Are you still playing?
Are you still playing?
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Yeah but I'm taking a break. I keep fucking up on the Diablo for some reason.
Taking a break, got my armor set but can't be bothered to grind decorations and RNG.
Absolutely. But PS4 Base model so loading times make it hard
Yea. Just hit my 200 hour mark
Yeah I just got to HR or something, idk there's monsters and I need to hit them with my fuck off huge hammer.
>tfw 5 more levels for hr 100
>have to kill 20 elder dragons
Yeah but I can't decide between dual blades or hammer
>140 hours in, farming tempered faggots for decorations
I'll probably get bored in a day or two and stop till they release some DLCs.
No. Beat Xeno after 80 hours and immediately lost all desire to keep playing. Will probably come back for Jho.
>Mash buttons like a chimp and trip everyone over while hitting nothing but the monsters feet until everyone else kills the monster for you while you sit there locked in a ten minute long animation burning all your stamina
>Smashing the monster's head with surgical precision, cementing your place as the leader of the party, providing a service to your group with free KOs and exhausts and never bouncing on attacks
The choice is clear.
>want fangs from Vaal
>20 kills later
>2 fangs
>6 gems
By the time i get what i want, i won't even remember what i wanted to begin with. At least I have this fucker down to a science now.
It took me like twelve Zorah attempts to get the ten carapaces I needed while I have seven gems sitting in storage. Every time you start to think the desire sensor is just superstition it slaps you in the face yet again. Zorah is so fucking boring to fight, jesus christ.
Yeah, just killed Rathalos for the first time. Pretty slow but I play for only 2-3 hours a day.
Picked the game up a few day's ago and it's gotten it hooks in me. It's also my first Monster Hunter and I haven't tried other weapons yet besides the long sword fits. Can some of you vets tell me a weapons tier list for this game.
how do I git gud with hammer? I'm a noob at this game and I have the tendency to wanna button mash or go fast
>The choice is clear.
Yeah, I too like mashing buttons.
You can get at least 1 fang+, often 2, sometimes even 3 per hunt that way.
If possible use investigations with golden reward slots to hunt him for extra rewards.
>By the time i get what i want, i won't even remember what i wanted to begin with
There's a wish list in the menu. Saved me a lot of time going through weapons looking for which one I wanted to upgrade after half a day of farming.
Of course
I really need an endgame set for sns though
any tips?
I just realized I'm still in my Great Jagras armor
>It took me like twelve Zorah attempts to get the ten carapaces I needed
That's what you get for following those retarded instructions game gives you instead of mining every outcrop on his body. You don't even need to break all the magma cores and engage Nerg, just break the two closes ones and mine till you get to the barrier.
for Lance should I start off on ore tree or bone?
yes, at least 3 times a week which is okay with a fulltime job a gf and working out
Why aren't you using the plunder blade on your kot user?
Not that user, but I had plunderblade on my cat for 12 hunts of Vaal. Got 3 fangs the whole time, and 4 gems.
I just want to finish a fucking Vaal set and make at least one Vaal weapon. Why is he like this.
Work on getting a stun sword and shield. I dont know if world will make it work but its really fun to stun a monster every other hit
>plunder blade
Not him but there's such a thing?
Guess I have to start reading the cat weapon descriptions too.
The weapon that is effective is the weapon you're effective with, everything is viable if you know how to use it. But I'd say, the three weapons that you have to put the least effort in to yield the most results are charge blade, dual blades and long sword. The ones where you have to put a lot of effort in are lance, hunting horn and insect glaive (not because it is difficult to use but because its damage output is abysmal unless doing ground combos while buffed). Everything else is inbetween
>tempered Kirin
>the fucker can one-click me with a lightning bolt, even with 30 thunder res and 380 defence
if I die once, the gooks I'm usually stuck with die pretty soon after, but how the fuck
Here's what you what you want.
Pro tip. It's not from dual blades.
Three fangs from the cat or just in general? My gf was having the same issue grinding for his full set after about 30+ runs she got the set.
You have to do the grimalkyne quests in each zone aside from recess and you'll end up having 5 palico gadgets including vigorwasp
In general. Putting together a partbreaker hammer set just to be able to smash the face guaranteed every hunt.
