How do I play this game?
100yrs in and I keep losing titles on succession and pissing off vassals that I never wanted in the first place calling me a tyrant
How do I even give away land to be within my demesne?
How do I play this game?
100yrs in and I keep losing titles on succession and pissing off vassals that I never wanted in the first place calling me a tyrant
How do I even give away land to be within my demesne?
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watch a youtube tutorial and start as an independent count in ireland
You don't, it's shit.
Get a better succession law
Stop executing people
Don't understand the last question. Your demesne is the provinces you own directly (provinces you are a count of). If you want to own a certain province in your territory that you don't hold directly you have to revoke the title of the guy who is holding it.
CK is as fun as you want it to be, don't try to conquer the whole world but do stuff that seems interesting to you. Also this Ireland is a really good starting point.
How am I doing?
I honestly have no idea
That's how I pissed off my vassals
My nigga died and someone else got Ireland so I revoked his titles and started a rebellion that I put down quick
My last question is how do I know to whom to grant Landed Titles too without empowering my vassals?
What is your succession law?
>9/8 domains
>2 vassals
>heir in prison
>ugly wife
There's i no getting good. CK2 has no set goals. Do what you want and live with the consequences, that's all there is to it. If you want to play a map map painting simulator then go play Risk instead.
And yes, watch a tutorial. The in-game one is hopelessly useless.
The general rule of them is to make your vassal weak by granting every county within a duchy to a unique, landless, claimless courtier in your demesne, and then grant the duchy to one of the Counts within the respective duchy.
For example, if you have a 3-country duchy in your realm you don't want to hold, grant all three counties to individual courtiers, and then once, and then bury them out of your vassal limit by granting the duchy to one of the counts within it. This keeps any single count from becoming too powerful by making sure his personal holdings are still limited. They're almost always still plotting niggers though and will try to expand their titles by claiming ones they don't have within their duchy.
Don't revoke titles unless you have a claim on them or manage to fabricate treason on your vassals.
Agnatic Gavelkind
The only ones available to me are Elective Gavelkind and Tanistry which aren't available for another 7yrs
Couldn't change them earlier because half my vassals disliked me
She was better as a loli
Oh okay, that sounds good
I got lucky with one bro tier vassal cause I pressed his claim on a northern duchy
Now I guess I gotta figure out which of my courtiers would be brotier vassals. Surprisingly, there's about 3 women in my court with claims to titles in Ireland but they're not allowed to hold them
Don't grant titles within your realm to courtiers who have claims on them (at least I don't), and especially don't grant titles to courtiers with claims on your personal titles. They'll automatically hate you because you hold lands that they have a right to hold as well.
Also, as a king or emperor, you are personally allowed to hold 2 duchies. It is in your best interest to directly hold every single country in both of your ducal titles.
>Agnatic Gavelkind
This means that your titles will distributed among all your male children. You want to change that to primogenitur as soon as possible. For the moment, try to only have one son.
Always take a keen interest in educating your vassals heirs and fostering them to love you.
A big problem usually comes as your shit sons have kids then they begin to plot for for your heirs titles about two generations down the line.
Best to send non crown princes into the church or on risky military adventures before they can become a problem but without you having to murder your own dynasty.
So keep making duchies and give them potential bros? Sounds reasonable
My bitch ass council doesn't want to approve anything besides taxes. My grandfather had lustful and popped babies out left and right should I get rid of them?
I sent one faggot son on a suicide mission with my previous ruler
He defeated a rival rebel army outnumbered 3 to 1. He became Wrothful and earned +3 Military might and also the title: the Cruel. Then he inherited my kingdom when my nigga died of gout
You actually shouldn't create duchies until you're reaching your vassal limit. You can leave your vassals as single-county-holding counts directly under you until you need to free up more vassals slots when you try to expand your realm. Counts under a Duke count as their vassals, not yours.
>My bitch ass council doesn't want to approve anything besides taxes. My grandfather had lustful and popped babies out left and right
Don't worry. Gavelkind is kinda hard to manage, but is also has its perks. Try to only get one son for your current ruler. You could try and become chaste after the first one is born or make unwanted sons disappear.
