Holy fuck this game is so fuckin trash its unreal

holy fuck this game is so fuckin trash its unreal
>play it again after a long while
>get some 3rd world czechoslovakian retards in the team that speak broken english and shout some twitch memes all the time
>lose the game because of fuckin retards in the team that even if i wanted to help them they dont understand
>call them out
>most likely get my account flagged for being le* toxic

i dont fuckin know anymore man with what kind of mentality i am supposed to approach this game

I want to blow my load into jinx's womb

just switch to fighting games, its what i did when i couldnt stand peruvians in dota anymore

2k+ hours of that shit and i decided that 1v1 games are the true competitive form of video games

Dont play a team based game if you don't want to deal with teammates?
It's not your right to tell people how to play the game, It's not your job to go around online harassing people who are just trying to have fun in a game.


They really fucked up in season 8. It's like they gave up and just wanted to see how long it would take for their cocksuckers to stop

Hes right honestly
Ranking up in league is about ignoring the bullshit and just grinding through it while focusing on improving your own play
It took me thousands of games to grind through the garbage hes talking about to get to diamond
That shit just isnt gonna happen if you get bogged down by every feeder you meet

lol = laughing out loud

They killed the charm to give into the e-sports league. Great for them, but the game is lifeless.

Only thing good is the porn.


>some moba is shit

Stop playing shit and play Dota 2.

thanks for the quality opinions

Shit talking your teammates does nothing to help
I know it's tempting, but all it does is put them on tilt, cause them to lose focus, cause yourself to lose focus because you're wasting time typing instead of playing, etc etc

Just focus on your own play and improving as best you can, You can try to guide your teammates in a nice way, if they don't listen and act belligerent, then just ignore them and keep playing. Starting an argument in the game and causing everyone to type instead of focus on the game = reducing your chance to win.

>league of faggots

lol i love these memes

Play anything else besides LoL
Hell, i would go back to fucking HoN before i go back to LoL

Hey I still play HoN
I was actually considering re-downloading LoL because I want to play with my friends so bad and they won't play HoN ;(

Same here OP.
I dropped 3 divisions in a day because my team so just happened to all lose lane/jungle and started surrender votes at min 15 and when i voted no they went inting. That was 3 weeks ago,i quit for this time and played again today. Everyone is fucking feeding again,we lose 0/12 in 5 minutes,hit 0 LP and start thinking thats it. If i drop anymore im gonna quit. Try another game,go jungle,enemy team is invading my red,tell bot to come help,they dont give a fuck since they are too busy flaming each other,enemy jungler gets ahead 4 levels,our bot losses 2 towers in 20 mins and when i thought about surrendering actually my crazy motherfucker mid yasuo tells me to start roaming with him. We win 2vs4 fights like its a joke,get baron,dragons,enemy team tilts and we win. I even killed their jungle shithead 6 times and he only got me once.

I believe its riots way to keep you playing forever. You either dont give a damn and start dropping like a rock or you dedicate your whole life to this cancerous game and then maybe you will start making progress upwards. Its just sad how they force me into 10-12 match loss streaks every so often. I always think "stay positive,what are the chances bot lane goes both afk in 4 minutes AGAIN?" and it keeps happening.


>being an yuropoor

you got bigger problems than you lol game my dude

Life in eastern Europe isn't a problem. Shit never changes so when you have been living like this forever the problem just becomes reality and you don't feel the need to bitch much about it.

Im sure even north koreans have things to do as a distraction to not get depressed and hang themselves.

This shit will never not piss me off. What the fuck where Riot thinking, the people buying the GOTH skin wanted a happy, smiling child in the splash art?

>Hey I still play HoN
I miss dampeer.
Hows the game going?

>Haven't played in years
>Brother tells me they did some crazy changes with runes and apparently there are rewards and stuff since pages and actual runes are gone
>Let him play the one required game needed to get the rewards for me
>20k ip, or whatever they call it now, a couple icons, a few titles(?), and two skins
>Skins were some winter Karma and mecha Khashits (which apparently was disabled at the time to my amusement)
I don't even remember how much total I had put into my pages, but titles or whatever are a hilariously bad compensation.
I dont get how anyone can still be playing though.

