*diversities your path*
*diversities your path*
Other urls found in this thread:
Based black woman.
Makes more sense than having a black man in a game. Black women are more successful irl too.
>wants diversity
>all black women gold loop earings, big afros and the same body type
SJWs are the biggest hacks
Just gonna leave this here. Make of it what you will.
Nice video games thread faggot
I find it funny how even when they try to diversify, it's always the most stereotypical sassy black version they can make.
bottom right looks pretty cute though
but muh white bald space marines!
You're a retard. 3/4 of those games take place in the 60's.
did you mean "diversifies"?
Bottom right is cute as fuck and you know it.
Japs are free of the western politically correct stigma
Tell me user.
You're complaining about this because you know they were added in the game to please SJWs or just because you don't like black people ?
Or is it both ?
*Doesn't buy your game.*
And this reaction is wrong in what way? If you fuck with normal people they will fight back.
Gee I sure love the color brown, such a DIVERSE and BEAUTIFUL color, very PROGRESSIVE
>normal people
I want to colonize BGaE2's booty.
And that Asian one in the trailer too.
>Implying I have played any of those trash titles or ever will.
The chocolate milkers of bottom right lads...I wish racemixing wasn’t a crime.
I actually don't mind the attempts at "diversity", as they call it.
Realistically, it's just more blaxploitation but instead of TV/movies, it's video games.
There's a reason the blacks are written as stereotypes, it's what sells.
Why can't western devs make cute black girls like Sheva?
>complains about 4 black women wearing afros
>doesn't complain about the 20 DoA girls with sameface and samebody
>doesn't complain about the 50 brown haired, middle aged white males
the absolute state of Sup Forums
>Every black woman in the 60s had the same hairstyle and earings
>Getting triggered by the mere sight of non-white characters
Hoo boy, what a snowflake
wtf dats raycist
Sup Forumsfags are not normal
>all video game characters must be white, male heterosexuals
I wasnt just the Sup Forums and Sup Forums. You could see it all across youtube and twitter.
>Sup Forums
Leave this place immediately.
>Attempt diversity
>Make the same woman four times
Cool shit
I cant begin to imagine how hard life must be for people like OP. Getting constantly uptight over the slightest trivial thing. Comes with the territory of being a bigot I guess
What's hilarious about the Sup Forums takeover is they try to pretend like this is how Sup Forums always was. I'm sure someone has the image from ~2010 or so of all the AAA releases with white guys with short brown hair and 5 o'clock shadow as the main character. People actually used to complain about that.
fuck off Sup Forums
>a group of rag tag space pirates
Based pol-tard.
because sheva was modeled after a black+white+indian female
you don't want black women, you want mixed brown women instead
I miss when le bald space marine was the biggest gripe we had
Why are you obsessed with race?
Boy are you in for a surprise
>beyond good and evil
>still worries with morality of needing niggers in games to fill quotas
Hm, interesting choice for a name.
But mixed brown women are a result of racemixing which Sup Forums says is a bad thing...
Here comes the diversity.
>welcome to /v, the post
I hope you guys keep this same energy when we get another straight white male with dark hair and scruffy beard character for the billionth time.
>Implying her problem wasn't black but that she was based of of the Everybody Hates Chis mom
Put Terry Crews in there and the Black Freedom fighters might as well be straight parody.
Why do you retarded a-logical dipshits play that racism card with such ease? You know, I voted for Obama the first time and also accused people who didn't like him of being racist. Now I realize they didn't just like some dipshit daddy-long-legs lawyer who spent most of his life hanging out with communists. Imagine my embarrassment now.
Almost all of my best friends in my life, from early childhood until now, including my current one for almost 15 years are black. I graduated from a 99% black high school. My only two roommates in my life were FOB Chinese first and then black. The latter I chose to live with a second year, and would've continued had I not had to move. We're still great friends. I grew up in New Orleans and live in Atlanta.
Forced diversity quotas are bad and they are BAD for black people. If you actually treated them like human beings, you'd understand this. But, you've probably never even seen one irl, so this is how you cope with that.
