In what video game this is based?
See from minute 0:33
You fucking child now i KNOW you have never played a single mmo.
a fictional video game from an alternate timeline where extreme sandboxes didn't die and virtual reality really launched itself to the forefront
It is actually more based on D&D3,5 than any vidya known to man. Actually, maruyama outright snatches a shitloat of spell and skill/feat names from D&D, as well as some visual designs. Pero is literally pazuzu. Cocytus is a gelugon. Albedo never showed her true form but if Shalltear insults are anything to go by she is basically a nalfeshnee demon.
The whole buffstacking scene is largely inspired by the usual procedure of caster certain caster builds applying a shitload of buffs before engaging in actual combat.
It has far more to do with /tg/ than Sup Forums.
Man, I should rewatch S1. S2 is only now starting to pick up a bit.
It's a fucked up admixture of Final Fantasy, D&D's Forgotten Realms, Ssazz Tam/Larloch, the regional geography of Kingdoms of Kalamar, and much of the generalized d20 cosmology held in the 3.5 era- spliced with a shitload of weebshit that sometimes detracts from the abstracted source material that exists in other japanese fantays mediums, Slayers and the absolute cancerous shitfest that is both versions of Loddoss, which, like the earliest of JRPGs, lead to some of the worst qualities in Japaense Roplaying games.
Still fun to watch bonedaddy steamroll everything- though.
Actually 3.5 actually has Vermin Lords, and his apperance is closer to an Ice Devil jacked up on steroids and Super Sentai.
Ainz is based on the eclipse phenomina- a point between the result of positive and negative energy meeting featuring access to what is effectively ye olde hidden kits/Pretige Class prestige domains through effective classs P&P AD&D 2e necromancer builds of wiz/cleric before things got more homogenzied later on.
Ainz is basically a splice of Larloch/Ancient Netherese rulers and Ssazz tam.
What's more interesting is that the world the MC was in before ending up in the Isekai is literally "The future where Sup Forums got it's shit togther, and lost, because they let stromfront and the skinheads in, but now all the edgy kids idolize nazis and everything is cyperpunk dystopia with super intrusive no freedums nanomachines."
I'm not making any of this up.
games where open pvp needs to be turned on
one that has a cash shop and lootboxes.
if it were an mmo it would be pay to win as fuck
>pay to win
Details of item restrictions are never given. Each item could easily have a restriction: Cannot be used in PVP combat.
he won a fucking wish ring from a gacha game.
which just fall shorts of legendary one of a kind world item
Baldurs gate 2, Neverwinter nights.
anime is terrible but shalltear is hot tbqh
Man, season one was great got it has nothing but a fucking SLOG to grt through the first four episodes of S2.
shalltear is a chair
Okay, I will agree there. It's been a while since I read/watched and forgot details. At its behest, an MMO getting shafted with pay to win/not grind shit near the ends of its life cycle is pretty common.
Agreed, 1-3 were way too slow, 4 was okay, but 5 and 6 are pretty good in my opinion. Less focus on lizards, more on the characters we give a shit about.
there was a ton of padding with the lizards.
at least they had him showing off to the walking cloacas
This is true. I don't mind the insect looking woman or the dog with tits either.
The fictional MMO the setting is based on is basically the result of a colaboration between Iseal and Korea. The game has insanely imbalanced items, called world items, that can straight up destroy NPCs and characters people have spent countless hours on.
Momonga himself is a salary man who got to where he is through the use of paid items. In fact, he mentions that a lot of builds straight up require cash shop items to be viable.
There are items in the game world that alter geography, can take over PCs and generate new features within the game world.
His guild only made it because most of his salary goes into the gaccha of the game.
Didn't he say that only people who spent loads of money could be part of the guild.
Lizards are generally considered the worst arc from the novels, luckily it's just about over now.
he said they had to have a job in real life to join the guild.
and they had to have a non-human character
The effects remind me of MM7 but there's probably a billion games that do the same stuff.
duh, where do you think it's from, retard
Is the whole lizard arc faithful to the manga or whatever? I can’t believe anyone saw the first 3 or 4 episodes and decided “yeah, I’m sure people will give a fuck about these new characters”.
I guess it did make the curbstomp more satisfying in the end but it didn’t need to take a full 1/3 of the season to set it up just for that.
If you watch the intro, it basically sums up the whole season.
Extremely so.
They adapted it almost verboten. Shit was a slog to get through in the books too.
It's pretty faithful to the light novel. Most of the novels follow the formula:
>introduce new characters
>watch them struggle under some impending threat
>Ainz or one of his subordinates shows up and wrecks everybody, adding new lands and people to his kingdom
This is really the crux of why people are never gonna be satisfied with MMOs compared to anime MMOs, DnD is designed so that the party are the main characters, in MMOs everyone's power scaling can't be like that.
DnD 3.5 was very much a caster edition because the balancing factors of 2e were removed
Things like multi-round casting, spell side-effects (haste aging someone by 1 year), different XP tracks, Fighters becoming lords
All that shit went out the window in 3.5
meta magic feats combined with all the side effects was completely broken.
being able to uplevel/downlevel spells so you can cast more, was just asking for that shit to be abused.