Also, bribing your council helps.
also here's over 9,000 hours in ms paint to tell you how to keep vassals weak
So try and make everyone hold a single title? Is it possible to get rid of vassals in my court? It's getting kind of crowded
My dude doesn't want to plot to kill his children
And Im still getting the Title Loss on Succession message even tho my brother died in grorious battre without any heirs
Ill put it on a magnet on my tower :]
play saxony and raid the english coast
>My dude doesn't want to plot to kill his children
You can't plot to kill your own children. That would be too easy. You have to be more imaginative than that.
It's most optimal to make sure they hold a single title, but for the counts you decide to grant a duchy to, make sure they hold a county inside of that respective duchy.
Also small tip for the future, because lots of new players bounce off of this - how to deal with big rebellions.
When you're a king of big-ass kingdom, you'll eventually face rebellions that will make your dominion look like swiss cheese (especially if you have no council power and primogeniture) where there will be rebels all over the place, often in numbers greater than your current troop count.
If you have access to the sea (if not, everytime I say something se related imagine some faraway shithole in your kingdom), try to gather all your troops on one shore through boats. group them, manouver each and every one stack (even smaller ones) so that they avoid enemies, unless you have some fat stack versus their smaller ones - in that case, eliminate the fuckers.
After you gather them in one place, don't panic, you have time. Sieging is long process, and rebels lose steam with every siege, month etc. Use the mobility that the boats are giving you (they are immortal, as there's no naval combat) to intevene where you see a weak points, siege down capital etc.
Even the worst rebels can be contained that way.
Read tooltips, do stupid things, and roleplay according to your character traits
If you don't have a potential game-ending situation every generation, you're playing too safe
teach me senpai
but not as the Hessians
>How do I even give away land to be within my demesne?
i dont think you know what demesne means.
your demesne is the collection of all your personally owned holdings, i.e. castles (baronies). each county you own is part of your demesne because you own counties by owning its capital holding. (some counties are actually theocracies or republics because their capital is a church or a city respectively)
build a strong demesne; pick a county that has several free holding slots to build castles in, preferably one in a strong duchy. you get levy bonuses in your capital duchy (the duchy your capital county is in) and you get the most out of your steward and marshal by placing them on your capital county where you have several castles.
if youre tribal, empty holding slots improve your tribal holdings levy size and tax output.
only counts and above are actually vassals in that they are affected by your vassal limit.
if youre above your demesne limit, hand out counties preferably outside of your capital duchy to people who like you. by the time you go above your vassal limit you should be a king, so you can hand out a duchy title and transfer counts to the new duke.
check their opinion modifiers. they will usually hate you because you are controlling part of their duchy and because theyre not on the council.
if youre being called a tyrant its probably because you checked "auto stop plots" and imprisoned someone after theyve already agreed to end their plot
Yeah I typed that completely wrong
I got a lot of people that want to be on the council with shit stats, how do I deal with that?
post ck2 moments
>playing as king of castille
>get into satanism why not
>end up at 60 years old with money, fame, and about 8 kids well educated
>living the good life
>fuck it another kiddo
>it's a girl, but she's also possessed, thots never change
>she ends up killing my kids one by one
>down to the one boy
>thot begone in prison
>killings stop
>all is good, eventually die
>play as only surviving member of the family, everyone else was murdered by a literal demon
>doing okay-ish, busy deus vulting so not alot of men
>sister escapes like magic
>several years later the aztec are attacking with all it's might, plaguing europe and murdering it bit by bit
>lose the game
>i check the aztec leader
>it's my sister
>mfw she cucked entire aztec civilization
sorry, played the game a long time ago. so i don't really remember the details like date etc.
