Nice character cuts loose

>nice character cuts loose

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Kingdom hearts is so fucking retarded.

>mice character cuts loose

mickey voice

Someone please vocaroo this

Yeah, we know, you don't need to keep saying it. You don't play a hack n slash action game about final fantasy and disney coming together and expect it to make sense.


Getting tired of your shit, Carlos!

Kingdom Hearts is literally embarrassing to experience.


Eh, "They'll pay for this" was better

It's bad enough Mickey looks he'd fit right in a Sonic game in the OP.

this part was so fucking weird. why did they think goofy was genuinely dead

I guess you could call that moment goofy



I guess you can call him a Mighty Mouse.

What's the joke

*crickets chirping*

I really think he does need to say it.
Youve seen the fan base, those are the people who lost all perspective in the world.

Honestly, I really like what the Manga did to this scene. It make the Goofy "death" actually kinda belivable and made the punchline of how Goofy didn't actually die a lot funnier, plus it didn't drag it out or have Mickey say "THEY'LL PAY".
Shiro Amano really needs to write for the games.

dang hd dedede here is blowing my mind

Tough crowd, tough crowd.

Yes, I love the part where the Riku Replica didn't actually die trying to reaffirm his identity against Riku, but instead picked up a piece of half-eaten fried chicken as a charm, got a hobo bag and left Castle Oblivion, followed by 30 Vexen clones who had nothing better to do.

I'm completely serious by the way. That is a thing that happened.

Are there even FF characters in these games anymore? The last one I played had fucking Zack and that was it, was a huge letdown

It's fucking great.
I'd pay millions for a remake of every KH game written by the guy who writes the manga.

1. Master Xehanort
2. Young Xehanort
3. Terra-Xehanort
4. Xehanort's Heartless
5. Xemnas
6. Xigbar
7. Saix
8-.13. ?????

The FF influences come more in how the story is complety bonkers similiar to most FF games. The characters themselves don't matter at all.

Betting you one of them is Ansem-posessed Riku from KH1.

Yeah but it's still not funny

Wouldn't be surprised, but isn't that technically "Xehanort's Heartless"? Did that guy have physical form before hijacking Riku's body and morphing it into his Ansem appearance?

Don't you remember when KH1 got announced and how hyped everyone was seeing Cloud in the commercial? They were the biggest selling point and the first two games had them stuffed up the ass.

Outside of CoM, there was 1 cameo in all three other portable titles and it's really disappointing. Spell names and moogles sure but it was definitely most of the earlier games appeal.

Guarantee Luxord and Demyx are part of the new organization if the Marluxia thing isn't a scheme to usurp the new org.

KH3 most likely brings Squall and co back and have Sephiroth as a superboss again. Maybe some other randos for fun but don't expect much.

I can't see Leon and friends having the same role as before with the Ansem team back from being nobodies. I actually wouldn't mind if Cloud takes the lead and they follow up on Zack and have that be a story line.

Remove Zack from everything

Oh come on, he was a fun character in BBS. They could do Zack better than CC, they already went all in on Cloud being a fucking angsty cunt.

I don't know how old you are but I come from a magical time before nu-FF7 and it was much better before

Vanitas maybe but his theme was featured in the Heroes and Heroines section from the orchestra tour so who knows where he will end up

I have a feeling SE is gonna try some cross promotion shit with KH 3 and FFVII remake.

Like I said, they have the chance of doing the character better, he exists in KH now and is for sure going to show up again in some way if they try to finish the Cloud and Sephiroth thing that's been going on in KH1 & 2

Mickey Mouse is cute

How the hell is Marluxia back?

I only know his original self is in the mobile game

Probably has something to do with Ventus, who originally lived in the era of the Keyblade War and somehow ended up in the future instead.

All the Org is back.
If you kill a nobody and then that person's heartless, in that order, the nobody revives.
Of course, Luxord, Demyx, and Larxene are stil unaccounted for.

>Nicest character is also the strongest

Don't all fanfavorite nobodies come back because they invented the bs rule about how killing both the heartless and the nobody brings the original guy back

He destroyed Spice City, by walking through it. And had to convince Shigeo to accept Mob as part of himself instead of rejecting him, like how Shigeo thought Mob rejected him.

Sometimes I have to wonder about the architecture in the games. Like say Traverse Town, I had understood that as a world created from the broken shards of worlds that were destroyed by the Heartless, and the people there staved off despair by opening shops and trying to continue life as bleakly normal as they could. Yet when it appears again in 3D, the shops are still there, just like they were before. So were the shops always there, and people just saw empty stores and opened their own stores and homes there?

And the World that Never Was is a giant city with lots of skyscrapers. Yet when cut apart, these skyscrapers are solid. So are they just giant columns of rock shaped like skyscrapers instead? Was the city always like this, or did Xemnas make it like this?

Saitama with a wig?

Which Vexen death is more brutal: Being stabbed through or burned alive?

Don't forget the GBA version where Axel slices him across the back

Also, like, what was their tax plan?

Was there even a mayor of Traverse Town, or was it just an interstellar, glorified sepia refugee camp until Ansem was killed and the world disappeared?

by popular request

I'm pretty sure traverse town wasn't made as fragments of lost worlds, but it is a world that exists solely to be a place that people displaced from their own worlds go to.

Really good.


This looks cool. puppets n sheit

I didn't even realize they were puppets until the girl appeared at the very end

Thunderbolt Fantasy is too good for this world

By the end of the Keyblade war, Xehanort is gone but all of the heartless aren’t gone – they’re in the shadows. Did King Mickey pursue a policy of systematic genocide and kill them? Even the little baby Heartless, in their little Heartless cradles?

Post the one with the guy cutting his own head off.

Lightning will be, which I don't understand she is not as popular as a lot of people would think. It's like someone creating a strap hole and giving two options " do you like lightning" or " do you really like lightning"

Cant find it for some reason have best kill though


>Mickey Mouse getting angry
>keyblade and not a shitload of CND orders and ultra-jew lawyers

fuckin' legend



I do tho, or, well, did. When I started playing the first game a few months ago I didn't expect just autistic faggotry off the charts, it really killed my interest for the game, although I'll probably give it another shot sooner or later

>KH Mickey is the worst parts of prequel trilogy yoda

Wtf nigga, thats surprisingly good

>...They'll pay for this.

Almost made the shitshow that was Goofy's death worth it

Literally slapped my thigh laughing.