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One of my coworkers are working on it and they're a pretty cool person so I hope it turns out good.

sage so nobody sees this

When does it release?

Confirmed lesbo.



>mfw tenoch is gone

Art looks alright but the gameplay looks boring as shit. There was no reason for me to back it because since i am south american the game's launch price will be much cheaper than the minimum requested to acquire the game during the campaign.

I hope it does well so LabZero can make a game i actually give a fuck but this one will probably be a pass for me.

fuck i backed this 50 bucks and i forgot this game even existed, is it close to even coming out yet? has it been years now?

>fuck i backed this 50 bucks and i forgot this game even existed, is it close to even coming out yet?
>has it been years now?

I want to fuck her

too br*wn

I'm going to rape her.

It has Shantae so I will play it

Nice thighs

Needs to come out already for people will make more r34


>Ruined: Baozhai, Vasco, Ren
>Stayed as bad as they were: Phoebe, Quadira, Kampan
>Improved: Nuna, Leilani
>A cute: Zahra

Not a stellar track record so far.


The current ones looks almost nothing like the concept art.

What a shame

>the gameplay looks boring as shit

It's amazing how much press this game got despite being a weird platformer with turn based combat

What press exactly. I only ever remember it being mentioned a few times outside of Sup Forums, mostly because it was related to skullgirls.

Also idk what pmt means.

The game got mentioned all over when it was attempting to meet its big crowdfunding goals (it failed a few times)

pmt - pleasure my thighs

You're not Anja, so whatever.

try google image search

>Also idk what pmt means.

pmt- premenstrual tension


I'm eternally thirsty for more Valkyrie Profile, so this will have to do.


I don't really see the appeal of the battle system. The Metroid-esque maps/abilities appear threadbare so far. And I haven't seen anything in regards to the story, or the scope of the world.

So right now, I don't care that much about it. Except for the fact that it keeps getting talked about, and perhaps it'll impress me later on. Which is why I'm keeping one eye open.


where do you find the current ones


Didn't enjoy the gameplay. Should've just been a straight-up Vanillaware-like.

Breeding material


I've enjoyed my time with the prototypes, and I'm looking forward to the full release. I doubt it will blow anyone's mind, but it'll be a nice time sink for a few hours.

I'm shocked this thread hasn't devolved into shitposting yet. I guess people are too busy sperging out over Kingdom Come

I honestly think they dropped the ball on this. I can't see it not hurting their sales.They might be able to make it up however since the setting is pretty appealing.


Seems like a solid iteration on a classic game. Can't wait.

Is it coming to the Switch?


I dislike some of the redisgns, but I was really satisfied with the backer preview. I think it's going to turn out good.

It will probably be a decent 7/10 - 8/10 game that will have a large amount of fan art and big tumblr following for a couple months then slowly fade away over the course of the year because it's a single player game. How fast it goes into obscurity will depend on if another big waifu bait game comes out close to this one's release date.


I hope this fucking studio crash and burn. Fucking animu wannabe hipster jackasses.

I will buy her game

Have a pity (you)

Wait, wasn't this released already? Wow. How long are they planning to develop this shitty game? Or is it trying to become another Kickstarter scam like MN9?

How are they paying their employees? They probably made like a million to themselves after all the expenses and rewards. Been over 2 years since the kikestarter.