Why does Sup Forums want this game to fail so much?
Is it because the dev trying to pander to Sup Forums backfired?
Why does Sup Forums want this game to fail so much?
>Why does Sup Forums want this game to fail so much?
can't enjoy something, just gotta shitpost.
It's just resetERA invading once again. Any oldfag Sup Forumsirgins are cheering for this game to win. To all newfags, reminder that SJWs have been ruining video games and that this game is our chance to strike back. Keep buying it. Keep discussing it. We are winning.
>Is it because the dev trying to pander to Sup Forums backfired?
Yes. Fucking obviously.
If I had to guess I'd say it's all of the cancer that flooded this shithole over the last year or two complaining
Oh no the literal whos are invading
Buy a shit game guys, the enemy will get you if you don't.
I'm not buying it but I hope they do well and make games in the future now that they have a larger budget and more experience.
what the fuck is resetera and why are you posting about it in every thread?
I don’t care if it succeeds or fails but it’s a piece of shit game that makes Oblivion look good in 2018 and it won’t get a penny of mine for that.
I googled it, because I never heard about it as well. It's a forum. Kinda obvious, I didn't know what I was expecting.
They don't. It's trolling and lite SJW shit posting. It's pretty fucking good man.
Niggas, what are you smoking? Kingdom Come Deliverance has been getting primarily favorable posts. Like 20:1 favorable to unfavorable.
I'm honestly wondering if the game isn't getting shilled. Both by the devs and just autistic fans willing to shill for free.
Oh, also. fuck off with this "old fags are on MY side" bullshit. We're not on your team. And we're not "striking back".
the sun
>can't handle it when people shit on their flavor of the month
Posting webms is just shitposting.
Very few people are actually serious about wanting the game to fail.
It’s definitely shills. No one ever says why the game is good, just that it is and every positive post encourages you to buy it.
I remember when this place used to call out blatant shilling.
Because there is no black knights or trans gendered kings
History is problematic.
The bugs aren't even bad, if you played NV then this ontwon't bother you, the story is great and gameplay is top notch. Its a legitimate 8 out 10. Anyone griping about it is a child or pc queer whining no magic or no blacks
>No one ever says why the game is good
It's good because it succeeds at what it tries to do - immerse you in an authentic medieval setting.
"History" um no sweetie, Africa has space ships.
i'm broke rn, there is a possibility that i will get money this week tho.
if it is 700 bucks, i won't buy this game.
if it is 2000 bucks, i will buy this game.
Which is better, playing it with a controller or with Keyboard+Mouse? Please help
>first person
do you really need to ask?
I honestly want every game to fail.
Social Jank Warriors.
>I honestly want every game to fail.
this should be a banner
why is user is a flaseflagging faggot posing as a clueless person
Because of retards like this guy shitting up the board, trying to make the game political.
fuck off neckbeard fat nazi
Whether you believe it or not, this site was infested with leftists that still won't let go of the whole gamer gate thing after all this years. Unironic food hating, helicopter fearing communists are here, along with proof from the He Will Not Divide Us shit that Sup Forums isn't as white as people thought it was.
>Is it because the dev trying to pander to Sup Forums backfired?
Why would you think that?
This game is a love letter to Czech history and medieval LARPing.
Most of Sup Forums is comprised of amerifats who have no interest in such things. Vavra even moved out of the US and rejected retarded american SJWs so that he could work on his game in peace.
its because this board is full of stupid redditor and neofags. as you said the game is pandering to Sup Forums and Sup Forums is only 10% Sup Forums
Neofags that started their own board.
Taking points for their side in the Internet Special Olympics
It feels like a consolewar thread
>it's a manchildren don't want their game to be politicized because they're trying to hide from the real world episode
Good try cuck.
Because this game was shilled to hell and back here.
I do not wish for its failure, but 12 hours into the game with a clunky combat system just ain't fun.
>it's a manchildren want to shove their identity politics into everything because they can't tell the difference between their circlejerk and the world outside it episode
because both sides are idiots
stop taking sides and just play/create video games
can u haev sex in this game
>I wasted my months food money on this game
Now i will be eating oats and rice everyday and force play this game
you should be eating oats and rice anyways and start lifting between sessions or a set or two after every hour user.
NeoFAG got closed for some time because it turned out their great pro-social justice admins are actually pedos that got charged with pedophillia and owning CP so they created a new forum which is even bigger cancer.
its because Sup Forums has been infiltrated by SJW's and commies
dont mind them they are retarded amerimutts anyways
>it's a literal nigger or kike afraid of the white man waking up episode
>apparently this game thriggers SJW
I'm in. what's it about? why does it trigger SJW?
>Buying a game literally just to spite some group of people.
What a cuck.