>pick grand chief theoderic
>institute title revocation law
>move capital to hamburg because holstein is the best duchy
>subjugate sjaelland
>revoke high chiefdom of holstein
>plot to revoke all counties within it
>move capital to lübeck after you die
>always give counties you dont care about to your sons because otherwise they might inherit your capital on elective gavelkind succession because paradox
>if feudals declare war on you let them die due to attrition in pagan lands
>focus on conquering land that is de jure part of the empire of germania
>raid everyone for insane amounts of gold and prestige
>form empire of germania
>reform paganism
>institute tribal organization
>adopt feudalism
>spend all your amassed wealth on castles and some cities
you start by disabling conclave because it's a shit expansion
usually you should be fine as long as you follow the rules of keeping your demesne strong and your vassals weak, but if something out of the ordinary happens just check if you can live with a shitty councillor for a while. basically i only start caring about them once a faction becomes dangerous
powerful vassals are just vassals with the most amount of troops. See if they have enough to be a real threat and if they aren't just use a good councilor instead
I should add that you can create a new powerful vassal by just giving more land to someone.
That's nearly as good as a Dorf Fort story, holy shit
How do change capital? Is that Crown Focus thingy? And fuck making money, I have 3 jews on my council and barely making more money
I only turned off Aztec in the rurrs at game start
Thanks m8
Any real goals I should set for myself or is roleplaying the key to fun
Is blobbing even really possible in this game?
Any tips for being a king to a strong kingdom like Hungary or Englad - without conquering the world?
I find myself with nothing to do after creating the kingdom, as I'm really not interested in expanding territory, I just want to be really fucking strong within the kingdom. 4-5 Duchies are enough.
I'm thinking something along the lines of making strong allies around myself and just developing my country. Maybe make some others my bitches via tributes.
Take back Jerusalem
You get used to it.
With enough allies, you'll get dragged into conflicts anyway, no need to force it.
You could also work on establishing your dynasty as rulers of other European empires. I don't really know what to do when I form my realm to completion either so I become a blobnigger.
Also, I have a weak claim on Francia, how do I keep that down the line? I plan on conquering the British Isles slowly and then going form there
Play as a norse, you can raid people and get tons of money. Don't even need to be pagan, just norse culture (you can educate your son to be norse, it's probably the best culture in the game anyway)
My marshal was caught shaking down peasants for cash with the troops
How can I go about revoking his title(s)
Right click his portrait and click imprison. If you can't lawfully do so it will say "This option will be viewed as tyrannical by your vassals and will reduce their opinion of you by x amount". If you can that won't appear.
Wont let me banish the nigga
How am I supposed to roleplay with the title of 'The Just' if I can't get rid of dishonorable niggas?
Mod that game. CK2+ or HIP and enhanced audio
>enhanced audio
owo what's this?
You can send you chancellor and fabricate a claim on his land. If he disagrees you declare a war on him. Once you defeated him, you can revoke his titles. If your imprisonment law is set to ruler
Scandy trash detected
This is good advice.
The sea is your best friend during giant rebellions.
The sea and retinues.
are you that stupid?
>implying i'm a wh*toid subhuman
Any good podcasts or something to keep in the background as I play?
I only have on monitor but I don't mind documentary and movie recommendations either
The Greatest Story Never Told
> playan as Castille
> Jews everywhere
> one wise old heretical Karaite Jew is court tutor
> converts my daughter to Jewishness
> whatever, girls lol who cares
> her 3 brothers die childless
> o fug
> end up playing as Heresy Jew Queen of Castille
> rebellions fuckin everywhere
> somehow manage to keep a lid on it
> imprison everyone who defied me and reverse-Spanish-Inquisition them into converting to Jew heresy
> kingdom flourishes into golden age
> use EUIV save converter
> entire reneissance age becomes a world superpower struggle between the Orthodox Christian Byzantine-Russian axis and the Hispanic Jew
> Roman Cuba
> Hispanojewish Pacific Islands
> 1821 comes and I've been bogged down in WW1-style cross-European trench warfare for 600 years
You could write a sick ass book about that alt history timeline
>Hold a tournament
>3 claimants to titles died in it
Fucking awesome
>Also, I have a weak claim on Francia, how do I keep that down the line?
You can make non-heritable weak claims heritable again by declaring a war for them. As long as you can at least fight to a white peace, the claim becomes heritable.
Although desu I wouldn't bother, it'll be several generations before you're in a position to have a genuine crack at Francia, and it'll be easier to just find an appropriate French princess closer to time and make yourself a new claimant.
