thinking about getting a switch, what's the hacking/piracy status of it? can i play free games on it?
Thinking about getting a switch, what's the hacking/piracy status of it? can i play free games on it?
criminal scum
Great bait OP.
GameCube emulation when?
why not just emulate it then?
oh yea because that exists
>what's the hacking/piracy status of it?
Promising, but there'a nothing out yet.
There's also an emulator in the works, even though it can't run any games as of yet.
In the meantime, you might wanna buy and hack a Vita for emulation shenanigans.
Can't they bother to make Citra decent first?
okay user, have a nice bait thread.
Buying in now and leaving it in the box is basically a gamble of firmware versus hardware revisions. Firmware updates could leave you locked out if you wait, but of course if they improve the hardware and the crack comes later you might get butthurt.
Hackers took around 2-3 years to hack and make Vita/3DS modding user friendly. The Switch launched last march and we already have some proof of concept. If that's not promising for you, then you either have high standards or just don't know what the word means
>he's comparing it to the 3DS
Should I get a:
>New regular Switch + 2 games (Either BotW, Splatoon 2 or XC2)
>new Switch + ARMS and MK8 bundle + 1 game
>used Switch Splat 2 bundle + BotW and XC2
>some other bundle + 1 game
Soon hopefully. No point buying a Switch if you gotta pay 60 bux for games that should be 30 bux at most.
I'd say it will be about a year before a public exploit is available that is similar to the 3ds scene.
>Nintendo marketer
He's a Nintendo marketer, so he doesn't like the idea of his company losing money of course.
Citra is Decent, just not convienent
See you in 7 years
Switch is 3DS x Wii U
The Switch's a hanheld user. Comparing it with a home console doesn't really makes that much sense.
Yeah. At that point, the only thing left for hackers would be to find a way to downgrade the Switch's firmware, like with the 3DS.
The only thing Citra runs well is games with little to no 3D models/effects. Everything else runs like trash or meh depending on how beefy yout PC is.
Various hackers that have private exploits have said that the switch os is similar to the one the 3ds uses.
Nice! Switch modding is all but guaranteed then.
fuck off