It's pretty alright and Dampeer is my shit, nearly 70% winrate, used him for awhile during the old ranking system.

Jinx has so much good art and you post that? What the fuck is wrong with her face

>Falling for the Tencent scam

it's fine

Why is her nose completely fucked? I cant jerk off to this

looks normal to me

you probly were being toxic . git gud retard

fuck off plebbitor

Why go from stepping shit to suddenly diving into the sewer?

reddit has far more information than this place about the game and how to git gud at it. have fun being an idiot that only uses Sup Forums i guess lol

then maybe you should fuck off there

i am there and here at the same time :^)

ok :^)


good riddance, fuckin tumor

I've noticed something like this. I'll just stagger between massive lose streaks and then win a few games.

I've also noticed that I rarely have a tight game. It's either we stomp or get stomped

mobas are all shite

>lose the game because of fuckin retards in the team that even if i wanted to help them they dont understand
yeah, the reason you lost is probably because they should have listened to you, the guy who hasn't played in a long time lamo

most players dont understand the game. and the way baron dragon and kills snowball makes it a stomp like that.

>I've also noticed that I rarely have a tight game. It's either we stomp or get stomped
that's because LoL is a shit game now. What you describe applies to the highest level of competition.

>wanting good 1v1 competitiveness
>not getting into starcraft


>complaining about assfaggots
>blogs in Sup Forums like a faggot

rly maek u tink

this but gnar




I never lose more than 3 ranked in a row cause I don't let myself. Norms are more of a wildcard but still, I never experience these 12 game loss streaks you guys talk about.

Are you real people or just smack talking a 9 year old game you don't play?

It happens, it's all the luck of the draw. Your play has an influence on the roll, but ultimately a ranked game is a dice roll that you only have so much influence on. If you get really unlucky (and if you're not super good, in most cases) you can go on massive loss streaks without a significant amount of the blame falling on you.


Female yordles are trash

Yep, I've been playing since the end of season 1 / start of season 2, and it's honestly ridiculous. Around masters/high diamond elo last season, and you have almost no chance to make individual plays to carry the game. Never been this disgusted with the game, It has only degraded since the old balance team quit (aka 4-5 years lmao).




>Balance team is comprised of monkeys who press random numbers for buffs or nerfs.
>"Whoops we never intended for this champion to excel so well or do so poorly".


Can you talk in at least broken czechoslovakian? If not, then they already are better than you.

>Just focus on your own play and improving as best you can
And it applies in real life too, how ironic 90% of kids browsing this board haven't realized it yet

>"just focus on yourself bro"
>"the only constant is you"

the other constant is being put on teams with idiots every other game that will literally lose you the game because they dont know how to macro or team fight.

If you only play team based games to win - play with your own team, not randoms.
And don't play multiplayer games, that are primarily made to have fun - you may lose sometimes.

Carry harder. If you're as good as you think you are you 9 times out of 10 you will lead a team of retards to victory

>that speak broken english and shout some twitch memes all the time
LoL has voicechat now?

or they can just make a ranking system that actually ranks how good you are. not how many times you get on a team that knows how to play.

>%90 win rate

lol no

Are you implying you always have a team full of retards? Bro, if everywhere you go it smells like shit maybe it's time to check your own shoes

>or they can just make a ranking system that actually ranks how good you are. not how many times you get on a team that knows how to play.

What role do you play? if you afk farm top while your team loses you will lose the game.

>Be midlaner
>Top is pushing towards us and go to claim farm
>tell team to wait for me so we can fight at dragon
>someone on my team either gets caught out or tries to start a fight
Smurfing in silver makes me want to drink bleach.

