Fuck this shitty ass game

Fuck this shitty ass game

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>dragon barely touches you

he turns to step on you

Veteran MH players find this game too easy actually. I'm hoping they'll come out with some more challenging dlc.

Get shit on

Can someone post the webm of Odoggo jumping 100 feet into the air after Legiana

>mh threads dying because shitposters hopped on the Kingdom ship
Hold me bros.

G rank would shit on the casuals they brought in tho



I think you're trying to bait that you get killed by shockwave but he clearly swerves to run you over scrublord.


You rolled before he even started charging, so he turned to follow. Regular Diablos is so damn easy to dodge charges from in this game. Black Diablos tracks far harder.

>Slicing ammo fag

You're the main reason multiplayer is sometimes shit. I started kicking you faggots.

not the op, but yall just gonna completely ignore how he teleported like 15 right before impact?

OP here. Multiplayer feels like cheesing the game so I don't bother. No worries


>slicing ammo crutch user
>can't dodge the most obvious of telegraph

It's like pottery

>Probably too close to the wall and so Diablos slides

>That fucking running animation


Then how else are you supposed to cut tails with HBG?

Black drifts like a fucking tuner, goddamn hunter seeking missile.

The game became so much less frustrating once I got level 3 stun resistance. 9/10 times I cart it's because of some bullshit combo off a stun. It's fucking stupid when monsters have attacks that are beyond piss easy to dodge normally but do 1 billion damage because all it takes is some grazing side tackle to stun me and set it up.

>cheesing the game
>Not banging your head into a wall as somebody with a Japanese name carts 3 times and wastes your time.

Game is easier solo then with a party of random assholes.

How else are you going to easily do tempered mons? Look for footprints for 3 hours for 1 20 minute mission?

Also, people I play with rarely cart, I don't know what you're on about.

>less than 150 health
>staying at ~70 health and not drinking a potion
>dying to LR blos while abusing slicing cancer

Who the fuck does this? I hope you never make it out of LR you unbelievable shitter. Also FYI you were standing right next to a wall so his charge changed direction to slide across the wall.

This was an HR7 quest though


How the FUCK do you make it to HR and not know about Nutrients/Max Potions/Food? Jesus slicing is such a crutch I guess you don't even have to care.

You simply switch to a proper cutting weapon.
It's not like you're a scrublord who barely plays one weapon and can't dodge a blos turn, right?

Multiplayer is unironically hard mode, it's great playing with friends/people that communicate, but firing an SOS flare and letting the randoms flock in is asking to have your quest fucked up. I think a good example of a quest that's way harder with friends, or liabilities as I like to call them, is the double Bazelgeuse.

>Vigorwasp neko instead of plunder
>Less than 150 hp

Jesus Christ

Not even him, but its clear in the webm he fainted before the diablos turned.


The black one is the female retard

>three stooges.webm

>gets squashed/ trampled by big ass monster
what is this for kids?

Welcome to monster hunter, here's today's lesson:
Dont fight next to walls against fucking diablos, or anything that charges to you
Now that you know a key piece of information, cease your crying and work around it. Is it fair? probably not, but you can now avoid it so now it is your fucking fault

>killed by shockwave
I didn't buy it when the ds2 niggers meme'd it, you don't stand a chance either. Stop apologizing for shit games.

Female turn dark when they want some dick. That doesn't mean all Diablos are male.

mad cuz bad

>Dont fight next to walls against fucking diablos, or anything that charges to you

Didn't Olé-ing Diablos into a wall in Tri stun him? I could be misremembering but I swear I thought it did

Against a breakable wall off from the zone edges, that broke after a few uses so you didnt abuse it for free hits
After that, it was all slides

Fuck your shitty internet. Clearly that was the problem and not a hitbox deal.

>Salty longsword users

I can forgive this
I can forgive all the shitty hitboxes
I can forgive the shitty frame rate
I can forgive the rather easy final boss to the story xeno
all of that is forgivable
but one thing I can't forgive is when you are about to drink a mega potion, the monster growls and cuts off your animation so your character doesn't get the healing but it still counts as you drinking the consumable
that shit is fucking unforgivable

You were pretty hit

>Everyone endlessly bitches about potions being dumbed down and casualized and overpowered before the game comes out
>They're actually fucking nerfed and shitty

is Sup Forums usually this wrong?

I agree, game should bring back the old flex heals, gotta learn when do you have the time to use them

I think you mean

>You've gotta zone so you can use them stress free

>Being this ignorant

ALL Diablos are female Monoblos is the male. Learn your monsterhunter ya idjits.

You can cancel it before you drink to save it. And just because it's not looking at you doesn't mean it can't do anything to cancel your potion or hit you.

If you have OCD or something and absolutely need maximize every single item you use, then get far enough away for 100% guaranteed potting. Try seeing how useful and fun that strategy is

Thats Nothing, OP.

is this the 3DS version?

git gud

Is this a gif for carrier ants?

Yeah, you could do that and waste loads of time, if you were bad and willing to risk the monster fleeing to another zone without you knowing where did he go, or you could just figure a gap in the attacks to chug one down.
I mean, if you were capable of killing a monster, you should be as capable as well to tell when it's safe to seathe and chug, right?

>that fontsize
Clearly that is meant to be read on the 3DS screen.

fuck meant for

I'm looking at these 3 elder dragon 8 star quests and I don't really want to even attempt them because I'm scared I might get my first quest failed considering how close I got with nergigante.

Is this a realistic fear or what?

I want to try doing a gunner after finishing my SnS and Gunlance builds. I've never played a gunner before, what should I be looking in the different guns available? Ammo? Mods? What's a good weapon tree to go for? Thanks for the help

no youre just a faggot

I wish most flying monsters didn't do this.

Who the fuck uses gifs anymore anyway? Get with the times grandpa.

God no
Why do people want this horrible feature?
It makes them feel hardcore?

just noitced that. kek

No idea why its so fucking small, heres the source:


It makes healing harder, so your health is more valuable and and changes your mindset to "I better make triple sure to not get hit since I need to know what the fuck the monster and I are doing to heal back"
It's about putting the dear of god back into you, to make the fights tenser and harder, and overall setting a pace and a rhythm to the fight

the running animation has always been goofy, you cis cunt

This, the monsters have always been broken and like to slide on walls.
Though in some games you can get diablos stuck in certain walls.

I’m playing on a regular Xbone (lmao Xbox One X) and the frame rate really isn’t that bad. I haven’t had any instances of major drops. Frames seem consistent whenever I play.

but when there's four fucking monsters all fucking eachother's asses it gets pretty low

The running animation is great, so goofy and charming. The humans in monster Hunter aren’t serious

Xeno'jiiva the Scaleless fight is so goddamn tedious and boring, holy shit. Sure, it was great and epic on the first time, but repeated playthroughs when you're just doing it for the materials is so fucking boring.

I’ve only encountered a ménage a trois, yet to see the quad monster bang, but I certainly believe it could get very fucky. I also use the bow a lot so maybe being a bit farther from the action keeps the frames higher? I don’t know, I doubt it.

Well aren't the player hunters the descendants of the bioengineered kill bots the humans made during the dragon war?

You'd goof off to if you knew literally everyone else would get turned into grease stains taking the kind of hits you rub some honey and weeds on to completely negate

I have no idea but that could explain our surprising lack of fall damage

social media fiends and reddit users.

Yeah I'm pretty sure that's the lore, this is post apocalyptic after a war between dragons and men. So every now and then you run into an elder dragon bio weapon cache, like xeno'jiiva

You're right, Teostra down with only 1 faint.
It looks like things are -a lot- easier if you bring along some immunizers.