>make a mistake
>screamed at
Make a mistake
We've had this thread already
>First time playing L4D
>Co-op with friend on Hard
>Friend intentionally shoots car to trigger alarm
>Hear the hoard scream for the first time
Playing this game on Realism difficulty is the only option.
Anything less and you're cheating yourself.
Its absolute hell playing expert realism with random people
>get pinned
>everyone keeps going because they don't notice
>mutter into mic "over here guys"
>realize they have no idea what 'over here' means
>frantically try to guide them towards me as they shuffle around in circles confused
>friendly fire is now the main source of death because everyone needs to stay closely knit yet nobody knows to crouch so people behind them can shoot
>that one guy with an autoshotgun does more damage than the infrcted
>hard rain
>literally nothing else to be said on this one except hard rain
>everyone is so on edge afraid they'll die and get left behind that they get selfish with items and try to solo the map
>everyone predictably dies
>shoot through crowd and hit a witch
>effectively guaranteed to get to sit out the round
>guy joins midgame
>shoots everyone and leaves
>teammate tries to heal me when i'm still in the green
you realize the literal only people who still play these games online are the 1000+ hour crowd right?
>guy joins midgame
>shoots everyone and leaves
>shoots everyone and leaves
cyka blyat
>plays with friend
>friend's sister plays along because we're short two person
>friend's sister's boyfriend joins
>he keeps going back where we came from to refill ammo
>he keeps getting pounced and smoke'd
>spend 5 hours trying to complete a campaign dropping from Expert to Advance to Normal to Easy
>all because one fucker keeps going back for refill
>told him not to do it again
>spend another 4 hours in another campaign doing the same thing
I have never been so mad since CS 1.0. That's why i stick to playing SP games now.
It wasn't like that in 2008/2009. People still complained about you doing dumb shit, but a single mistake wasn't a reason for insta-kick like it's now.
That's why Killing Floor is way superior, aside from having better mechanics the playerbase is not nearly as cancerous as what L4D's has become.
Is there a reason you remade this thread, but different?
>It wasn't like that in 2008/2009.
It was much worse before 2008/2009, I've been kicked often because I do twice kill ratio vs the second runenr in public servers and claimed cheating. Honestly ? I think it's the same as bad.
l4d is the most toxic community in gaming, and I challenge anyone to argue otherwise
also I'm using that unironically, it's impressive how bad it is. You sneeze by accident during voice chat and you will be kicked
if you turn on chat to sneeze you deserve to get kicked you faggot
in vs. though. my time in campaigns was everybody helping each other to survive. except THAT ONE FUCKING GUY, but we'd vote his ass out the first time he went autismo
Rekt'd lel.
*blocks your path*
*walks around and lets Francis get raped*
Dude you struggled enough on normal you had to reduce the difficulty even more just because one member of the team was bad, you got no room to talk about being shit.
>Random joins the game
>Starts talking in the most stereotypical nerd voice
>"no female gamers, kill all the female gamers"
>Proceeds to shoot Zoe or Rochelle until we kick him
>This shit happens a few times a week for months
>Play one time with my girlfriend and the guy somehow knows she's a girl too
>He joins games and checks everyone's steam profile and kills anyone that might be a girl
This and people who join expert games just to kill everyone. This game is full of losers.You'd love it Sup Forums
The game is literally unplayable at times because you get kicked for literally no reason. It didn't used to be like this idk why this is a thing now
>join game
>crown witch
>run to safehouse
Bro pls, clam down.
You should try playing scavenge. There's only ever one game going on on rooftops and it's always the same group of people.
If you make a single mistake, you're kicked. And every game is exactly the same. There's no variation, there's no meta, there's nothing. They just keep doing the same thing day after day, kicking anyone who joins who doesn't know how to play.
What the fuck is the point? The game never changes. It's not like a fighting game or competitive game where there are memorable moments or new plays.
It's literally the same fucking game hour after hour day after day and it always ends with a gg and then they do it again.
I just wanted the fucking achievement you god damn faggots.
I blame MOBAs for toxic mindsets. Those sorts of people play L4D/2 like they are getting paid to do it.