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it's BASED REALISTIC HISTORICAL ACCURACY user, don't you love it?
you'll take your #based vidya and like it
what oblivion mod is this
>E U R O J A N K
isnt this intentional?
i feel like getting stuck between someone in a corridor might be common in a game full of castles.
These kinds of invisible walls are always baffling to me. Why not just make the entrance tighter and give the NPCs collision? Alternatively have a scripted dialogue play that forces your character away, like thousands of other games.
Just wait until hour 2000 when you learn this move
holy mackerel, that scared the shit out of me
>expecting Eurojank to have standards
this is not a fighting game, combat is optional
It's pure laziness, which is something the game is full of unfortunately
SJWs btfo!!!
whats more unrealistic
>standing on a straw roof
>not trying to stand on a straw roof
im not saying the game isnt buggy. but this makes sense
It's a game, it doesn't need to be realistic. I think outright not letting you get on a platform that's easily accessible is worse than not allowing the player any way to get on a roof in the first place.
It's obvious they were too lazy to code terrain that breaks when you stand on it.
So glad I bought this from Steam so I could refund it.
Voices didn't work and when they did they were muffled.
I have a 1080 and wanted to increase the grass distance, when I applied it sent me to a literal 5 minute loading screen. - I'll get it on sale or/and after they ironed out the bugs, I had a loading screen for talking to my father for no reason, and yet talking to him again didn't initiate it.
I'm having fun and there's nothing you can do about it
>REEEEEEEEEE why isn't it failing?!
You'll feel better if you don't let irrational hatred consume you user. :-)
I fucking LOLed
I'm so tired of this culture war bullshit
>2 of the webms are someone trying to access somewhere where they're not supposed to be
>1 is a glitch in a day one game
Kingdumb cum btfo!!1
Im not, white power god bless
>Tfw don't get my paycheck for another week
>do town patrol quest
>have to wait around doing nothing until 9PM in game and the quest wont proceed
>cant skip time either
>1 is a glitch in a day one game
That's not an excuse. You may as well just say you can't criticize the game at all because it's just day one dude
Are we not going to talk about the 5 second loading screens every time you talk to an npc? Or is that just my shit rig? Because the loading in this game is fucking atrocious for me.
it's intentional, yes
triple A games might have some slick shoving animations though
>Or is that just my shit rig?
Everybody's getting it, and all it's loading is shoddy unsynced animations. Infuriating but doesn't make for good webms
Im sorry, but did you expect the son of a blacksmith to be well versed in combat?
(TN: “Hayai” means “Its fast!”
This game is literally a pleb filter ;)
Based devs
Omae wa mou shindeiru
It's been a while since a webm here has made me laugh
This made me cackle with laughter at 3 in the god damn morning
fuck you, i almost choked on my food
Doesn't happen for me but I'm playing on an ssd.
You can skip time
Was this a historically accurate depiction of horses during medieval times?
Are you retarded? you've been samefagging in entire KCD thread posting the same retarded copy-pasted opinion. You haven't even refuted the arguments brought forth.
>What purpose does removing invisible wall on a straw roof
FFS Is every game shit to you because each and every single one of them have invisible walls?
thanks for beta testing, cant wait for the devs to patch it and the teams to crack it so I get to play
Is this attainable natty?
I ran off into the woods and got lost, killed an elk, or something along those lines. Overburdened with meat I walked until I saw a village, pushed through some dense bushes, tripped over a rock, allegedly, fell down a slope and died.
natty light
I like it so far. Fight me.
i thought you niggas said it was oblivion without magic, im buying this RITE NOW
Despite the awkward animations
Despite the bugs
Despite the confusing menus
Despite the weird combat
I am having a lot of fun with this game, it is a SOLID 8/10
>[smack my bitch up intensifies]
i got news for you user.
>tfw you actually laugh in real life
thanks for curing my depression, user
B-Big Pete!!?
He's escaped New Vegas!
>Not FitGirl
fuck off pol
god bless em for having music in the background, thanks, crackers, for the music sometimes its better than the games
>Solid point against it
>Solid point against it
>Solid point against it
>Solid point against it
>Vague statement that means nothing
Other than the bugs, it doesn't look too bad.
irrational love is every bit as bad.
lol fitgirl. why the fuck would you even wait.
may as well just wait for the feb 27th gog release and pay for it.
>it doesn't look too bad.
Trust me, I'm not some larping nazi retard. I just like medieval history, and thought the game looked interesting so snagged it despite the Dev's pretty retarded views.
If I let my political views influence how I spent my free time, I wouldn't be here posting. Sometimes you just have to have fun.
>sucking circumcised jew willies
no u
i pirated it because cd key seller was backordered and not delivering key on time
played like 8 hours
and love it, bought the key from another place after i got refund, definitely a game worth owning
complain and nitpick all you want, this game was made with more effort than shovelware trash like meme monster hunter game or shitty games where you do the same repetitive task for 40 hours, this game is actually complex and engaging
What/s Sup Forums about it?
If you mean no diversity, well Medieval Europe had little in the way of Negroids. There would have been some Northern Africans, but most of them were down South Europe.
There's actually Turks in the game IIRC, as the raiders (which is historically correct).
Medieval Europe was completely different to the modern world.
What did they mean by this?
>definitely a game worth owning
How can you even live with yourself?
>not buying the GOG version
astute people don't like to pay for beta testing a game. now if this were a $20 release, ok maybe.
but $60USD? fuuuuuuck no.
drm free
Fair point.
I'm in tears.
Literally the greatest bug I've seen.
I now want an over the top first person melee/fisticuffs game.
>this game was made with more effort than shovelware trash like meme monster hunter game
one trash enemy in MH has more and better animations than everything in your shit game.
You fags completely destroyed this place.
You all need to go back.
I once rode horse. It is exactly like this. Scary shit. (I am only half joking, horses basicly don't go straight, you need to constantly correct them).
Go back to your hugbox Neogaf where you think Medieval Europe looked anything like Modern America or London.
Most people back then never would have seen a Negroid.
why do buyfags get so assblasted?
But neogaf is dead.
They had witchcraft and shit in those days so maybe your waifu fucked with your hors for her morning kek
Is lockpicking just fucking broken on PC? Shit's literally impossible.
Then go to whatever place it is where you think that making something historically accurate is somehow Sup Forums.
It's like making a game set in BC Congo and having white people in the tribal setting.
>he likes running monero miners so he can unzip shit
Brainlet detected. Invisible walls on roofs are a 2005 thing. People expect greater mobility in modern games.
>he fell for the western historical accuracy meme
LMAOing at your life famalam
Did you know Vermintide has the same rating? Turned out to be a great game too. :)
When the fuck does the game open up and let you do what you want?
I'm 11 hours in searching all the coal burner camps for a stable boy or something and it's just been cut scene after cut scene, the game making me go where it wants me to, not letting me just do what I want, forcing me through these scripted sequences.
unlimited saves
bye bye lockpicking
>this will make some people very angery