Does this game actually get worked on, or is it virtually shovelware like so many other games?
Does this game actually get worked on, or is it virtually shovelware like so many other games?
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La creatura...
The latter
Also el goblina or whatever
Also no guns
Also censorship
There, summed up the thread in advance. You're welcome.
This is the most amusing meme since cuck. I can't stop fucking laughing.
It's good for a jump scare or two if you get caught off guard by one of the leviathans, but other than that it's not very good as a horror game. So it ends up being a fairly boring resource gathering game. 8/10
The designer is more concerned about social justice than developing the game, so, it's slow pace, and nothing gets added in any reasonable amount of time despite the mountain of concept art.
They recently fired the sound guy and don't seem to have a replacement lined up, so, it's unlikely they have anyone professional doing sound right now.
el goblino
La fpbp...
La amenaza doblemente bronceada...
Expect nothing and be pleasantly suprised in the future if new content is added.
Just like every early access game. Except this one isn't in early access anymore so it's even less likely.
el mutante del monstroso...
can someone explain this spanish meme
el monstruo...
mexicans are the ultimate mutts
so if a mexican finds a mutt disgusting, its ESPECIALLY disgusting. at least thats what i got out of it
El monstruo mixto...
El Ogrillo.....
El perro moka...
It came out of Sup Forums or /lit/ or something. There was this huge euroland vs America spat they had on whatever board and they made the le 47% face. From there it just spiraled and spread to other boards.
La criatura acuática del linaje muerto...
señor mio..
makes sense
Top kek
el elegido de soros...
It's just Sup Forums making fun of America for being 56% white, all those disgusting images you see are depictions of the average american as the percentage of whites decreases. I don't exactly know where the broken spanish has come from, but it's the funniest thing about this dumb meme so I don't mind it.
One of the few games to actually make it out of early access. A bunch of snowflakes got their feelings hurt when their sound engineer spouted racist stuff on Twitter so now its being brigaded.
Reminder that most of the countries posting this are as bad if not worse.
They've already announced they're working on the expansion and the Arctic biome is first and foremost on the list. I'll never understand why you people need to force yourselves to always be angry and pessimmistic and whiny.
dios mio... el ogrillón...
>Sup Forums cancer spreading everywhere
>all those disgusting images you see are depictions of the average american as the percentage of whites decreases
Nobody anywhere I've been in America, white or otherwise, looks anything like those retarded pictures. Sounds like Sup Forums is full of jealoud little bitches throwing a tantrum.
Madre de dios! La abominacion morena....
i just want more base pieces, especially a rectangle room and sound proof rooms to put noisy shit like the water machine and nuclear reactor in.
la primera publicación mejor publicación...
>trying to talk about the game in a la creatura thread
Go make your own thread.
la nautico goblino...
Yes, it is being worked on.
La bête métissée des profondeurs...
el salado americano
Latin America on the other hand....
A good deal of people posting the meme are american.
It's just the next amerilard burgerclap except this time it's actually getting under some people's skin.
>No guns
What are literally 3 rifles each with indivual uses.
??? Clarify? Are you talking about the racist person obviously getting fired?
>??? Clarify? Are you talking about the racist person obviously getting fired?
Of course, even though it has nothing to do with the game itself. Sup Forums will take or create any reason to rage and fart no matter how stupid it is.
El monstruo de Venezuela
¡Ay ay ay!
>Finding this shitty forced meme "funny"
Can't imagine your taste in humor let alone your taste in vidya.
The broken spanish is funny
why do you faggots always post the pic of la atrocidad submarina whenever you want to discuss this game it literally derails the entire thread
then again it deserves it for being the shittiest main character design ever
el monstruo estúpido...
>t. el ogro de las americas
Not to mention it isn't censorship.
>before the game is finished
The game is finished.
It is finished.
>why do you faggots always post the pic of la atrocidad submarina whenever you want to discuss this game it literally derails the entire thread
Good job answering your own question, poopsie.
>then again it deserves it for being the shittiest main character design ever
Please, you children are so sensitive and whiny.
Subnautica officially launched last month, dummy.
El abominacion... dios mio...
don't ever reply to any of my posts ever again and please put a tripcode so I can filter you
It's finished when they say it's finished; that's the way development's always worked. There's a lot of jank and bugs to fix, but they can still call it "finished" if they want.
More importantly, fixing those bugs is the work of design and QA, while making new biomes is art and assets. No reason to have art twiddling their thumbs while design buffs flaws out of existing content.
I fucken HATE spics.
la luz estinguido...
>broken spanish
some say it has something to do with gohan blanco becoming a meme just a few weeks prior
Still wish they'd used this guy as a gigantic sand-dwelling menace.
It's bad because the devs are sjws
>Mongolians are mutts
the fuck?
But that doesn't make any fucking sense. Is the average IQ of Sup Forums like 5? You're saying if I live near non-whites I lose white genetics. Like seriously the fuck?
ONE dev. The guy who runs the show. Try to remember that.
Dios mio el Diablo!
Same, I don't know how it started but I liked it the first time I even read it. I somehow knew it was going to be a hit
Friendly reminder that "amerigoblins" are better than everyone in the world at literally everything.
Have a nice day.
If you live near Americans, you lose your white genetics. They're abominations which hunger for the whiteness of their European ancestors and will slowly corrupt anyone just by proximity. Just wait until the dreams about the burgers begin.
They never claim to be white at least.
>look at that beautiful brown skin, big puffy lips and those curly hair isn't it perfect
What drugs are you on?
You aren't following anyone. I know you're waiting beyond the old wall, ever hungry for the ancestry you never had.
I'm half-German/half-Swiss.
They will remove all sound effects from the game, and replace them with a trans sound designer of color
so this is the power of deep fried mongrel genetics
WTF don't break the status quo of the poltards!
My family tree is actually pretty well documented because my grandparents were from tiny towns with a long, long history. It's boring, except for a line of grandfathers who were all named after presidents.
> we’s just swarthy, like da romanz
> yuros be da white barbarianz
Stage 3 - Bargaining
don't talk about those manlets
Le abominacion negra de la aguatica...
>La Creatura Aquatica
terror de la noche...
> The main difference between EU and the USA
> EU - white
> USA - not white
>remove the wrongthink from my safespace
>not censorship
But it is.
> EU - whites can't do shit
> USA - even the non-whites accomplish things
> Orwell memes
El retardo...
>game is loved by Sup Forums for years
>some stupid SJW drama takes place
>suddenly everyone here hates it
This place is so fucking retarded
Glad you agree my mixed friend
La Luz Extinguido is easily the best mutt.
Los Esclavos De Israel...
>financially supporting someone who wants your entire race gone, and fired their employee for not wanting your race gone
Imagine if you were jewish, and a game developer came out as a nazi, and not only that, he fired someone for saying "nazis are sometimes over the line, I love the jewish people" on his personal twitter two years
What did USA accomlish in the last 50 years?