To be fair that's old Capcom, nu-Capcom would be probably fuck it up just as bad.
Goddamn is she cute in the business suit, it's impossible to take your eyes off her face in the cutscenes
>implying a lack of diversity is le problematic
unironically kys
There's literally nothing wrong with having white males as dominant protagonist.
>when your idea of normality is a 300lb neckbeard screaming about the feminist SJW marxist interracial-loving commies online
Some Ethiopian and Somalian girls are cute too
>white male tells you about how his female friend got her head cut off in front of him about a say or two ago
>Says she had "balls of steel"
>Get so triggered you have to go on a rant over balls while this guy is mourning his friend
Did they think this character was likeable or something?
Black girls are cute tho
So the same brown haired males and the same afro black chicks. Boring idea both way fegget.
>we need to cater to a minority just because
That's like a bunch of white/asian/latino people go Uganda and demand more representation in the media just because they happen to live there.
Give an inch, take a mile. Fucking niggers I swear.
Mixed race people are healthier and more attractive.
>people still buys this kind of game
Sorry, but I think you took a wrong turn, this isn't resetera.
Sheva is the most perfect black woman ever created. I've never seen one as good in real life, in videos, or anything. Sheva is perfect.
you got me
You mean... like the majority of people that actually play games?
inb4 le 56% memes
Top right is LITERALLY a convict though...
>tfw no game with manchurian character
>implying there's anything wrong with that
Roastie get out
Mercedes won me over. Capcom has some next level wizards doing character creation.
Those really were the good old days.
Remember you could play as a fucking alien or a dog or something cool
It's not a meme when most mutts do tend to look ugly.
And hapas are usually also mentally unstable, half-blacks tend to have daddy issues because dad bailed out, etc.
>Forced diversity quotas are bad and they are BAD for black people.
Dude it's a fucking video game, who cares.
>it's just Casca
>next level character creators
Pretty sure he's a model now. Got turned into a meme and got a job.
Weird times.
Bruh, you know I love me some Mercedes too, but I still think Sheva is better.
Yaknow those images where a guy is gonna hang himself to get to anime waifus? I want that but with Sheva.
t. Amanda Waller
>fps protags (can't even see the face anyway)
>characters that usually have masks over their face
>default customisable characters
>every single character on there doesn't care if they're black, white or asian and doesnt strut around like theyre masterrace. even BioShock infinite where racism is clearly a problem
>every black women with afro hair always has the same personality type = "independent women who don't need nobody and could kick any white mans ass". Everyone on that list has completely different agendas and personalities.
they do
name one gay lead male that isnt a fujoshit dating sim or western "i was gay and bullied 2tragedy" shit
Why would you ever care what Sup Forums says?
>cherrypicking white models vs average brownish people
this is such a bait image
>give them all afros
There. Not it's (((diversity)))
>you are a better person if your color pallete is more varied
sasuga Sup Forums chan
How about for the sake of variety? Seeing essentially the same character in every game gets old real quick. I have 0 problem playing a game as a black man/woman/whatever, I really don't see why so many Sup Forumsfags here do. I mean didn't any of you play San Andreas? How do you justify that with your racism?
Having the same character for everything is fucking boring, retard
Good, black girls with afros are my fetish
*unzips privilege*
Half of them are europeans, top left is german, bottom right is belgian.
He got meme’d out of prison, became a model and recently left his kids and wife for a billionaire heiress.
Oh, so this was never about "forced diversity" or any of those bullshit buzzwords that get thrown about around here. It's just "we want all characters to be white like us", cool, got it.
I admire your dedication.
>When she frankensteiner'd Jill
I wish she'd come back. But with RE7 my hopes are lost
I don't care how ugly most black women are in real life. You are making a game you might as well give players something nice to look at.
This was hilarious fuck you.
>all these triggered white bois
We should leave colored "female" characters to Japan.
Was there an outbreak of clones of the same black woman in the 60s?
>white males
>In the same sentence
Leave the BGAE2 cutie alone.