Fuck this faggot

fuck this faggot

I'm convinced the only reason he's in the game is some furfag kickstarter backer wanted an in game boyfriend

Yes, I want to fuck him too.

what game is this and why the fuck should I care as kingdom come deliverance is kicking ass

red prince is a bro, fuck you


>Red Prince
reddit intellectual, loves Rick and Morty

Oddly whenever i play this game and come here, a thread fucking pops up. Any way rate my team.

Apotheosis 1 shot rogue
Tank spank and rock solid cock
Summoner and pyro, also complete flaming faggot for fanes boney member
Traditional pussy moistener and electroshock therapy

Fuck man, now I wish I didn't RP my MC


>find good item
>don't save
>find shitty item this time

Yes, I want to fuck him too.

Fane is literally the main character of the game and you know it

can you romance Sebille?
i want some of that abused elf pussy

>The Red Prince will never force you to your knees and make you worship his cock

Red Prince is cute! Cute!

>The Red Prince
homosexual luddite
how could a skeleton have a less fitting voice actor
stupid cunt who can take her needle and shove it up my ass, killed her on Fort Joy and didn't regret it

>how could a skeleton have a less fitting voice actor
Larian getting all the VAs to talk the Larian way

Ifan is quite literally the main character, his story intertwines with every plot element and Lucian is a critical plot element in his and the game's story.

Yeah, I'm glad I picked Ifan as my MC because I think the story would have been lackluster without him.

Fane is literally an Eternal, when talking to the gods, he gets to talk to a unique god that no other character gets to, that god then proceeda to give you insight into affairs no other characters gets, such as the fact that all the other gods are mad and killing each other

Also Fane created the void, which kickstarted the entire plot to begin with

Fane was a young DaVinci of his time

He talks magically, that is literally how he sounded when he was flesh and blood, i dont know where you got the idea that skeletons without vocal cords have a raspy/gravelly voice

Speaking of kickstarting, skeltals weren't even going to be in the game until they met a milestone in funding. That's why Fane's plot feels extraordinary, because it was thrown in and wasn't fleshed out to complete fruition.
Ifan was always the MC in the drafting board. His plot is just "I am the protagonist" whereas Fane is like Alternate Story B except unfinished.

any news on an expansion or dlc?

I hate everything about the divinity series except him lol. He is the only worthwhile thing the entire series has ever made. Just like Durance and pillars.

No one remembers jack shit about these games other than that.

You know it



Why? Him and Fane are the coolest charaters unless you want to play some literal who druggie elf larper or a dumb pirate manlet.

Well, i can´t totally agree with that. Ifan is mostly prominent in the second chapter, and even then FANE is the real deal here. Since the game reveals that it´s an eternal, one of the last ones actually.

Still my favourite character, alongside Fane and Sebille. I need to make a walkthrough with Beast and Red Prince though.