Thunder mantle is bretty useful, the way I usually beat him is solo and only using the hammers level 2 uppercut. Also if you have, equip 3 bagel gear pieces, can and will save you from carting
Just started doing my investigation on Nergigante. All the new monsters in the Everstream tore my asshole apart, but I can slap HR Diablos around pretty good so that feels nice.
Well shit user sorry for the unnecessary grind. I'm aiming for the Tea&Toast set. Are you on PS?
>I just want to finish a fucking Vaal set
You'll look like a ring wraith from LOTR but the HP regen and efluvia resistance is nice for more Vaal grinding and even for some low thread tempered monster farming.
Lance ore tree is far better than bone unless you want very specific stuff
XenoJiva's DB are better than I expected, I just did a 4min solo Nergigante and Im not even good.
Not him but I'm down to grind some teo, desperately need his gem and he's the only one that doesn't drop them nearly as much as the rest of em
Yeah, just hit HR 47.
I have the Vaal set done except for the gloves, and even with only triple-speed heal instead of quadruple, it still makes Gunlance fucking invincible. Been workshopping a Bazel/Rath set for Earplugs+Weakness Exploit though. Gonna go after Diablos parts next to get Slugger for Hammer.
80 hours and still going strong. A game hasn't grabbed me like this in years. I think I'm still only HR 12.
I use a hammer and I still mash my attack buttons. I couldn't get a read on the actual timing of the chained attacks because the frame rate is all over the place so inputs get dropped. I just started mashing triangle or cicrle, it seems to work just fine.
yeah, 90+ hours in still enjoying it.
only HR 14 cause i've done every optional quest available first and i'm a mh newbie
taking a break. moved onto bloodborne now. both are great games.
i have the most fun with hammer. i get the quickest kill times with hammer, too. Diablos Hammer is a fucking wrecking ball.
>Mash R2+O then press O to win
>If a monster is on a slope then you can wreck its fucking shit
fucking great fun.
What with the monster growl mechanic? It just annoyingly halts the gameplay at random and doesn't really seem to affect anything. Is there a way to counter it?
Tfw my perfect build is locked behind rng.
Even tempered elders can't be efficient enough for rare7/8 decoration I want.
>10 minutes for one run if no one carted, which happens 20% of the time
>2 or 3 decoration rewards
>rare 6
>rare 7/8 comes out maybe every 5 run (around 1 hour)
>it's not the one I want
By the time getting all those decorations, I'm already too good at killing these tempered elders without the perfect build anyway.
Gems drop rates are so fucking shit, it pisses me off
earplugs if i think i know what you mean
i assume you mean when they roar?
I absolutely agree it's fucking bullshit -- I wish there was a way for players to animation cancel that was similar to what monsters can do, too -- if only for the PC.
Earplugs skill, B52 armor has some parts with it and you can craft a charm with some more.
Need level 5 to be completely immune but it's perfectly worth it because you can just wail on the wailing monster.
I spent two hours farming that blue blinding lizard in Coral Highlands and by the time I finally got the parts I needed I couldn't remember what I needed them for.
On the other hand I hunted two Rathians and got more than enough parts for the gear and the weapons I wanted. The game's weird sometimes.
hey dudes i'm currently at HR 12 and my current story quest is to kill the pink rathian.
how long until i hit endgame properly?
i have put 50 hours into this game so far...
Much appreciated.
>Brief opening (monster just charged past you and you're running to catch up) - Charge lv2 (upswing)
>Medium opening (monster just did a 180 spin and you're lying in wait next to its tail for its head to reach you) - Charge lv3 stationary (superpound)
>Long opening (Rath doing a triple fireball while you're standing to the side of its head in no danger) - Triangle x3 (triple pound)
>Monster KO'd or down after mount - Circle x5 (Big Bang Combo)
Never ever use Charge lv1 or Charge lv3 while moving, and try to hold up Power Charge (circle while charging) as much as possible. It's really simple. The rest is solely down to your positioning.
Tried playing last night, but just couldn't give a shit. I haven't even killed the fluffy bat monster yet. The game is just kinda boring.
besides earplugs you can i-frame it with a roll, atleast the initial one when it's just 1 monster is pretty easy to get down
Am I just more of a shitter then I think I am, or are A ranks in the arena quests next to impossible?
you're welcome bro. happy hunting!
