"This really does feel like Fallout 4, if Fallout were to go back to its CRPG roots."-Total "Ass Cancer" Biscuit

>"This really does feel like Fallout 4, if Fallout were to go back to its CRPG roots."-Total "Ass Cancer" Biscuit

What's the dumbest review quote you think you've seen?

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boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/Total "Ass Cancer" Biscuit/type/op/

not a review quote but

>it feels like Skyrim with guns

fuck off adam is a good man

imagine actually liking the 3d fallout games

boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/Total "Ass Cancer" Biscuit/type/op/

Fuck off, autist

Not gonna lie, the fastest way to sum up fallout 3 gameplay wise to casuals was to say post-apocalyptic oblivion.

Even the bad Fallout games "get" Fallout. Wasteland 2 is just a bad Xcom clone with some cheap attempts to clone Fallout

>"It's the Dark Souls of [GENRE]"

>This really does feel like Fallout 4, if Fallout were to go back to its CRPG roots.
He was absolutely correct. Wasteland 2 is more of a Fallout game than any other non-Fallout game out there including Underrail. It also has more roleplaying depth than ANY post-Vegas RPG including Pillars.

>"'this is like Dark Souls but with dinosaurs''