Other urls found in this thread:
desu glitches in new vegas at release were pretty great and nv was a great game despite them
>he's actually not dead when he arrives
For shame, OP.
The Monarch's New Clothes
He must work out
I wasn't aware this game has nudity. Are there any fat peasant tits you could ogle?
They're quite splendid, aren't they?
When you remove a females dress, she has another long dress underneath.
But men have their floppy dongs just hanging out? That's silly.
I nearly shit my pants
>such historical accuracy
How could they make it even worse than skyrim?
>Liu Kang
Vavra lied, there are clearly Asian people in this game
This is literally a crowd funded game. Skyrim had a huge budget.
these are fucking great, I don't know what y'all are complaining about
Holy fuck I wasn't expecting that I'm dying
thanks for the hearty laugh
>still talking about Skyrim
What year do you think it is?
lol reminds me of FNV launch. This stuff is just funny.
They could've made a smaller game. It has been made clear that they didnt have the expertise to make the world work.
Bugs are ok now?
I need more. We haven't had a good glitch thread in a while.
actually it's much better than f3 or FNV launch considering both of those had crashed and stuttered every 5 seconds. Also, no one posts skyrim videos anymore, but this worse pathing than this game happens all the time in the current version.
Fact: Non game-breaking bugs are charming and add value to a game in the long run. Look at Skyrim and Fallout.
Doesn't matter 1080p gaming tech peaked around 10 years ago.
>You will never squat this hard
Truth and it's almost sad when this shit gets patched out.
Since when did Sup Forums give such a shit about glitches in games, especially eurojank games that are almost always buggy as fuck on release? Fuck, I can't imagine something like STALKER being released today. It was full of the most horrendous bugs known to man but they were funny as fuck and are still memorable. Today there would nothing but "BLUNDER OF THE CENTURY" threads. At least the AI/engine has enough depth to be able to do stupid shit like this.
I'd take these any day of the week over "oblivion.exe has stopped working"
>Knock out bandit take his clothes and weapons have fisticuffs and uses him for levels.
>It's eurojank so it's okay: The post™
loli stimulator with love lab
It's an RPG. You are supposed to be immersed in the world. The fact that journalist excuse the bugs because tha publisher has a hitman with a gun to their heads while they write their reviews doesnt mean shit to the playerbase
Why did he go up into the air? All he did was initiate dialog, I can't imagine that requiring anything other than a shift in camera angle and a pop-up menu.
eurojank games are usually some of the most ambitious and immersive , and despite the bugs, loveable games. See STALKER, Gothic, Mount & Blade, EYE, etc.
God damn it you retards still don't get it?
>giving money to crowdfunding video games
Oh yeah, if it weren't for the bugs I'd totally believe the world was real. Immersion is inherently unsustainable there will always be a disconnect, why not accept one of the disconnects be something that makes your sides go out and explore the world?
im definitely buying this game now
works for me
im honestly surprised how much glitches im seeing when i played for so long and saw none
i guess that makes sense considering i checked twitch and there were like 50,000 watching the game live immediately within hours of being released despite it being 5am on east coast USA
and its a sandbox open world game
elder scrolls games release with like fucking thousands of glitches and slowly patch them out for years
>2011 games must be relevant man
>sony pays me to post here
This, I don't get it.
We used to have regular threads about glitches in skyrim or funny shit that happens when mods don't work in oblivion or skyrim.
No, but I'm willing to accept a few bugs if it means a decent medieval rpg that isn't AAA playstation forest path simulator 2018
>truly we are the Kingdom Come: Deliveran kicks
Dont know about you but when I buy something I expect it to work properly. This is a $60 game
Post more bugs.
I haven't laughed so hard for a long time.
>yo i heard you was shotting arrows at me like i wouldnt find out about it
>open world indie RPG made by European is filled with bugs and glitches on launch
Wow, color me surprised OP!
Meanwhile Bethesda gets a free pass because, well, Bethesda.
and this is supposed to be a bad thing?
nu-Sup Forums can't appreciate some good ole RPG bugs?
I agree, but I also think that a game's flaws can contribute greatly to it being appealing. I mean, imagine if The Room received edits until it was an actually watchable film. It might become something worthwhile, but that charming, ridiculous, piece of garbage is then lost.
Are dragon kicks in full plate armor medieval?
>Shoot an arrow and miss in Skyrim
>"Huh, guess it was just the wind"
>Shoot an arrow and miss in Kingdom Come: Deliverance
>Literally get the shit kicked out of you
Remember, this is the same Sup Forums that acts as if the Switch is worthless because it doesn't have the same AAA releases that there are dozens of threads bitching about at any given time.
People just want to shitpost about things and any new release or platform is fair game to them.
you guys are clearly falseflagging, if you actually played it you see bugs are kinda rare, especially anything gamebreaking
I don't really mind bugs, but I already got a few quest breaking ones 2 hours in the game. I had to restart the intro more times than hard mode Nier Automata. I really want to like the game, and It would be a good one at that, but I just want to buy charcoal from the trader and all I can do is rob him, or the npcs don't give me the guard for the sword and I get a infinite loading screen. It doesn't help that to save you need to drink that wine, and you only have 3 of them.
You can't enjoy hilarious bugs like the ones in this topic? Do you even have fun at all? They literally add to the game rather than take away from it.
Fair enough, but I'm willing to give some lenience to a game especially in it's release window. RPGs with engines that allow a lot of freedom and versatility rarely ship bugless. Ambition and scope aren't something that tends to be paired with stability.
>clearly falseflagging
what are you even talking about? I said the bug wasn't that bad and everyone complaining about minor bugs in an ambitious RPG game is a fucking retard
learn to read and stop calling everything a "falseflag" you buzzword spouting disgusting newfaggot
I haven't run into any glitches. I want to see funny things too.
you were sounding kind of hyperbolic
this alone makes this greatest of all time
Literally yes.
I wasn't falseflagging. I wasn't even making much of an argument, I was just commenting that glitches and flaws can contribute to a game's charm and shouldn't be considered a bad thing outright.
It's like the swords are fighting each other using humans as weapons.
and that makes the post a falseflag? fuck off you paranoid nu-Sup Forumsirgin.
Learn how to talk without buzzwords, faggot.
These types of bugs are tempting me to buy the game. Looks like a lot of fun.
>Sup Forums defending bethesda's buggy shitfests
where the fuck am i
Love this game so far. Seen no bugs so far.
>falcon main remembers he has down-B
reddit is down the hall on the left
>skeleton wheel glitch from Dark Souls
>that kick
ok now i want it
Weren't there a ton of jaguar woman threads about RDR
I didn't play it till a few years after release, but I vaguely remember something of the sort
Not to mention killing your own horse because it bucks while you're shooting sideways
Whats his name again?
torrent where?
most peoples loves it, only typical Sup Forums that jealous of video games that got a lot of praise and attention hates it.
this game looks incredibly fun. it's 47 macaronis on greenman gaming, is it worth it or should i hold out?
I refuse to believe there is a single poster that lurks Sup Forums in this thread. There is no fucking way.
First game I have steam refunded with almost 1400 titles. I can't believe how shit it is after playing games like Bethsoft titles.
Mods for this will be fun.
nah it was shilled so hard here
it's well deserved
the game looks like a genuine mediaval fun fair though so it's pretty nice
nice try lefty