Why did people hate Mighty No.9 Again? Especially when MM11 looks a million times worse?
Why did people hate Mighty No.9 Again? Especially when MM11 looks a million times worse?
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It doesn't though
I like how the backgrounds are being handled like they were made with a multi-plane camera.
Apart from Mega Man's animations, it looks great
Wow, it looks like shit
I'm glad based inafune gave us a true successor already :^)
Something something anime fan in prom night.
>Capcom cancels a shitload of Mega Man games and boots Inafune out
>Fanboys go ballistic over the losses
>Capcom shits out those gay ass phone games that have microtransactions
>Fanboy status: SEETHING
>Inafune goes to kikestarter to do his own Mega Man
>Fanboys comes out the woodworks to support what they want, a new Mega Man that don't suck dick
>Inafune shows some concepts of what the gameplay will look like and explains key features
>"Oh man this game will look and play hella good!"
>Smashes kickstarter records and a plethora of stretch goals
>Kickstarter ends, people think all they got to do now is play the waiting game
Pls tell me this is a shitpost.
And here's where all the shit begins to happen
>Inafune does several other kickstarters when MN9 hasn't even come out yet
>Hires somebody to handle the premium backer forums that proceeds to completely and irreversibly destroy it on day 1
>Call design poll is revealed to have been rigged, nothing more than a ruse to keep interests up as Inafune had already locked in on which one to use for the final game beforehand
>First actual gameplay footage comes out. Not only does it look like shit it looks nothing like what was in the proposed concept.
>Waiting game gets extended several years as the game gets delayed
>A new kickstarter is made for fucking DLC in the form of definitely not Proto Man
>Somehow Comcept was free enough to make a full game for Microsoft on the side while MN9 is pushed back
>Meanwhile Inafune can't stop shoving his OC Donut Steal into several other games that he can get his hands on
>Yet another pair of kickstarters are made by Inafune before MN9 is even confirmed gold, this time for a different Mega Man ripoff, that gets immediately snatched up by shady Chinese company that Inafune has deep connections with
nigga that looks like DEAL DOUGH!
MN9 made promises it didn't keep, MM11 already looks to be style over substance from the get-go.
No, this is a shitpost.
That was real.
Because it's mediocre as all fuck and nothing like what was promised. It felt lethargic and soulless. But even though, it was apparently better then nothing after all the money was spent.
>Demo version comes out, letting people play the final game for the first time, and for a multimillion dollar video game it's rather mediocre for a side scroller
>This fucking thing youtube.com
>After many years of suffering and absolutely fucking nothing, the game hits release date and it fucking sucks. Several years of waiting, several kickstarters of backing, and many, many dollars shoved into Con Man's coffers go down the drain on this day
>Fanboys rush through the game enduring bitter tears, and find out that many of the promises made before, including some stretch goals, were dropped from the final game
>The pain is especially hurtful when many other Mega Man type games were made and released within the timespan on MN9's production cycle for less money and time, all of which are way fucking better than the supposed Father of Mega Man's own offering
tl;dr People hate MN9 because the people who paid for it waited a long ass time only to find out that it was fucking garbage. If Inafune just put the game out without a kickstarter, without all the PR, and definitely without putting up half a dozen other kickstarters before MN9 was even released I'd think people wouldn't hate the game so much.
Yeah the actual game is still shit though, but the underlying problem is the buildup to its release. It's like what's happened to Yooka-Laylee, people were expecting something just as good as Banjo-Kazooie/Tooie but despite it being only half as good it gets torn apart so much that when another kickstarter 3D platformer came out people began to praise that one when they're both pretty mediocre.
where's that 3ds version they were supposed to make. they take what little they had left and run?
the sonic the hedgehog twitter repeatedly shit talking mighty number 9 was the best shit ever
op's just posing a question to bait posters in, friend. Fucker knows exactly why.
Though I do appreciate a good effortpost, props for that at least.
Sonic the hedgehog twitter is best twitter.
Is this game worth the buy/pirate? I enjoyed playing through all the MegaMans and the X series through 3. How does it play?
It looked great until they changed the art style. It was just badly managed and could have been so much better.
>Call design poll is rigged
Source on this? Not saying I don’t believe you, but this is the first I’ve heard of it.
>It is literally the same engine of M No9
MY SIDES. Kamiya was right
>it's the same engine because it looks the same