What went right?

What went right?

dunno really, it's success is an anomaly

Didn't this get shit reviews from mostly everyone? Not that I take them seriously.

No they were mostly alright - meh reviews

SJWs shit on it so hard it only made people want to buy it more

The score went up, but it seems to have gotten the eurojank label, like STALKER and the like. A lot of people love that shit, desu. I'm just surprised its doing THIS well.

Good game gets good sales. What a shocker.

Sup Forums BTFO

thats not how it is usually

Realized catering to sjws doesn't work and most gamers are conservative and white.

The left has lost everywhere, the pendulum is finally swinging back

Do people actually believe these things?

>Sup Forums hates it
>normies hate it too
What audience does this game have? kcd will die out in couple of weeks.Doesn't matter though because it's a good single player game.

there's nothing right wing about making a historically accurate game

Youd think but thats how warped reality is for some people, if your game doesnt have blacks in it you are racist

If by everywhere you mean Sup Forums

It's morning and already 40k people online. It's going to hit 100k players tonight.

>but it seems to have gotten the eurojank label, like STALKER and the like
Maybe because 15 million eurojank is better game than 200 million US trash?

Game had zero marketing and the only reason it ever got any press was SJWs shitting on it, it explains it good sales pretty well

Is this similar to how if your game does not have white characters in it it is anti-white and SJW?

It’s actuallu kind of true. Most people who play video games tend to be young, white and male. And yes, if you scream in someone’s face they are racist enough, they will become what you are telling them they are. This was actually a key point in the 2016 USA election with even Democrats saying they fucked up by spending years insinuating every white male is racist.

Wow, so people really are that delusional. Kind of scary.

Nobody calls Yakuza games racist for not having white people.

literally nobody gives a shit apart from extremist idiots, this is a manufactured controversy

Yeah the ones that are made without making that a selling point, if you ever find any call me

>It's actually true
It isn't, but you're more than welcome to believe utterly retarded shit to help you feel as if you aren't a minority.

>I have no points or arguments
Why bother replying?
Id love to hear your theories and have a discussion if your points make more sense Id believe them

la creatura....

>Most people who play video games tend to be young, white and male
there's probably more asian gamers than white ones

>Game had zero marketing

Because I wanted to point out how utterly absurd you are for believing that the games sales are because of some sort of "political fight against the left" or shit. It's delusional and you're a fucking moron for even entertaining the idea.

Kill yourself.

Exactly. With those crazy sjws with their identity politics, things that were just normal and stantard not so long ago, are starting to look like revelations

Talk to me when this gets PUBG levels of players nerds.

>still no arguments or ideas that might explain the situation better
What a waste of everyone´s time you are

Listen here nigger, the majority of people who purchase games are 18-35, white, and male. You can’t even argue that. It’s true as gravity. And this game some form of advertisement was Twitter and outraged liberals upset that there are no black people. The games own enemy caused all of its advertisment, just like Trumps own enemies caused all of his advertisment by giving him free publication every single day on the TV.

AAA Games with the budget for actual historic settings are very rare. Looking back, you will notice most of them succeed.

What I want to know is how the fuck they made all of this for just 5 million dollars.

>"the left has lost"
>its a comparison of two video game sales

Chinks aren’t people. They have a 10 to 1 exchange rate.

>All the ego stroking over middle ages realism
>Oh but there's healing potions though

What a load of horsecock.

Can't wait to buy it later this year when all the bugs has been patched / modded away and is on sale for half the price

Snake oil type vendors have been around forever user, and the healing is just a Placebo affect.

>Sup Forums
>not a normie site

>I don't know how basic psychology works
It does work like that. If you get told your whole life that you are fat, you'll believe that. Even if you're not.


That's a fucking stretch

Then they should be named tonics or imbibements or something else in a vaguely sounding period correct, but not really, shit-speak. Not lazy fucking healing potions, like you'd see in a goddamn Oblivion mod.


If the devs were actually smart there would be a survival mode that removes that crap.

