Zone: underground

>zone: underground

Is the retarded mod too underage to remember the xbox 360?

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Procreation a best

xbox 360 shouldnt be allowed on this board. the 360 fucking killed video games with its bullshit dlc and microsofts cancerous practices. FUCK YOU AND FUCK YOUR 360


Did the rep system actually work? Because everyone I played with was 5 stars, maybe a couple 4 1/2.

Did it actually match me with good people based on my perfect record of not being a shit? can anyone with lower stars confirm?

I miss the old days of Call of Duty 2 and Uno, long live the blades.

>never again will a game be this absolutely fucking full of actual people (not subhumans from china/russia like in DOTA or PUBG)

Parties ruined Xbox, there was actually something nice about dealing with awful people.

I remember an old trick to get your gamertag changed for free was to send a M2AF (Message to all friends) and ask them to report your gamertag

This. Sup Forums is for the discussion of Japanese games and consoles only. The saviours of gaming.

Didn't they crack down on this and give you some random gamertag instead?

yeah i love dealing with screeching 12 year olds and dipshits who blast music on their headset. fuck off, the only retards who complain about parties are people with no friends

DLC was a thing years before the 360, dumbass.

Eventually, but I think it worked for years.

>being too lazy to mute people that you'd rather the games end up being quiet and boring

There's a mute button for a reason

I want the blades back, that was the most comfy interface

>not having real life friends and online friends to be in a party with

Anyone remember when they made the huge NXE update to the dashboard in 2008 and fucked a lot of shit up?

Postan this again. Fuck, bros. I just fucking love the early 360 "atmosphere" and community. I want to go back right fucking now.

How do you think I made online friends, retard?

>Sup Forums loves the 360 now
what the FUCK happened to this board?

Why would anyone use the very first pic?

You always knew the person was trashy when that was their selected "Gamer Zone". It was funny how many people selected "Pro". Most of them were either extreme tryhards, or sucked.

>biggest asshole in the party

That's exactly what my profile pic and zone back when i had my 360 when i was 13,

Ah yes I remember everyone just LOVED the PS3 back in 2006. We all knew it was much better than 3shitty.

how do you go from THIS

>lol muted

Are you underage? When the 360 came out it was the superior console for years until Sony got their shit together with the PS3, and Microsoft simultaneously ruined the 360 by getting rid of the blades.


>last signed in: 738 days ago

God it was so simple and perfect. You can go from messaging a friend to playing a game within 5 button presses.

Unironically this. All xbot shills should be purged from posting.

Fan of this

How is shilling for xbox? I won't deny that the xbox one is garbage but the xbox 360 was legitimately better than the PS3 for almost that entire generation.

well it was better than the ones that came after. It just got worse and worse over the years.

this was better in every way nostalgia fags

>ads up the ass
>much slower
>stupid avatars that no one cared about
>XBOX HUEG boxes that have no reason to be that big


they both look like trash

Don't you sonybros have a shitty movie to watch again?

And finally to this..

It's the difference between going to a bar and drinking in your basement with your friends.

The latter is safe, it's kind of boring, but you are more likely to have an ok time, but all the nights will just blend together, where as the bar has a sense of community, a level of randomness, yea most people are kind of awful, but your dealing different people each time and you don't know what you are going to get.

This isn't as bad as the previous two. The blades are still fucking top tier though.

not on that

There's one you missed that looks similar to this, but is a bit different. I think it was only around for a few months though.

all three of these had the blades in the guide button, dumb nostaligfags


Now all 3 have fallen for the lame ass flat squares meme. Switch in particular feels so "lifeless" with how minimal it is.

where are people getting these high res gamerpics??

Goddamn the Switch's homescreen is plain as fuck.


the xbone is different, it looks cooler now

Guide menu was GOAT tho

The Switch is actual minimimalist in that it runs fine and doesn't blast you with ads 24/7.

The top 2 run like shit and are plastered with mcdonalds ads.

good god.. that looks like ass and not very user friendly

that's actually Xbone's current dashboard.

PDZ was good idc what anyone says

by improving it

It's nice that it just gives you your fucking games from the get go instead of social media cancer.

thanks man

Do you think it's a coincidence that the only console with a web browser has a disproportionate amount of shitposters?

Using the playstation to shitpost on an anime forum is a mariana trench of patheticness

t. has no friends

I remember the multiplayer on the desert level being fun as fuck.

nothing like coming home turning on the old xbox pop in dead rising and chill for a few hours

asshurt detected
xbox 360 is the 2nd greatest console ever made, right after the playstation 2.
Don't tell me you're that faggot who's parents only got him a gamecube?
That fucking sucks man, but you don't have to take it out on people who actually had positive experiences in playing interactive entertainment, bro.

default my ass, that ng-one was jp-exclusive

no it looks like this now. i like how the background changes whenever you put in a new game

who else had this baby

>playing online multiplayer games on console past the year 2010

The 360 had an incredible library of games and excellent online play.

Hey, don't talk shit about muh gamecube faggot

>xbox 360 is the 2nd greatest console ever made
this but unironically

>not having friends to chat/play co op with

I think that's the first time I've ever heard someone call a mod underaged, not all of us had a 360 faggot, your avatars were retarded anyway.

That's what PC is for.

Always had the original, surprised it never had the RROD

Hi janny. Your """"JOB"""" going?

what went so fucking right?

>video games shouldn’t be allowed
No moron. The floods of fucking WoJack niggers shouldn’t be allowed.



t. wojak leaf poster

FUUUCK that was so fun to play

>brought a second hand xbox 360 a year ago
>OG white one with a memory card in it
>boot it up, has the fucking Blade dashboard
>must have never been updated ever
>"this is good but i wanna play Dark Souls 2"
>immediately after starting DS2, dashboard starts updating
>cant do anything besides watch as Blade is updated to that ugly Metro design
im still mad. could've even modded it too

>i wanna play Dark Souls 2
you deserved it

Gimme your Spartans


>getting the katana
>grifball weekend


>it's a paying for peer to peer servers episode

>unironically playing dino

Fuck you and fuck your wives kids you literal piece of horse excrement

>tfw Overkill Achievment

You can't tell me this game wasn't great.

I agree.

zone: netflix

you realize a large amount of those people probably are from china/russia, just the fact that halo had local multiplayer. you could trick the console into thinking you're from eastern europe and play with mudslimes with 300 ping even when you were from us east

>not og xbox
underage Sup Forums needs to leave