ITT: Flawed masterpieces
ITT: Flawed masterpieces
The best.
Yeah no, the gameplay is inexcusably bad. Any time you're not in dialogue is a horrible fucking grind.
I wouldn't call it a masterpiece by any metric, it's a solid 7/10
A fun game despite it's gameplay shortcomings
>Game promotes being a spy
>Stealth mechanics are garbage or really simple.
>Can just blaze through stages by being a soldier who maxes out HP, SMG, and wears heavy armor with damage reduction armor mods.
Stealth isn't good or worth doing in this game. I had more fun just running through each mission setting off alarms and murdering everyone in cold blood. You can clear a stage about 20-30 minutes faster by killing everyone, instead of sneaking around.
What would you rather prefer
A game that excels or pioneers one aspect above all other games but is mediocre to bad when it comes to everything else
A game that is decent to pretty good at everything, but doesn't really excel at anything or bring anything new to the table