I've never heard of this game until today when I was looking at a list of newly cracked games. Cover looked like generic asset flip kind of game and I thought no one was talking about it because I never heard of it. Show up here and see all kinds of shitposting about it. Still have no idea what it is and don't want to google it because I need to take a massive shit.
if they were good at making videogames SocJus themed games would be good, which they aren't so they have to shit in the competition and try to guilt trip people into buying the shit they are selling to you
there's nothing more true than that.
>Depression quest
Too be honest its not a great game and its hella not worth 60€
I feel the devs have tricked everyone by spreading their own twitter posts and Based t-shirt pics on the internet because they knew it would start a internet war between right and left and give them free advertising and just look how popular this game have become
If it wasnt for those twitter/based posting nobody would know about this game or just ignore it
Even now when the game proves to be filled with bugs and glitches in every corner, shitty AI, repeating combat, and not very interesting story, people still defend it because
>Muh based devs
>Muh anti-sjw makes a game good
>Muh historical accuracy
The dev admitted he has jewish ancestry, He know naturally how to trick and decive people into giving him money
>La luz extinguido...
It's comfy, it reminds me when of my past life where there were no nigs in sight and I died because of the plague at 25. Good times.
Where's Rataje's prison? I was told to go there to interrogate a counterfitter but I can't find it for shit.
I don't care about the anti-sjw stuff, I trash on this game because it's simply not up to par.
Also, people here are trying to push that we should like the game only on the basis that it blows sjws out, but that is stupid and not enough.
The game should be good too. But it isn't.
Too late
the game is real time. The prisoner is already dead
Sup Forums was always an amerimutt board, at least they are half human, unlike others...
>No one ever says why the game is good
You mean like every other recent game on this fucking board? Just look at the new Zelda, where the only justifications for quality are "Open world DONE RIGHT" and "stay mad so(n)ycuck"
It's just the typical Sup Forums pattern of pretending to be retarded versions of each other rather than attempting any kind of discourse. Someone will pretend to be Sup Forums and make a cringy post then everyone will pretend to be an "SJW" and reply to it. It's all about (you)'s.
To be fair, they are right: it's an open world game done right and sonybros are mad as fuck and seething to this day, crying nintendobonus.
I """""defend"""""" this game just by pointing out that by your standard Stalker, Gothic, Witcher, Arcanum would all be shit games.
Any chance for a rational game discussion was lost when the dev attracted the attention of SJW, we are just experiencing the ripple effect.
People shit on it because pol fags kept shilling it, general shit posters jumping on the hate band wagon and Americans who don’t like it cause le europoor ( same kind of people who probably argue about console wars and dc vs marvel)
Games buggy as shit but if they patch it I think it’ll be very well received
what's the atmosphere like?
I really just want be immersed in a realistic open world
Buy the game and you will see why its good :-)
Make sure to play it enough so you can't refund it, because thats when the real fun begins ;-)
Usually I come here if I wanna talk or even complain about a game but this time I have to resort to Steam forums instead. This place is 90% american politics and 10% video games.
>Any chance for a rational game discussion was lost when the dev attracted the attention of SJW, we are just experiencing the ripple effect.
Because the devs doesn't give a single fuck about your serious game discussion all they want is to sell as much as possible, enough to become rich, buy a yacht and a big house at the beach
It's just some sort of autistic revenge for all the pre-release threads shilling for this game, most of which was Sup Forums shitposting "le /ourguy/"
To be fair, the game does take a long time to pick up the pace and actually let you explore. ACG said the first 6 or so hours is the tutorial so that part is true. But he also said to wait for a sale because there are tons of technical issues.
The Sup Forumsocal minority wants every game to fail, bad ones because they're bad and good ones because they're popular. Also they can't admit being wrong and since they think every game will be shit, they're often wrong and they need to post the same 3 webms in every thread for days to prove their point.
Only hidden gems are not hated too much here. They need to stay hidden though.
Sup Forums is split, either loving it or hating it
but realistically the people loving it are either shills or type like reddit so the remnants of old Sup Forums without all the normalfags past reddit invasion almost a decade ago are probably the TRUE Sup Forums opinion
>I remember when this place used to call out blatant shilling.
You mean every single day in every single thread?
>trying to pander to X
this is where they were wrong in the first place, so fuck them.
it has become a consensus in here that anyone saying anything positive about anything, its a viral marketer.
The shills went overboard and made a lot of people hate the game.
Im pretty sure most of the people here don't even know what this game is. Also, most people on ResetERA actually seem to like the game
>they're not on your team they'e on my team!
The combat sucks, I refunded it. I don't care about whatever politics are behind this game, if it's not a good game it's not worth my money.
Can I have sex in this game?