The French dont wanna fug my Irishmen
Pictland is starting to move in on th elast free duchy tho. I dont know who to focus. The Picts are united and England isn't
In the early game your best bet is getting into alliances with Big Guys via marriage, then you can let them do all the heavy lifting in warfare for you.
I once successfully waged war to become King of France when I was a one-province count, by marrying the granddaughter of the Holy Roman Emperor. And then when her father became Emperor I just sic'd him on France for me.
It's hit and miss because allies can prove unreliable, but the rewards are commensurate to the risks.
>The French dont wanna fug my Irishmen
Assassinate their princess' current husbands and/or sign betrothals with underage lolis.
Making princesses fug you is 80% of the skill in this game.
Don't need to fight wars for titles if you're the legitimate heir because all the other heirs accidentally got pushed off their balconies in quick succession :^)
in my first game I had Ireland and Wales well under my control but there was no way I could stand up to then combined might of England and Scotland, so I just married my heir into becoming like 12th in their succession and killed off everyone.
Watch an Arumba tutorial series on youtube.
Beware: he is a racist and threw his mulatto son out of a window.
My plots never seem to work until the target is old as fuck anyway
You need to be liked and they need to be moderately disliked.
Having a high intrigue increases your plot score, having a high diplomacy increases people's opinion of you.
git gud
here's a fun life hack for succession troubles if you REALLY want to just dodge the entire system
>don't marry at all/marry an older woman that can't have kids
>go seduction focus and fuck women in your court
>acknowledge the sons as yours
just legitimize one of them. wait and see which one seems the "best" if you want to go maximum gamey, but just don't die without a legitimized bastard
>those borders
Pre-1066 not even once.
You wanna play a multiplayer game? Can teach you the basics if needed. Just don't fuck my wife.
i absolutely love just how completely unrecognizable the world becomes when a weird CKII save is imported to EU4 and that game's hyperblobbing gets to happen
What the fuck are those borders
One of my first games
>playing as Leon
>my brothers mysteriously die childless leaing everything to me
>then I die leaving only a female heir
>sneaky little rat bastard becomes regent
>on my 15 birthday he gets me declared insane and locked up "for my own safety"
>I am forced to watch for ten years as he destroys my lands for his own personal gain
>these long years cause me to become bitter and cruel
>old friend of my father finally usurps the position of regent
>Immediately releases me
>he is now my right hand man as I go about restoring my kingdom
>the rat and his family are still alive but wish they weren't
Let me tell you the story of my greatest character. She didn't have the highest score, so few of the best ones do, but to tell her story we must start with her uncle.
>From Viking age start, small duchy in burgandy
>Guy was the last male in the line, and this two year old girl was the only one left other than him
>Start a war in the name of her father, who was a Karling, for East Francia
>Uncle dies half way through the war, leaving this two year old girl as my last chance
>The wars East Francia had engaged in have ended, and now they are rallying their forces
>Playthrough over...
>Except my last stack of forces faced one of their smaller stacks before the war and captured the king.
>Instant win
>Karling father was either celibate or jailed, I can't recall which
>Wait for the age of sixteen, push to change succession laws
>She is maimed and left one eyed in battle
>Change laws to Agnatic Cognatic, inherit Germany after father has a tragic manure related accident
>Lead wars on my claims in Europe that lasts decades. Marry, have a couple of kids, but actually she turned out to be a lesbian
>Also cruel, also wroth
>Lesbian lover ended up being a vassal duchess then Queen of Ireland after I formed the empire
>The old bitch outlived all of her kids, and died in her 80's
She was the best character ever.
>play as primogeniture
>play merchant republic
>Yo who the fuck are my children my cousin twice removed is a genius and 8 years younger than me so he'll be my heir, excuse me as I go seduce the other patricians' wives and my sister's children
jesus christ user, spoiler your gore
CK2 bugs can get pretty funny.
>crusades in 903
pre-1066, never.
>always liked the concept of the game as historical drama simulator
>can't ever muster up the will to play it and learn how it works
perhaps i am a brainlet
Is it true peasent girls back then had big jugs?
It's daunting at first but it gets real simple real quick
Not really
The 60s was the period in US history with the biggest jugs
Average cup size was C
Yes, they did a study about this