Europa Universalis IV

>play Spain
>invade Ming in 1700
>they have the same techs as you

Institutions were a mistake.

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If you think westernizing was better you've got brain damage

Asians have the same techs as Europeans wasn't that better either.

yeah this pisses me off, in the late game you should be able to exploit asians however you want

I guess it's not good for multiplayer.

Westernising was better.

What are some fun countries?

It was far from perfect but it was better.
Colonising outside of America is utterly retarded now because of it.

Depends on what you like
Personally I cant stand playing anything other than europeans without religion switching to christianity because I love unions
If you enjoy europeans play Castille Austria Sweden or some of the irish minors

Does this game have a large tech tree?

There's no tree. It's all linear.

>play Aztecs
>press a single button as soon as a spanish settler sets foot near my clay
>my entire empire instantly modernises, gets a dozen free techs and becomes #1 superpower
I feel so immersed.

Yeah, I definitely like it more when every Indonesian nigger have the same tech level as me and 50-60 force limit.

Post cute grand strategy

I'll wait for Victoria III

I can't wait to spend three hundred industry mana to spawn a factory which automatically fills because pops are too much busywork for nuparadox.

This happens in mp only dumb wh*toid, Ming gets a 150% debuff to tech if you play this game right. Ming has no renaissance, no printing press and no colonialism.

Ming can easily afford +5 advisors across the board and then dev push to spawn any institutions they otherwise lack access to.

Considering what a mess HOI4 is I can't even imagine how bad it will be.


In multiplayer, i never saw the AI dev their provinces over 2x their original developement as stated in the wiki. It's funny in the end game where you can have your capital as a 2018 new york tier city and the AI capitals are all shitholes.

Victoria II i literally the best game Paradox has ever made, and with the current direction they are going, probably also the greatest they will ever publish in the future as well. Why in the earth would you "wait for Victoria III"?


Considering that Ming starts with two provinces with more than thirty development, three in the mid twenties and then few more at twenty or ninenteen it has more than enough to force every institution which the ai does do.


I still don't get how institutions work.
Ho do you make them spawn in your province? high development?

Spend mana points in your provinces to get it to spawn, spend money to embrace it. Normaly you need to spend close to 800 points to make it spawn.

developing adds progress based on the current dev. So 5->6 will add less progress than 12->13. i think 16 dev provinces are "optimal" to dev for institutions
don't dev for later ones like global trade or enlightenment, they spread fast. printing press can be a bitch though

teutonic order

Why is EU4 DLC so expensive? The main game is completely ruined for me because I do not have access to features the AI does, which makes me unable to keep up in a lot of ways.

>try to play as primitive nation
>get genocided instantly with rapid collapse of society + inferior tech
Eh, that's not very fun imo. They should just add a "historical" mode that makes any non european nation subhuman to please the autists but let players play a more arcade mode that lets you, for once, really change history instead getting buttraped instantly by 1k european troops.
>ming still exists

play dutch opm and roll in money

England, PU franc and painfully integrate them. Then eat the iberian peninsula, then scandinavia, and then culture shift and make Yourself Emperor should be easy.

They never implode anymore after Mandate of Heaven.

>tfw too dumb to play anything else
I cant even beat hoi4 as minor country ;__;

HoI 4 is garbage tbqh

tfw you overcome Africa-tier infrastruture and endless mountains to encircle half a million chinks

>play Britain
>17th century, time to conquer all of south asia
>portugal gets goa in an event
>have to invade india with machine guns and low orbit ion cannons
Fuck off

>playing as great britain
>not taking land all over the world

Is Vic 2 supposed to be one of the simpler games? I find it pretty easy, EU4 on the other hand seems quite overwhelming when I first played it, still find CK2 too overwhelming though.

in CKII and EU4 i simply can't win a war as a minor nation

HoI4 was easy as minor since AI is so stupid it's going to attack your level 10 mountain forts across the river until they run out of manpower - In one game I managed to repel entire axis as Yugoslavia with ally to enemy ratio 1:10 by just garrisoning all my armies near my capital - it's impossible to do in EU4 or CK2

For them to first appear in the world, each has a particular set of province conditions they require, and then they pick one a random
They have another set of conditions for them to spread, some require adjacency to a province that already has that institution, others require only that you have a certain tech level or idea set or development.

You can also "force" an institution to spread by developing a province, which will add a small, set % of progress to said institution in that particular province that varies depending on how expensive it was to develop said province.
It's surprisingly useful when you're playing some nowhere country, like Kongo.

How is this game compare to HoI3 ?
I do like these kind of grand strategy but I don‘t like gams where you have to take care of 50 things at once.

I haven't played HoI III extensively, but Europa Universalis has a MUCH, MUCH simpler military system, more involved economy and diplomacy. It's the "baseline" Paradox franchise, and the basic template that they base every single other series of theirs upon [expand dynastic relations and you get CKII, expand military and you get HoI, expand economy and demographics and you get Victoria 2]

It's the opposite for me, CKII is the easiest, Vic 2 the hardest and EU4 somewhere in between.

It's good, but flaws.

War in CK2 is pretty straight foward, just have more troops and you're good to go, if you have the same number just wait in a river/mountain for the enemy.

I've to go for now, please keep the thread alive.

Play without the last DLC. You'll thank me. That piece of garbage introduced nothing but busywork.
You'll miss out on +5 advisors, but so will all other nations.