If the devs were actually smart there'd be animals and NPCs other than bandits in between quest towns.
Right now the game feels like it was designed as an empty desert with a few oasis quest hubs. Fallout 3 has more to do in the empty space, and its larger.

people who like medieval history.

It is a game, we just wanted something that represented medieval life accurately. If the potions did not work, then the player would avoid it, making it not so realistic - it is a double edged sword. All you need to do is to apply medieval logic.

The democrats had one of the shittiest electoral campaigns ever recorded, you'd think they threw the elections with how bad they've fucked up.

Efficiency will always go along way.

Sup Forums, you are the reason why Sup Forums is shitting on this game. Vavra himself said he was not a racist. This is not /yourgame/, fuck off.

It's been out for less than a week and we're already tugging our dicks over player numbers? Autism.

Not even Sup Forumstards do this
Stop false flagging.

I just want a sequel to come out, so they can make a proper game with a proper budget.

Any ideas for setting and time period? War of the Roses would be nice to play through.

The Crusades would be pretty cool.

>five years of development
>game comes out
>its a mess
>people ask for sequel on the next day

How can I clean my weapon?
It's full of blood stains that don't go away

Atmosphere, RPG mechanics, you can immediately tell that a lot of love and research was put into this, and it outweighs the lack of polish.

They have nice ideas but not enough money and manpower to make a polished game out of it. Sad.

now thats what i call social justice

i didnt even hear about the game until libtards started crying about it. then i read the reviews and explanations about the game and now im going to buy it.

it had a budget of 5 million, imagine the game with a proper budget.

Poor special snowflake. I bought it just to spite people like you

>is better game than 200 million US trash?
what are some examples of this?

people keep saying this game cost 5m to make though

fucking soy cuck!! state your argument, you fuckint tap water goblin or shut the fuck up. hell yes game will sell if sjw hate it.

>comparing a singleplayer only game that came out last year with not much replayability and almost everyone played already to a game that’s brand new.

I don’t even like DOOM but you’re just grasping at straws here.

>not understanding all time peak

Sell me on this game

it's a game without niggers

Ok here goes. True story.

>buy game yesterday because Sup Forums-kun
>go in blind, low to 0 expectations
>play from 9pm to 3am
>barely enough to make it past starting zone
>get goose bumps
>shed manly tears
>laugh out loud ten times cause dialogues are witty as fuck
>try savescumming with potions, end up being drunk af talking shit to dad while barely able to stand straight
>shit goes down, I have to run to nearest town
>most intense pursuit on horse back I have ever had the pleasure of experiencing
> VA on fucking point all the way

I’m not even out in the wild yet, and this is one of the best gaming experience in my life. I can’t even wield a sword cause I’m going the speech route.

Fistfights felt visceral, responsive.

And there’s something about the MC... I relate to him, which never happens in fantastic/dragon slaying/mermaid fucking RPGs for me.

also no niggers

is combat shit?

Forgot to add this but the fact that story and setting are historically accurate makes it a thousand times more enjoyable, as you actually learn about how life used to be 600 years ago. There’s even a “jews” page in the codex, telling you they are dune coons that used usury to rise to power.

before you start upgrading shit it can be very limited

>still no scene release

GOG version comes out in 2 weeks, 27th

the overton window is shifting

dont be naive

It's a Bioware game without SJW features

what tracker is that

see: i hadn't even heard of this game until sjws started bitching at the game for not putting nignogs in it. started reading up, thought it looked cool, ended up buying it.
>tfw retard sjws help make a game they hate successful

Sup Forums hates this game because it just came out and and most of the people who post about games on release are poorfags sour-graping over not being able to afford it. it's a janky euro rpg so everyone here will love it a year from now.


- there wasn't a story driven RPG in historical medieval setting since 1992
- the last RPG that fairly well depicts realistic medieval world (although fictional) was released fucking T E N years (10 years) ago
- the game market is literally starving for games like that, with M&B2 : neverlord not coming ever

>dunno really, it's success is an anomaly
this is the intellectual level of fags hating on KC:D everybody