What ones the best and why is it dragonfall

What ones the best and why is it dragonfall
also new game when

I agree, I tried Hong Kong for a bit and it just didn't feel as good for some reason. I wish I did like it though, been wanting to play another game like this

Didn't play Returns, though Dragonfall was great, if not a little basic. Hong Kong improved in a lot of ways though the story wasn't quite as good

>tfw getting th Hong Kong soundtrack on vinyl any day now

how is the ending of hong kong? my game broke when i had to get raymond out of the machine i did the matrix puzzle then nothing happened

I still need to finish HK

Same thing just happened to me. I just watched the endings on youtube.

Remember to take the deal with the dragon at the end of the dragonfall he seems like a nice guy

Dont these games have forced LGBTBBQs and darkies?

but user the rules say i shouldnt

HK had the better combat.
Dragonfall has the better story and characters.
Returns is fun.