Was this better than Playstation All Stars?

Was this better than Playstation All Stars?

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at least the roster wasn't as shit

>cartoons will never be good again


>what is Steven Universe
>what is OK KO
>what is Loud House
Dumb nostalgiafag

>boring / mediocre

you have to go back.

>anything but lazy SJW propoganda aimed at children

>soy boy
>its okay I guess
>fawning over lolis

None of 3 are good. They're mediocre at its best

*Breathes in*


>what is garbage

I think steven only had fans because it kind of tricks you into thinking it's going to get better but it never actually does and even gets worse

Having your nuts smashed by a mule is better than Playstation All Stars

>not fawning over Lori

You are not fucking human
You are a fucking monsters
Monsters must be scorched

I've kinda fallen out of SU but this user is right about OK.KO and TLH

Ok KO especially if your a huge Foster's fag that I am. Enid is basically a black Frankie and Im super okay with that.

>tfw can die peacefully knowing Hey Arnold got a finale

At least the mechanics actually function unlike PSASBR where you can get stuck in endless Overtime 4X because the supers are so telegraphed they are near-impossible to land

even the analysis videos dissecting the show, from people who actually watch it, always reach this conclusion

All of these are just boring (or in SU's case, actually frustrating). Unikitty and TT: Go are unironically the best shows on CN right now.

Wait! There's a game where i can play as Johnny Bravo or Dexter and beat the shit out of Ben10?! I NEED THIS!!!

bojack, venture bros, gravity falls, there are still some great things being made

I want to believe you are joking because no self-respecting human being would enjoy TTG.

You either have no self-respect or you're trolling

but she's not black

t. Mr. Enter

what exactly would you call this??



name the best episode and i will watch it

maybe my opinion will change

but i seriously doubt it

maybe we'll get a game based on the best JL

>Totally fucked up and infuriating
>Not interesting
Maybe animation in general became shit whatever if it's anime or cartoons. TV is only good for documentaries, tokusatsu and that one watchable trashy reality show nowadays

Would you say Toku has improved or stayed basically the same?

He meant "the writers think they have two or three more seasons of this but they're about to spend an entire season on a silly romptastic space adventure meant to give Mordecai a chance to grow so that he can really be a good boyfriend fucking finally and then they get blindsided with the fact that that's the very last season so they just sort of have to leave about a billion plotlines and characters uninspected while they spend their last season ever on a bunch of inconsequential nonsense which could potentially have been good if only they'd known in advance so they could make it more like season 1-2 instead of the new futurama episodes"

Oh SHit

It's more toyetic now but it's way better than shit like Steven Universe.

Ian didn't go to CalArts, he went to something with Visual Arts in the name in New York.
Other than DUDE CIRCLE HANDS LMAO and some weird choices on noses, OK KO is pretty decent looking.

Im surprised WBB hasn't been cancelled yet.

Who's talking about regular show?

That was a good thread.

Batio desu ka?

Those are all objectively bad.

the faggot mods already let it go for that long, it was just plain disrespectful to delete it at that point

animation is pretty fluid for its art style

Is there any western animation that actually tries anymore instead of doing this simplistic shit that everyone has been doing since Adventure Time?

Mods are fags, what else is new? They probably didn’t even see the thread for that long, just deleted it as soon as they realized people weren’t posting OH NONONONO threads

Does Wakfu count?

Yea she is

Yeah, it always looks great in these preliminary animations but then they simplify things down (like the circle hands) and then they add that weird diffusion effect that gives it a kind of "crayon-ish" look to the outlines. It's still leagues above what the rest of the industry is doing but I feel it could be better.

same, but for EEnE
>tfw the movie
>tfw shit got TOO real for a kids' cartoon

The New Mickey Shorts have been consistently really good at least

OK KO is underrated
>do an episode poking fun at your pilot

>It's still leagues above what the rest of the industry is doing


I originally thought that too, then watched some of the later episodes and thought they weren't half bad. It obviously will never be as good as the original show and the early episodes were terrible, but the show definitely improved.
The 80s music video inspired episode where the Titans fight a dragon with music was top tier.

God don't remind me. That could have been the greatest animated show ever released but they had to fuck it up with that stupid cunt.

I never thought the original show was very good either to be honest.

Sony always rips off nintendo.
They are like a glorified bootleg company.