Just play only meme champions on meme roles with meme builds.
Rito tries to fool you into thinking that winning is top priority in this game to push their retarded jew-sports agenda. But that's not true.
Having fun is your real priority.
Whoever has more fun wins.
So your second priority is to ruin fun for other people. For everyone except you perfectly. Fun is a limited resource and if you don't have enough of it you must take it from other players.
And only then comes victory as an optional objective.
Also you must play rankeds only because players there have bigger credit limit of fun to borrow from.


not always. but about 50% of the time yes

Theres so many bronze to challenger streams/videos and even lesser extents diamond smurfs high level players get multiple accounts to high rank levels, there is bad games even pros feed but if you really are that good you should be able to climb. A lot of people think what they do is fine when in reality its not just winning lane isnt enough you literally NEED to help your retarded teamates if your jg give the laner kills, roam as mid/supp depending on situation. Practice and know when to tp into lanes as top, understand how to control the pace of the game when you get an advantage, i was hardstuck gold for seasons playing well but blaming my teammates, I just took the git gud meme seriously just think why can this guy have 3 challenger accounts and a diamond one but I cant even get into plat? Then I played meta champs watched how high level players would play games.

League still sucks though people get reaaallly mad I usually mute all its funny when i finally reached D1 like it was my goal, I realised I spent so much time studying and taking the game seriously it wasnt even fun anymore, so I just started playing other games and now I have fun


Dont play a team game then lmao there is no team based game that will rank you solely on personal performance, league doesnt give a fuck what avg Joe wants they know people are addicted to their shit game I dont even play it and all I hear are people friends included bitch about how they hate the game but they still all buy skins and play it endlessly get banned for whatever babymode reason and they START PLAYING AGAIN make a new acc buy more shit im sure league loves eating that shit up


lol they all just duo'd to climb to diamond. then after that everyones good enough u can climb solo

professional sports like the NBA or NFL are all team based games. and rank their players based on individual skills. i dont see how a billion dollar video game company cant do the same. too lazy to code up an algorithm to measure performance i guess.


Yeah you'll definitely climb in diamond when you can't climb in gold. In diamond your teammates will still lose their lane half the time.

>and rank their players based on individual skills.
But their individual rank doesn't come from the team's win/loss rate.


They do rank it on individual skill, It's just that your individual skill is silver/gold, high rank players have +80-90% winrates in low elo.

nah its easier in diamond because you have 3-5 good players on the team, instead of just 1 or 2.

The enemy team also has only 1 or 2 good players and the rest are bad in low elo, You think you're one of the good ones but you're not.

exactly u brainlet

I hate LoLbabs as much as the next guy but these are garbage-tier bait pics


>Say a dumb thing
>"No but that doesn't make sense because of this"

Game is unplayable now. They have ground the meta into a fine dust, so much so that it is so stagnant that games now end in like 10 minutes, so player agency is at an all time low unless you are an ADC, who now posses burst damage AND sustained damage.

The entire game now boils down to "who can carry bot lane harder", instead of the nuance and macro that used to happen in high level play with any role. You can even see this in streams if you aren't high level yourself, you can actually tell at a glance how bad the game is now just by watching twitch and how all the games are the same shit over and over. The common thread will almost always be bot lane doing well or feeding that will result in wins/losses.

Back when the game could actually reach the 30 minute mark, it was more fun because it wasn't so centric on a single role, now that games end in 10-15 minutes, its absolute trash and virtually unplayable.

hence the 50% winrates. face it. the game doesnt rank you on your individual skill.

having a teammate overextend or get caught out so we lose and then I lose 20 LP isnt individual skill

Actual shit I heard from league players, there’s no defense of it, kids that grew up with league are legitimate cancer that tongue riots anus

>having no reading comprehension or critical thinking skills


>hence the 50% winrates. face it. the game doesnt rank you on your individual skill.

Then how do diamond+ players climb through low elo without effort? you're in the elo you belong in.

>having a teammate overextend or get caught out so we lose and then I lose 20 LP isnt individual skill

Enemy team does this aswell you just don't capitalize on it cause you're not good enough.


they duo. its much easier to climb when u duo because of the obvious problem of bad teammates

lol enemy team does it 1 game, then my team does it next game, theres ur 50% win rate bro

You can sell hats in valve games, bad comparison.
>in lol I can just sell my account bro, yea someone will pay $800 for my whole collection

Generic bottom of the barrel strawman posts won't get you any (you)s though
You need to think deeper than that

What does that have to do with the fact that both games are selling shiny thing and the brainlets who play them will and do buy them?


League has more heals and shields than dota now.