Capcom needs a signal. A signal that true gamers want true to it's roots Monster Hunter, on Nintendo Switch

Capcom needs a signal. A signal that true gamers want true to it's roots Monster Hunter, on Nintendo Switch.

So, to send the signal we need to stop this from selling more.

My idea is to create a racist meme and tie it to MHW, like Sup Forums did with Pepe. Then we will spread it on Twitch.

Any ideas?

Wyvernians are jews


Switchfags on suicidewatch.

Are they evil? That might work.

Fuck off sonygro, you're the one who has killed MonHun.



I would buy mhxx if it wasn’t only in moontalk

I was sitting on the fence because I didn't care much for the free weekend but thanks to you, OP, I'm gonna pick this up tomorrow.

A true fan won't be stopped by this. You're not a true monster hunter.

>you're the one who has killed MonHun
>tfw when the series started on PS2
>tfw it got really popular on PSP

Nah bro more like YOU killed the series with your shitty graphics

Post your monster DLC wishlist heres mine:

Sand barioth
Ice Akantor
Both Zamtrios'
Seltqs queen
Green nargacuga (always thought it and its armour looked cooler)

Nintendo is my god, but the entitled whininess of Nintendo fans never fails to make me consider suicide. Not everything benefits from being on the Switch

Fuck off, this thread is for the Switchers

>they release a new monster DLC
>we hunt it for a few hours
>get his weapon/armor

whats the point my friend? we need G-Rank bros

>Love the shit out of MH on PSP
>New one releasedon 3DS
>"oh man, why won't capcom give us one for psp/vita?"
>"Stupid sonybro! buy a nintendo handheld if you want to play nintendo games"

And now this thread happens, you seriously can't be this entitled.

Gobul is stuck in Tri forever because he's a water monster, although they did make sandjew Gobul.

It's business 101, Capcom doesn't give a fuck about your desires.


>tfw no monster hunter on Switch

Dude, I've seen deep threads of comments on other sites just MOANING about how unfair it is that this isn't on switch.

>Capcom abandoned the OG monster hunter fans!

>Capcom doesn't want actual monster hunter fans!

>This would have sold more than 6 million alone on just the switch because that's where all the real monhun fans are!

It's sad.

The only thing Capcom needs to do is add G-rank so I actually have something to do.

Bullying easy monsters to death in

Just become an idort you pathetic fag

did they ever speak about G-Rank?

Just bought it right now because of your thread. Go fuck yourself


extra funny since the game already has problems on much more powerful hardware.

I have a switch, but I don't want to play gutted games on it, and I don't want developers holding themselves back just for it, either.

Not yet, but we all know it'll be coming, just like every other time.



Expect it to come out with the PC version as well as paid DLC.

>the later 3 elder dragons are all cancerous fights until you bring flash bomb/effluvial res3 and they become loot pinatas
Nerg really is the highlight of this game, and is only supplanted by Kirin and sometimes Bazelgeuse.

Sooo... MonHun 4 Ultimate? On 3ds?

I just bought a shipment of 5k copies for a smal retail
Get cucked faggot

That's the shittiest false flag I've seen a long time. You're not fooling anyone.

The sense of entitlement from the kind of people who buy the hardware long before the games are even announced is baffling. Not even vitafags were ever this bad and yet you'd shit on them even when they were down and broken. Now that the switch isn't getting everything under the sun, suddenly it's a big deal to shit and scream about. If you like a game, you go where that game goes. That's it, if you're sitting here bitching and moaning that you took a wrong turn then boo hoo. You're aligning with hardware while trying to get people to believe that you're aligning with the game. You just want your title numbers to go up when I bet that the people who bitch about not getting a switch port either wouldn't play the game in the first place or they wouldn't get more that 3 hours in before dropping it to bitch about another missed port.

They need to bring in more monsters from Frontier. We got Lavasioth who originally first appeared in Frontier and then showed up in Freedom Unite, Generations, and now World. Need more Frontier monsters.

>Capcom needs a signal.
It worked for the mustards.

>daimyo hermitaur. I want my fucking football outfit back goddamnit

Never change.

WTF (What The Fuck)?!??
It's as if different people have different opinions on various topics.
How can that be?

Nerg is the only fight that actually felt mechanically difficult

The other Elders and Bazel are just annoying.

Kush, Teo, Vaal are jokes when you stop their auras.

Bazel and Kirin make you play super pussy if you're melee but can be absolutely cheesed to death with ranged.

So you're saying PC is getting delayed to spring 2019?


>The sense of entitlement from the kind of people who buy the hardware long before the games are even announced is baffling. Not even vitafags were ever this bad and yet you'd shit on them even when they were down and broken.
Welcome to Sup Forums, where we dont just kick them while they are down, we shit and piss on them.


Have anyone noticed how much every opening "discussion" always uses a ps4 pic even in multiplayforms, even when the playstation community of said game is the deadest?


>remove grind from monster hunter

ehh, no