I will buy dark souls for nintendo switch

I will buy dark souls for nintendo switch
I will take it on trips with me

I own two 3DSs and a Vita and I've never taken any of them out of my apartment hihi

>playing video games outside

absolute madman

absolute madman

I wish the PC version were better 2bh. It's one of the most bafflingly bad ports I've seen in the last gen, hopefully the remaster is more akin to DaS3 in the options it offers.

I always take my switch outside. I also have a nerd boyfriend. Feels good not having to hide your powerlevel for ro*sties. Straightfags are cucks.

I drink and drive, you should try that. It's also fun but it makes driving a game.

>buy dark souls for nintendo switch
>never leave my house


sounds comfy desu