How hard is doing a Jianzhou - Manchu - Qing run in this new update? I only have common sense, art of war and conquest of paradise.

>there are people who dont pirate the dlcs

Computer illiterate and wagecuck here, i don't have friends or a social life so i just figure i should spend my money on video games, if i knew how to pirated i would certainly do it tho.

Curry niggers. The whole subcontinent's a clusterfuck of everyone hating everyone else, but without HRE nanny bullshit to get in the way. Pick someone small, bash your way up to become king poo of the whole loo, then start slapping China or the Timmies (if they're not already dead by then) while you prepare to BTFO the euros when their boats arrive.

it's quite easy, just remember that
>become a tributary to ming to get some protection early on
>you get cores when forming manchu, so just core on the provinces you need to form manchu
>banners are op, use them well and don't be afraid to take lots of loans early on to keep your army up
>ming gets an disaster that reduces his morale, stability and mandate if he got a neighbouring horde with over 300 development and is not his allied or subject
>so you can start to search for allies when you hit 300+ development, quit being a subject and then hit him when he's low on mandate and got the disaster
it will probably require more DLC's, but just pirate them or whatever


The problem is Vic II has a good number of deep mechanics.

EuIV because of the DLC has many shallow mechanics that get tacked on but don't affect the main game because that would undermine the buy if you want it dlc model.

Wait I thought this was an Eu4 thread not an Eu3 thread.

>mfw playing Ceylon and uniting india
shit this is fun and Poopoo provinces have crazy fucking development and trade resources too

Who else /converteveryprovincetoyourcultureeven thoughit'sobjectivelyinferiortoacceptingthem/ here

>mfw paracucks nerfed ternate
What the fuck is their problem? Meanwhile the ottomans or mamcucks will blob all over the mediterranean/russia and rape everyone

Your biggest hurdle will be forming manchu relatively fast because of alliance webs
Usually you want to ally oirat and korchin at game start so that haixi and yeren gets the penalty to allying them since they'll rival you
Become a trib of ming as well
DoW haixi day 1 and if you're lucky they have no allies, 100% em and DoW yeren
Siege yeren's capital and grab all the land ( + 1 province bordering buryatia ) that get you free cores when forming manchu
Now only core the 2 needed provinces to form manchu and tag switch as soon as possible to remove seperatism
It should take less than 10 years at worst then you can get buryatia's gold mine later to fix your economy
You're gonna need a bit more dev from korea to get 300 dev and cause the unguarded nomadic frontier disaster with ming
DoW korea and during the war refuse to pay ming's tribute 2-3 times
get your core and the provinces you need ( should be along the coast on the left side with the border fort and pyongyang ) to hit 300dev
when you hit 0 trust with ming they'll broke trib and then you wait a bit to core all your shit stabilize yourself
wait for a tech advantage ( 5>4 or 7>6 ) and DoW ming
you just need to get the fort in shengyang and beijing and the disaster will tick down at blazing speed
on flat terrain with your power projection + prestige and all your manchu banners you should be able to able to win fight 3:1

also pirate all the dlc because you need MoH for manchu banners

post link faggot

Nice, why didn't you form Qing for that cool flag and better color?

>play 200 years
>not happy with the progress
>restart and repeat


You lose horde governement and I wanted to blob fast
With razing you can get 130% OE and up at 90% after so you can swallow massive blob of terrain really fast
Screenshot is in 1680 btw

If you want to roleplay as Qing it's fine too but i'd recommend until you gobble at least 50% of china before forming it

>play for two months
>ruler dies, warriors dont read books

>you can still play online with pirated dlc
How didn't paradox fix that? Also, thanks senpai.

Just download a repack. They suck in many ways but are great for games that have a billion DLCs as they come with a single download and installer.

>1700 rolls in
>even though there are 120 years of game left, instantly feel like anything I do will be completely pointless because the game is almost over



I always disliked horde goverment till i realised you don't need to fight the claimant rebels.

Tell me a good Protestant country to play, I'm tired of playing Catholics and I want something new.

Brandenburg is pretty fun, i went for the fine goosestep achievement in my last run and really liked playing as them

Sweden and Teutonic Order are the obvious ones

>12 Hours played
>Still have no fucking clue what the fuck I'm doing
I don't know why I'm even trying anymore

Who did you try, and what are you having trouble with. Tell me a story, user.

It's a Valentine's Day gift

>tfw you will never have a game with EU4 strategic gameplay but when two troops start fighting you can get into a total war-esque battle

Victoria II is an awful game, where only a handful of countries are viable.


no, you are just awful. barring some unciv OPMs and indian minors, all nations have the potential to become a GP. You don't even need to use any extremely gamey tactics.


>SP shitter


>using single player as an insult
Alright now you can fuck right off, your kind already ruined RTS already and nobody wants you here.

Not him, but MP is an afterthought

Not fun at all.

Rise of Nations had something close to this and it was my favorite.

When's the next DLC come out?

>tfw Duane put this out the other day and only has 214 views

>he plays grand strategy for multiplayer

How do you control game speed in MP?

This shit is why I hate Ironman
These fucking meme events ruin fucking everything.

Not him but i really like playing with my friend in lan sessions before we jerk ourselves off

>Desires of the Flesh

I think it's the host

>We needed a shakeup

>Heir falls ill
>Spend your entire gold reserve for a chance
>Or just let him die