thank god tho); the characters are a fucking chore to listen to an interact with and everything it tries to do; other games literally do better
honestly I didn't play much of the game but that "game" you could play on the terminals destroyed my sides
hadn't laughed that hard at a game in a while, if ever
that reminds me of countdown vampires and how the actual story is locked behind a second playthrough you can only activate if you beat the game in under 3 hours
yeah fuck you did kind of ruin it but damn that looks p fucking cool
thanks I never would have found it otherwise though. Will check out
no me
I wonder if Musk played this.