Has Sony done one single original thing, or do they just wait for Nintendo to do something and then copy it?

Samurai Jack was beautiful visually, I was extremely excited for it.
They shit the bed with Ashi and what we got was a shittier version of TTGL. It was the ultimate letdown. I could ignore everything else they did with Ashi, but having her save the day and writing out the portal guardian was the worst way they could have ended it.
In the end, I just wish that this SJ Season 5 didn't exist. It did more harm than it did good.

nice bot

at this point i just can't watch cartoons aimed squarely at kids anymore. there has to be stuff there aimed at adult viewers, or some deeper layer to it, or i feel silly watching it

like I can binge Bojack and it's enthralling but then I try to watch nicktoons or CN again and i just can't stand it, it makes me feel like kids are getting short-changed in quality

Why was Symbiotic Titan cancelled?

My problem with adult western animation is that 95% of the time it always has to be a wacky or vulgar comedy. I don't mind those shows, but it gets fucking old whenever I see shit like Big Mouth or Sausage Party get greenlit.

well thanks to TTG, cartoon network started airing the original show again. take what you can get.

It's not toyetic enough despite the fact it was a fucking super robot show

I actually think Gumball is pretty decent.

Toys, especially because one of the main characters was a girl in a show aimed at boys.
Same reason Young Justice got canceled.


Young Justice got cancelled because it had a large fujo audience.

>cartoons will never be good again
>using mid 2000's CN as an example of good cartoons

Early 10's is better example then that

>Steven Universe

I would tell you to fuck off to Sup Forums but I don't want you there either

G Gundam pretty much killed robot toy sales back in the early 00s

I think it's only accepted on trash. Even then, it's only waifufagging

If you don't agree, you are either in denial, or just plain stupid.

Fanboyism is a hell of a drug.

>Steven Universe
Do you like to drink your soy while a nigger drills your ass?


best thread on Sup Forums for a while

Venture bros suck dick now

The problem with Ashi wasn't the fact that Jack shouldn't have a love interest, because he's shown that he wouldn't mind having a romantic interest as evident from previous seasons. It's the fact that she contributes almost nothing in terms of character and chemistry, she felt too forced as a love interest and had no discernible or notable flaws or characteristics that makes her stand out. It doesn't help that the rest of the season beyond episode 3 centered on her so much, I watch Samurai Jack to see Jack overcome a seemingly insurmountable challenge whether its personal or external.
They really dropped the ball with season 5, started out so promising then devolved into shitty forced cliches.

I was deeply confused as to why I was seeing this post here but then I remembered that I'm on Sup Forums

>Glorious diverse roster of classic cartoons
>Shit game

>Fusionfall immediately died
There will never be another attempt that isn't stained with TUMBLR BEARS

I never watched that show, what's tumblr about it? Isn't it just lolrandom bears or whatever?

Kill yourself, the bears are kino.
Adventure Time is way more tumblr these days with this Marceline x Bubblegum garbage.

I hate it when most of the adult animation we get is just pretentious 2deep4u wankfest like Bojack or Rick and Morty where the writers really want to look like theyre making insightful "statements" but most of it is just DUDE NOTHING MATTERS LMAO

It was hard to tell where your attacks will hit, and if the hit all all. This made it really hard to play. PAS was better, despite needing supers to KO.
For the ending, Ashi should had disappeared as soon as Aku was defeated, instead of that long sequence for it to happen.

Rick and Morty is basically the equivalent of Famly Guy to Futurama. I don't get why people don't realize this.

The only good parts of S5 were Red Jack scenes showing severe internal conflict, and KELTIC ROOYEENS

I also don't understand why she didn't just disappear immediately. It also pissed me off how she managed to learn how to use all of Aku's abilities INCLUDING his fucking time portal scream, and she disappears with fucking exposition as her last words.
The final episode was an absolute trainwreck.

tbqh familia, I enjoy Bojack because he's a relate-able character. The whole self destructive thing and pushing away good people in your life is what does it.

Gravity falls ended years ago

do you get beat by your brother user?

It's what a wojakposter deserves

is the 3DS version any good? i need my Smash clone fix pretty badly now

why not just play smash 3ds?

get ready Anthony, you're gonna have another wife's son

im also more eager if they'll keep the 3DS version alive for the character content for the hypothetical continued port
still saving up for a Switch


I don't know. There are many kinds of people, especially in the world of cartoons.