The Dualvirgin vs the hammerchad
In previous games Tigrex's roar would do damage and knockback if you were close enough, I don't know if any of World's monsters do that.
you can also block the roar if you time it right, that is if you're using a blocking weapon (CB, GS, SnS, GL)
They don't scale down to solo, so you pretty much have to be flawless to get an A-rank by yourself.
i'll believe one of those 3. your choice as to which
I've been wanting to try out bow and the weeb swords. Which are the best versions and what armor/decorations are best for them?
Ive got everything but hr kirin armor unlocked.
This is an un-killable alpha predator in the world of monster hunter
Playing through World can really make you appreciate how far the series has come. It's very good.
>my current story quest is to kill the pink rathian.
Story, not optional?
Can't find Pink rathian assignment only Pink Anjanath.
God dammit. I almost never use my ps4 anymore and I really don't want to reup plus for one game...
I'm playing it now
"beat" the game but I still have jack shit for decorations, plus I'm considering making a handicraft set so I don't have to just use nergigante weapons.
How do people NOT use nergigante weapons? I mean yeah no white sharpness but 5 points in handicraft is a big investment.
oh fuck so i need friends..? haven't really tried Arena yet, i assume you can't SOS it?
alright alright the specific quest name for it is "old world monster in the new world" or some shit like that, then
Use trial PSN+ if you didn't.
If you did, make another account and activate + on that one, if one account has + all can do multiplayer.
Farmed Xeno'jiiva that way.
Oh, you're pretty far then, only 4 eldrer dragons left starting with Nergigante and then final boss for story mode.
Only whenever somebody asks me to, but now Im going out of my way to play shittier weapons whenever I play with people.
Yes because even tho I got it on release day I'm a filthy wagekek who works 9 hours a day and autistically go the gym 3 times a week, so I've barely played 40 hours so far
I haven't played it yet. In fact, I'm on the fence because I heard it has barely any content and I just KNOW they're gonna shit out a G/Ultimate version within the next couple of years anyway.
>There's a slope - a gorillion damage with a spike at the end and free mounts into KOs
Really trivialized my introduction to Nergigante after all that hubbub about the dreaded dive bomb and what not.
This but replace gym with fiancee
It has about as much content as the og monhun, if not a little more.
If you can wait, wait for pc for better graphics and for all the dlc monsters to have been released.
Wageslave here
~140 hours clocked, playing whenever I am home.
Building new sets and trying new strategies every other day.
Only played Lance and GS so far and have no interest in any other weapon.
GS is so satisfying to play I just don’t need other weapons
A what now?
At least one friend. Arena allows 2 players, and the times are pretty tight even for 2. There was usually some kind of reward for at least completing each arena quest with every weapon it offers, and for getting an A rank on every one, but I don't know if World does anything but the leaderboard. You can get the arena-specific drops with any time, really.
I'm burnt out after 60 hours. Don't have any drive to track the elder dragons or try fighting azure rathlos or farm nirgigante. Currently replaying botw and dbfigherz
It's kind of like a black hole, except it only effects money, also will occasionally spit out smaller versions of itself.
>The game is just kinda boring
I'm sorry about your disease, I hope you get well soon.
It's at its best in MHW. You can do the weekly challenge for a golden ticket to exchange for any gem, and investigations with gold rewards can give gems.
Just watch this video and let the memories come flooding back
How do you get sacs? Is it rng?
>if no one carted
LMAO imagine being so shit you need to be carried online
It's the only game I play on my down time.
Gonna take a break when Bayo 2 comes in though.
Anyone got any advide on how to get the monster gems in High Rank? Need Legian Gem and captured him 6 times in a normal Quest and 2 Times in an investigation. Still didn't get it. Had the same problem in the old monster hunters. Fuck those gems
Yes. Haven't played mh since mhfu and loving it. Have double cross on the way so I can play monhun at work
Its like reaching high rank but with a girlfriend
whats g rank?
I just beat tempered kirin this morning. It wasnt since fighting ratholos for the first time where I really had to rethink my armour sets.