What vidya games let me and me droogs enjoy some illegal ultraviolence?

What vidya games let me and me droogs enjoy some illegal ultraviolence?

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If you're on Germany, pretty much any game they have banned.

This felt considerably toned down compared to the novel


Wasn't it just soooo hilarious how that innocent women was fucking raped?

What are you talking about? That movie never plays any of the rapes for comedy. You're supposed to be disgusted by Alex's actions, thats the poing


Viddy any COD game.

Real talk, I jacked off to this scene and the one in Death Wish 2 with the Spanish maid when I was younger.

Fallout, any game that's not bos or developed by bethesda



liberal crime squad, lifeweb

what was even the point of this movie
brainwashing is bad?


youtube.com/watch?v=EraG1_h9uzM (Skip to 6:55)

>tfw you can't call this movie edgy tryhard shit because by doing so you prove that it was right about were society was heading.

Bravo Kubrick.

Ss13 you comdom

It's nature vs. nurture crap. Are people born evil or conditioned that way and so on. The movie never really takes a stand for either side so I guess you could say it has no point.

its a shit movie that got people excited because of the rape scene in the beginning an that is the reason it got "status" its edgy metoo shit movie that downplays/promotes cuck rape before it was even a porn genre.
The cunt that made that shit even apologized for the movie later but you wont hear that from people that think this shit is good lol

Post your favorite movie.

the original jumanji


Not him but this is my chance to shine

Visual representations always do.

Nothing can ever live up to your imagination's depiction.

fritz the cat